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(Message started by: outofcommission on Jan 9th, 2008, 9:32pm)

Title: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by outofcommission on Jan 9th, 2008, 9:32pm
ok, lets put behind the wheel of a vehicle that weighs 80,000 lbs and is 60+ feet long. now you have to get through chicago and on up to wisconcin.  with no good place to pull over, how do you get this done with the chance that you might get stabbed in the right side of your face with a red hot poker. a friend of mine hooked me up with some o2 but i think it is illegal to have the bottle in my cab with me. extra strength tylenol   works good as a preventative for me, but not always. the last cycle i had (7 years ago) i was a caffeine junky and when it wore off i would get hit hard.  i have no set route rhyme or reason to  the places i deliver to. last week i got a ch on i 75 in ky. they put those damn concrete curbs in the middle of the street so you can't escape the interstate, park on the ramp,put your head back together and try to get rolling again. my dispatcher has been very cool about this bless her hart. i fear not only for my safety but for the safety of others around me. if i killed someone or several people because of my condition, i don't know if i would want to live. are there any other truckdrivers out there who would like to post a comment or suggestion. get out of trucking is not an option. i am not going to starve my family or collect ssi.

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by thebbz on Jan 9th, 2008, 9:51pm
Driving with CH ain't cool. Pull it over my friend. First safe place.
No reason you cant have medical 02 in your cab. Might want to look into other work. You dont have to starve, just do something else. In the meantime I would have the 02 in the cab with me one way or the other.
all the best

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by George_J on Jan 9th, 2008, 10:01pm
Have you looked into getting a prescription for Imitrex injectables?  It's a successful and rapid abortive for a good number of people here--I don't use it, but I'm sure someone will be along with more information.  

So far as I'm aware, Imitrex shouldn't interfere with your ability to drive.  I'm hopeful someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by Kirk on Jan 9th, 2008, 10:04pm
  I kept my E tanks in the sleeper of my Pete. There is no federal law or regulation about it. My home state of Oregon also didn't have any regulations about it. Finding a place to pull over was always a problem. You'll figure it out.
  Now about those other two logbooks.............

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by brewcrew on Jan 9th, 2008, 10:05pm
It might be against your company's rules, but there's nothing against the law about having O2 in the cab with you. What do you think people with emphysema do when they drive?

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by outofcommission on Jan 10th, 2008, 12:44am
thanks for the reply kirk. i know there are a lot of people that carry o2 that drive. but you don't see many truck drivers. CDL  laws are so specific.     what are e tanks?

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by chewy on Jan 10th, 2008, 6:34am

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by rocketman3104 on Jan 10th, 2008, 9:49am
You can keep an e-tank in your cab. It can abort them for alot us.

I would rather you have that e-tank in there, than have you distracted with an attack and can't get off the road safely. I bet there are alot of truckers here and you can bet that there are e-tanks in their cabs

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by Guiseppi on Jan 10th, 2008, 10:23am
Also attack the CH from the other direction, a good preventative. I'm a police officer so a lot of the routes weren't available to me. I stumbled on lithium as a prevent and it's been the "silver bullet" for me. I'm 48, weigh about 190, male. On cycle I take 1200 mg a day of lithium. Blocks 90% of my headaches, the rest I can tackle with 02 and imitrex.

I know the first thing you think of when you hear lithium is a drugged out zombie who can barely walk, much less drive a big rig!!! 1200 mg is a fairly low dose, the county has signed off on me carrying a gun while on it, it has very little effect on me at all. Beat partners swear they can't tell when I'm on or off it. Might be worth a shot.


PS: Just one small caveat, I had a class II license for a while because I drove a prisoner bus for a couple of years. When I had my classII physical I told them I was on lithium. The next day my license was suspended until my doc wrote them a letter saying I wasn't bi-polar!!!

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by starlight on Jan 10th, 2008, 1:07pm
I agree with George--imitrex injections would seem to be a possible solution.  Or if you can pull over.  Sorry you are dealing with this.

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by lastchance77 on Jan 11th, 2008, 5:02pm
I can sure bud relate to you on the Windy City I used to run from SC to Madison Wis, every week very tough to deal with.

The only relief i could ever get was a GOODIES POWDER and a
PEPSI. Now I Have imitrex  one shot nasal spray costly but helps.

Best to ya, and Keep On Trucking!

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by BlueMeanie on Jan 11th, 2008, 9:32pm
Have you been seen by a neuro. There are prevent meds that can help reduce the intensity to help get you to the next exit. Have you ever been prescribed Trex injects ? When I'm in cycle there's always stock in the glovebox.

You should read as much as you can on the meds & cluster specific threads. We've learned that you must be informative (and in most cases) more than your doc when dealing with these things.

Good luck to you. Vibes on the way.

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by outofcommission on Jan 13th, 2008, 11:10pm
no i haven't seen a neuro. insurance is pretty expensive were i work at. during my last cycle 5 years ago i was insured and i my family doctor sent me to get an mri. i don't think anything came about with that. he is the one that said i might be having cluster headaches. back then i didn't have the internet so getting the info was pretty tough. there is a neuro  here in town that i can get an appoint with without a referral.  i did go to the er one time and i the doctor there was more scared than i was. i guess this made me a little skeptical of going to the doctors office especially if i have to pay several of them before i get to the good one. right now i am researching the hell out of this site  asking questions and posting a few comment.  this web sight has been a really good resource. and the cheapest.

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by Callico on Jan 14th, 2008, 8:57pm
Good questions.  I'm not in a big truck, but I deliver RV's with a dually, and have the same problem.  Trex may not be a good option for you if your insurance won't cover it, but it would be one thing to look into.  From a non medical perspective Red Bull, Monster, etc. work very well for me IF I can get it right away.  Itwill tyake the edge off if I get it later, but if I can slam one down as fast as I can drink it it will kill or at least knock the HA down to a level I can deal with.  I have not tried using O2 in the truck.  Don't know how I could drive with the mask on, and if I didn't get to the O2 within the first 5 min of the hit it did me no good.

you definately need a preventative.  As Guiseppi mentioned, Lithium works for some.  I used it with Verapamil for some time several years ago, but I had some side effects that made it unworkable for me.  Lately Ihave been using Kudzu (See the Meds page for particulars).  It has worked very well, and is relatively inexpensive.  

I would say to leave the Tylenol alone.  It might help with shadows, but there is no way you can have enough in your system to stop a full blown cluster attack without destroying your liver and kidneys.  Caffeine is a big help though, although it won't prevent it does help to diminish the attack.

PM me if you want to talk and I'll give you my cell number.  I'll be happy to help anyway I can.


Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by Maffumatt on Jan 14th, 2008, 9:29pm

on 01/09/08 at 21:32:04, outofcommission wrote:
ok, lets put behind the wheel of a vehicle that weighs 80,000 lbs and is 60+ feet long. now you have to get through chicago and on up to wisconcin.  with no good place to pull over, how do you get this done with the chance that you might get stabbed in the right side of your face with a red hot poker. a friend of mine hooked me up with some o2 but i think it is illegal to have the bottle in my cab with me. extra strength tylenol   works good as a preventative for me, but not always. the last cycle i had (7 years ago) i was a caffeine junky and when it wore off i would get hit hard.  i have no set route rhyme or reason to  the places i deliver to. last week i got a ch on i 75 in ky. they put those damn concrete curbs in the middle of the street so you can't escape the interstate, park on the ramp,put your head back together and try to get rolling again. my dispatcher has been very cool about this bless her hart. i fear not only for my safety but for the safety of others around me. if i killed someone or several people because of my condition, i don't know if i would want to live. are there any other truckdrivers out there who would like to post a comment or suggestion. get out of trucking is not an option. i am not going to starve my family or collect ssi.

I run a 170 ton locomotive, today I brought in a 7400ft train, right at 108 car lengths, each car weighing around 220,000 lbs . I work a munitions plant. Should i quit my job? Hell no, you adapt and cope, you make do and you survive. Be Well.

Title: Re: clusterheaded truckdrivers
Post by outofcommission on Jan 15th, 2008, 1:28am
thats right! damn strait! i am not going to quit my job! thank you Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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