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(Message started by: peaceloveez on Mar 12th, 2008, 10:01pm)

Title: Only 15. Help?
Post by peaceloveez on Mar 12th, 2008, 10:01pm
I am 15 years old. I am a fairly typical teen. I have my good moments my bad moments, my struggles and my strengths. One thing I have been struggling with since i was about 11 or 12 is migrains. I was getting them once a month, maybe. The were hell, but i could take it. As I got older however, not only have the migrains gotten worse, the frequency has increased. I have felt blessed beyond belief because this is now my 4th day in a row with not even the slightest head ache. I have been seeing a doctor who has prescribed a pleathura of things and nothing has helped. I took a log of 18 days, 7 of them i had migrains. When I say migrain, I mean if it were not for the light and sound beyond the "comfort" of hiding underneath a blanket, I would kill myself because I have hell x10 in my head. Even the slightest sound or bit of light is amplified and pressed into my head with no mercy. In this 18 days, although only 7 days I had migrains, only 2 of these days did I have no head ache what so ever. I often wake with them, but from time to time I will get them in the middle of the day. I am writing this for two reasons. First, I want everyone to know I have sympathy for you, and I definatly feel your pain. Secondly, I am writing to see if anyone has any suggestions. I have tried maxalt, imitrex, ice packs, naproxin, motron, extra stregnth tylonol and tylonol3. I am currently on everyday topamax. I started it yesterday, and missed my dose today, so who knows what tommorow brings. I can not say if it is working or not, but if it fails, as have many many things in the past, any suggestions?

My symptons:
Sensativity to light and sound
swollen eyes
washout/pale skin
kind of "out of it"
rare occasions- nausia/dizzy/extreme hot or cold.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Only 15. Help?
Post by Ray on Mar 12th, 2008, 11:02pm
Dear Elena:

I'm so sorry that you've got migraines.  Although you didn't describe the pounding pain usually associated with migraines, an aura, or the location of the pain, it "sounds like" migraines.

Most of us have a different problem, with cluster headaches.  Although there are some similarities, it is really a different condition.

I'm not a doctor, so I cannot describe a treatment plan for you.  Like you, I had migraines as a younger child and teenager.

Some things I do know.  There's a diet, called a tyramine free diet that you can try to google.  There are foods that are known to trigger migraines in sensitive people.

Topomax is often used to help control migraines, but it may take time to get the dose right for you.  Give it a chance.

Be careful with caffeine, and avoid it for a while.  Keep charting the date/time/severity/any trigger(s) for yourself and for the doctor.

Try to get to see a headache specialist, not just any doctor as they should be best prepared to help you with your headache problem and knowledgable of the latest treatments and research.

Biofeedback may be helpful.  Try to elminate the pain medicines, as daily use may actually bring on more headaches.

I really feel for you, but I think that these suggestions are good ones.

Wishing you well,


Edited to fix a typo ...

Title: Re: Only 15. Help?
Post by Linda_Howell on Mar 12th, 2008, 11:16pm

Awwww Elena I feel so badly for you hon.  Although this is a cluster headache site we will try to help you.  There are a lot of us here who suffer Migraines as well as clusters and a lot of our supporters have Migraines.

I am going to call a couple of people that I know off-hand to come here to give you some guidance as well as support o.k.?  Hang on sweetie.   You are tough don't ever forget that.


Title: Re: Only 15. Help?
Post by peaceloveez on Mar 12th, 2008, 11:36pm
thank you so much.
I have stopped drinking any soda for a few months now and will definatly keep an eye out for food triggers. I am going to stick with the topamax and cross my fingers it is my saviour drug haha.

and linda i really do appreciate that. any suggestions at all, at this point i will try anything!
thank you again.

Title: Re: Only 15. Help?
Post by lionsound on Mar 12th, 2008, 11:49pm
Hi Elena,

I get migraines too and I understand how miserable you are and I'm sorry.
Is the doctor you are seeing a neurologist? it is really important that you see a pediatric neurologist. You can't always take things that older people can even if you are a big enough person. And there are still many preventative medication choices left if you can't tolerate the topamax.

Have you tried magnesium, B2, or any other vitamin supplements? Ask your doctor about them. I take them and so does my son who also gets migraines.

During your migraine you can try heat on your neck if ice doesn't work, or taking a hot or warm shower. And make sure you stay well hydrated throughout the day.

Also I find that when I hurt if I wrap my whole head in an ice pack (I have an ice turban) that helps.

Over the counter you can try ginger supplements for nausea and room darkening shades for the light. And hats..I wear a lot of hats :)

PLease ask if you have any more questions, okay?

be well and Pain free,

edit to add: meditation has helped me a lot too...keeps me calm and helps me focus when my head hurts.

Title: Re: Only 15. Help?
Post by Linda_Howell on Mar 13th, 2008, 12:14am

Thank you Rori.   I'm still trying to get Margi, Ree or Leesa here too.   The more help she can get the better.  right?

Hang in there,  Elena

Title: Re: Only 15. Help?
Post by Ree on Mar 13th, 2008, 10:47pm
Hi Sweetie... My name is Ree and like you I am a chronic Migraine sufferer... to be chronic is to not have longer than a two week period of time without a Migraine... I started like you when I was in my teens and they were always hormonal... I'd get one the night before my period and sometimes the Migraine would last 2-3 days.  After I had my first baby the Migraines got increasingly worse.  I would take Fiorinal, and doses of asprin that were dangerous but I would have done anything to stop the attacks. I then discovered I had an ulcer at the ripe old age of 22 so that I had to stop anything that had asprin due to the damage to my stomach.  
As I got older I finally got a doctor that believed that I had headache and he would prescribe something called Frenalin which was a mild narcotic and then I started taking Fioricette.  These meds would only dull the pain and I would have to resort to bed like you said... I got to the point where I could work, go to school and cope with the Migraine pain... I look back at pics of myself and I can tell that I have a Migraine by the look on my face.
When I found out that my husband had CH I thought my pain didnt matter it was much more important that we find out what was the matter with his head.  But I went to a Neurologist that told me not to discount my pain... sure Daves pain was more intense but mine lasted for days and days... without relief.  I then started to try meds to abort like Imatrex... I didnt like the way they made me feel but the relief was great.  Now I take Frova or Zomig and the side effects are less.  

At the sign of a Migraine coming on what I will do is drink a cafeine drink... and a glass of water with 3 ibuprophen... If that doesnt work I take a Fioricette... if the eye loses sight I will always start with a Zomig or Frova... I am also on a preventative Welbutrin... my doc says my seratonin is screwy so I take a low dose antidepressant and it seems to bring them down to one bad week a month rather than 3 bad weeks a month... Topamax works for a few of my friends.  If your memory gets weird you might have to stop that med. But keep it up for at least a month to give yourself some relief.
If you need anything you can email me or IM me...
Ree16angel is my AIM is my email
Good luck honey Hopefully by the time you are my age they will come up with a cure... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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