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(Message started by: SommelierCH on Sep 26th, 2003, 1:47pm)

Title: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by SommelierCH on Sep 26th, 2003, 1:47pm
There are many roads to bring enlightenment to the world. All of us in Clusterville, should find the road that we are comfortable with, then work that road. I wish that I had the medical knowledge to converse coherently with doctors and the medical profession about our plight. But I don’t, I am always studying, but I’m not there. What I kinda know is: celebrities, entertainment business, wine and food. My road is chosen for me, now, I’m just trying to work that road.

All of you reading this know about ClusterHeadaches, almost all of you have at least heard of 100% Oxygen as an abortive. Let’s not keep this news to ourselves, let’s get the word out, any way we can, to the people who have no idea why their eye is going to explode. They are our brothers and sisters, we owe it to them. All of us have been there. Don’t you wish you had seen a television show on ClusterHeadaches?

The plan is to have all the ClusterHeads and Supporters around the world focus on one Target every week, with a barrage of email. We only want them to know… that we exist. Everything else WILL follow.

There will be 52 Email Targets every year. In this election year, many of these Targets will be politico’s, including the President, Presidential candidates, Congressional Committee Chairpersons who govern our health care, etc. We are starting out with the media. This is, as DJ said, “baby steps”.

The Email Target this week is The Discovery Channel (which was a popular suggestion, on this board, as an alternative to the original Montel). I hope everyone can now, finally, rally around this Email Target. Here is the direct link to their Viewer Relations Contact Page. As far as I can tell this is the only way to contact Discovery Heath.

Tell a small part of your story in two paragraphs, or just ask them to do a show on us. Who knows what will eventually get through?

These revised categories might help:

How we support and love each other.
The strength of the Supporters (you are angels for all of us).
Short bio’s of personal hell.
Hassles with Doctors.
Hassles with Insurance.
Hassles with Employers.
Definition of our pain.
How we deal with our families, how our families deal with us.
Remedies we’ve tried, to relieve the pain.
Meds that fuck up your life.
Financial burden of CH.
Internet medical support groups in general.
Any life-threatening misdiagnosis’.

Post back here if you emailed Discovery Channel, it will encourage others to get on board, and even a one word reply will help to keep this thread alive for any tweeners.

I guess I have to say from now on, this is not an OUCH approved project. I am doing this on my own volition. Believe me, I’m the first one to admit that I’m a whacko. But I’m used to me, by now.
David J.

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Callico_Kid on Sep 26th, 2003, 2:06pm
I do'ed it. ;D  Hope it helps.


Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by CC on Sep 26th, 2003, 2:28pm
First Name                    Chris
Last Name                   B
Email Address    

Question Regarding     Network/Program Related
Postal/Zip Code           L3C4M1
Signal Provider/
Cable Company           Cogeco
Network Discovery Health Network (or) The Health Network
Information needed    Other
Program/Show           Medical Mysteries
Last Watched             last week

Ok Done, Next assignment please!!!!

Title: Because it's there
Post by rumplestiltskin on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:33pm
Done deal

Walk in the sunshine

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:44pm
Done deal.  I think this is one of the best ideas anyone has had.  If we all joined together, we might just be able to get some air time, and some notice ...... which could only be a good thing !!!!!!!

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Cerberus on Sep 26th, 2003, 3:51pm
UssCerebus reporting.........

Target aquired.........firing for effect.


Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Prense on Sep 26th, 2003, 5:55pm
Thanks again David!

Nice selection!

Done...   ;D

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Sep 26th, 2003, 9:40pm
thanks David for the link...that was pretty easy :)

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by fubar on Sep 26th, 2003, 10:51pm

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Charlie on Sep 26th, 2003, 11:21pm
Makes 2 for me.

The Health Network is a good idea. I just got it here.

Nicely done kids


Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by taraann on Sep 27th, 2003, 12:14am
Done ;D

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by DJ on Sep 27th, 2003, 1:11am
Done here too.  Way to go David, I like it!


Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Dave_Emond on Sep 27th, 2003, 1:57am
Add another!
Just hope I didn't write a book.
Hope this continues to grow and they respond.
Good idea.

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Jackie on Sep 27th, 2003, 9:07am
I wrote to them we wait... :P

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Dave_Emond on Sep 27th, 2003, 11:11pm
Already did it, just posting to bump this back up in sight :)

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by TxBasslady on Sep 27th, 2003, 11:57pm

Done !!!

Hopefully if everyone will respond and send their message...we will be heard !!!

This is a great idea !!!             8)

Thanks David J.

Jean           ;)

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Dave_Emond on Sep 30th, 2003, 5:02pm
Hi Gang,
Well, I finally just got an automated response from the Discovery Channel. Looks like we may have to do a little extra work to get their attention:

"If you do not find the information you are seeking from our website, please
go to our webform at and fill
out the information  by choosing :
  Question regarding:  Network/Program Related
  Network:  (Select a Network)
  Program:   Other
  Information Needed:  EXPLORE
Our  webform will then route your e-mail to the appropriate Discovery
Viewer Relations group for  response."

Guess I'll try again, sure wish I had copied the original message I sent. Hope we all keep up on this, it's a great idea.
Dave Emond

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Mr.Happy on Sep 30th, 2003, 6:26pm
David........Even tho you DEFINITELY spend too much time smelling old corks, you mention oxygen, and you got my attention. O2 use and coverage for all is sort of my own personal bandwagon for the next epoch.
Good on ya, mate.
     Cluster headaches. Millions of dollars are OK'd for medications (most of which have SERIOUS side effects) to cope with cluster headaches. Time and again, pure Oxygen, one of the safest, most effective, well-documented methods of dealing with cluster headaches is ignored or denied by both insurance companies and the medical community. Please take time to look into this devastating affliction, and why the medical community has not embraced the use of Oxygen as a means of treatment.  
Thank you for your consideration, Randy P. Jones Media, Pa. 19063


(Is that enough?)

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Not4Hire on Sep 30th, 2003, 6:33pm
...wish I'd said that.....

...wait, I DID.... but not so ...eloquently, succinctly, and I must SAY:

"it has a hint of chocolate... a nose of *burger*, and a finish that is just...... sublime.......or sub-genius.. or something...."


Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Sep 30th, 2003, 8:11pm
Not4, you are cracking me up.  Randy is genious though.  I met him.  Even nicer in person than on the board ........ geez, is that possible ???????????? Randy, you are a sweetheart !!!!!!

Anyways ......... where the heck is our next assignment ?????  I am getting used to telling my story !!!!!!!!

Where the heck are the rest of you ........ don't ya have a story to tell ???????????????????????

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Peppermint on Sep 30th, 2003, 8:27pm
I done did it.  
Gee, someone has GOT to be reading all those messages...  ???

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Edna on Sep 30th, 2003, 10:40pm
Done deed here......that was simple enough........Lord knows us here can talk so why not get busy and get this small task which takes a few moments of your time done.

thanks for your efforts DaveJ


Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Oct 1st, 2003, 12:01am
I musta hit one of the wrong things cause this is my response:

Dear Viewer,

Thank you for contacting Discovery Channel Networks.  In order to quickly
respond to your
e-mail, we are sending you this automated response.

Highlighted below are links to our website that provides information about
current programming,
shopping, and answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions.

           *     Programming/Scheduling Questions?

                 Go to  . . and click on "View our TV

           *     Shopping for unique products, or looking for available

                 Go to . .

             *     Frequently Asked Questions?

                 Go to .  .

Enjoy the Experience!

Discovery Channel Viewer Relations

If you do not find the information you are seeking from our website, please
go to our webform at and fill
out the information  by choosing :
  Question regarding:  Network/Program Related
  Network:  (Select a Network)
  Program:   Other
  Information Needed:  EXPLORE
Our  webform will then route your e-mail to the appropriate Discovery
Viewer Relations group for  response.

Do you think anyone actually read my original request?

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by CC on Oct 1st, 2003, 12:04am
i got the same thing, that is just an e-mail to let you know that they recieved yours! they will still get your original e-mail!

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by pigeon on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:35pm
I'm in.


Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Linda T on Oct 2nd, 2003, 1:42pm

 Wishing you all PFDAN aways, Linda T

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Donna_D. on Oct 3rd, 2003, 6:48am
I always seem to be a day late/dollar short.  
But I usually get the job done! ;)

I sent target e mail as well.

Hint:  When writing (about show suggestions, etc.) remember your audience.  The people who are reading these are usually not going to be sympathetic to CH and usually do not have time to read lengthy e-mails.

They are looking for ways to get viewers/ratings/readers,  etc.

Get their attention in the first sentence or two.  

Appeal to the producer, editor, publicist, advertising manager in each person to whom you write.


It's sweeps week (cable ACE award time, whatever applies)...Don't you think the tag line "They call them suicide headaches"  would grab a lot of attention from your viewers?

I bet Tylenol, Advil, Excedrin...would be glad to advertise on a show/in a magazine/sponsor a special about....

If writing to a women's show (Oprah, Jenny, etc.)...Women help your men...What you should know when your man says "Not tonight Dear, I have a headache" for the fifth week in a row...

To a man's show...70% of CH sufferers are men. ( ;) and from another string I read they are also ruddy cheeked, smokers who drink way too much!  LOL)

Flatter them, "I just know that a program/magazine/channel with such a large viewing audience could really educate the American public and help millions of Americans get the help they so desperately need.

Realize their time is valuable.  Suggest to them that if they only read the first page of this web site they would realize what a story they really had.

Well, that's my thoughts.  For what they are worth. (Anybody got change for a penny?) ::)

For a short time I was in marketing and journalism...just thought I would share what I know.  We don't want everyone to think we are just a bunch of "whiner's".  
(Actually, I think we are ENTITLED to BITCH and MOAN to our hearts content...but I digress.)

Hope this helps.



Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by andy on Oct 5th, 2003, 1:40pm
Done did last week     .......andy

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Miss_Deleny on Oct 5th, 2003, 3:23pm
Ok, so I was late in doing this but yes, I did my part in sending my letter/email to the Discovery Channel. When writing my email, I kinda cheated  ::) I used part of a letter that was posted here in one of the other "targets" but added a few things .. wrote it to word and have it saved on my desktop for easy access. I have pasted it below for you to look at .. if there is a problem with anything that I have wrote, please let me know:

I am a supporter of wonderful man that has chronic Cluster headaches (CH). Also known as suicide headaches. There are thousands of these suffers around the world suffering every day and night but CH’s are little known and/or researched.

I have never seen or heard of a television program featuring people suffering “the most painful disease known to man”. Because of the high caliber of your show I would like to suggest that you and your people please look into possibly giving thought to having this as a subject of one of your shows.

There is an Organization for Understanding Cluster Headaches (O.U.C.H.) in the United States, United Kingdom and Italy. The web site for the O.U.C.H.-US is O.U.C.H-US is a young organization but already has over 1000 members.

Also on the Internet is This is a message board with over 5000 CH sufferers signed on. This message board is a place that sufferers as well as their supporters can go to talk, vent, inquire about information, and get support from one another. This message board has been a lifesaver for us as well as many that has found it. Just knowing that we are not alone has helped us. But imagine how many people are out there that may still think they are alone, suffering without any help or support.

We may have the support of other sufferers but we also need the support of the medical field, which is very little. Most doctors have no idea what CH is nor how to deal with it. And those that do are very few. More research is needed to find out what is causing this terrible pain and how to control, if not cure it.

Thank you in advance,
April C.

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Surf on Oct 9th, 2003, 10:18pm
Done...I hope it loaded...Surf

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by BobG on Oct 9th, 2003, 11:05pm
Ooops. Forgot to put my done here last week.

Done  ;D

Title: Re: This Weeks EMAIL TARGET: Why?
Post by Dave_Emond on Oct 10th, 2003, 7:51am
Don't forget ... many of us have more than one screen name, use them all! Friends and family can also send messages. The more letters we send, the more likely they will hear us.
Great advice Donna, I've done marketing and letter campainging for my nonprofit organization and your suggestions are right on target on how to get interest from whomever you are trying to reach.
Keep sending your letters, over and over and over. They will respond eventually! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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