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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Cluster Headache Specific >> Sexual Orientation?
(Message started by: Grafwick on Jan 8th, 2008, 9:35pm)

Title: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Grafwick on Jan 8th, 2008, 9:35pm
Does anyone know of any studies that may link sexual orientation to CH?  Curious as I'm gay and have had episodic CH since a teenager (that's for over 40 years).  BTW, episodes last 8 wks, with 2-3 years remission.  Verapamil and predisone as preventative, cafergot  hot tea and topical ice as needed as treatment works pretty well for me.  I really feel for those who have not found successful treatment.
John G. / Akron, OH

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Melissa on Jan 8th, 2008, 11:13pm
I know of none.  

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by George_J on Jan 9th, 2008, 12:23am
No, I don't know of any studies that address that.

It would surprise me to discover that there was any relationship, though.  The people here are pretty much across the board as far as sexual orientation goes--gay, straight, bi.....there's even a fellow who seems to have a latex fetish, and a taste for circus midgets.   ;)



Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by thomas on Jan 9th, 2008, 8:39am
We tend to have higher sex drives than normal people.  As far as orientation goes.......... dunno about that one.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by brewcrew on Jan 9th, 2008, 9:47am

on 01/09/08 at 08:39:41, thomas wrote:
We tend to have higher sex drives than normal people.  As far as orientation goes.......... dunno about that one.

Speak for yourself, Incubus.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Guiseppi on Jan 9th, 2008, 10:31am
I think Thomas is right, I get sex almost every night. Almost got it Sunday night, almost got it Monday night, hell tuesday I slept right next to my wife........ ;;D


Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by thomas on Jan 9th, 2008, 11:06am

on 01/09/08 at 09:47:34, brewcrew wrote:
Speak for yourself, Incubus.

In your dreams!  ;)

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by artonio7 on Jan 9th, 2008, 11:12am
Ask anyone on the board... most of us have gone to sleep after dancing with the beast... have woken up to a beast ... I'd say we were tilting toward bestiality if anything.

warm regards,

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by vietvet2tours on Jan 9th, 2008, 11:32am

on 01/09/08 at 11:12:23, artonio7 wrote:
Ask anyone on the board... most of us have gone to sleep after dancing with the beast... have woken up to a beast ... I'd say we were tilting toward bestiality if anything.

warm regards,

      You're a funny guy my friend.


Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by LeeS on Jan 9th, 2008, 1:51pm

on 01/09/08 at 00:23:45, George_J wrote:
.....there's even a fellow who seems to have a latex fetish, and a taste for circus midgets.

That's the last time I PM you mate >:(

Nice ovenbird though ;;D


Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Kirk on Jan 9th, 2008, 10:24pm
  Nope, seems to me that it's mostly Heterosexual folks that get CH.  And then there is the one guy who loves Chinese Circus Midgets and Latex. But I'm no expert.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by andrewjb on Jan 9th, 2008, 11:25pm
:), i recon tony put it in a nutshell. andrew.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by thebbz on Jan 9th, 2008, 11:32pm
I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body. Does that count?

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by E-Double on Jan 10th, 2008, 1:54am
I like it facing North

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Chappy on Jan 10th, 2008, 5:21am
If Homoerotecism counts, I'm more interested in masterbation after a hit, because I know how to do it right....

Seriously, though, the answer is NO.  Genetically, studies have shown some correspondence for some people to parents with clusters OR Migraines, and have shown that clusters are due to overgrowth of grey matter in an area of the hypothalmus.  I've never seen a single study relating them to sexual orientation.

However, I did just read that eating and drinking soy products was making all if our kids gay.  Maybe that causes both?

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Chappy on Jan 10th, 2008, 5:26am
P.S. - Potter is the only gay clusterhead I know of so far on the forums.  Maybe if there are others, we should have a special thread for announcing it?

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Jan 10th, 2008, 7:52am

on 01/09/08 at 23:32:02, thebbz wrote:
I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body. Does that count?

Hey I must be a lesbian too cos I just love women. :P

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by thomas on Jan 10th, 2008, 8:39am

on 01/10/08 at 05:26:05, Chappy wrote:
P.S. - Potter is the only gay clusterhead I know of so far on the forums.  Maybe if there are others, we should have a special thread for announcing it?

Oh there are more than one.  I personally, think the percentage is pretty high.  Not complaining.  Doesn't mean nothin'.  I don't care what folks do as long as it makes 'em happy and nobody's gettin' hurt.  

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by brewcrew on Jan 11th, 2008, 7:25am

on 01/10/08 at 07:52:48, Barry_T_Coles wrote:
Hey I must be a lesbian too cos I just love women. :P

Me, too - because I play from the ladies' tees.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by vietvet2tours on Jan 11th, 2008, 10:45am

on 01/10/08 at 05:26:05, Chappy wrote:
P.S. - Potter is the only gay clusterhead I know of so far on the forums.  Maybe if there are others, we should have a special thread for announcing it?

  And you assume this because?


Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Jonny on Jan 11th, 2008, 7:15pm

on 01/10/08 at 05:26:05, Chappy wrote:
P.S. - Potter is the only gay clusterhead I know of so far on the forums.

And you know this how?

Maybe I will start a thread about ass.holes and you will be the first on the list.....that sound ok with you, Crappy?

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by deltadarlin on Jan 11th, 2008, 7:26pm

on 01/11/08 at 19:15:40, Jonny wrote:
And you know this how?

Maybe I will start a thread about ass.holes and you will be the first on the list.....that sound ok with you, Crappy?


Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by artonio7 on Jan 11th, 2008, 7:40pm

on 01/11/08 at 19:15:40, Jonny wrote:
And you know this how?

Maybe I will start a thread about ass.holes and you will be the first on the list.....that sound ok with you, Crappy?


Hell you'd have to be blind and retarded to think that Potter is gay based on anything he's ever written. Not that there's anything wrong with being blind and retarded.

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Jonny on Jan 11th, 2008, 7:44pm

on 01/11/08 at 19:40:22, artonio7 wrote:
Not that there's anything wrong with being blind and retarded.

LMAO.....Yes there is! ;;D

Edit to add this interesting link....LOL

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by artonio7 on Jan 11th, 2008, 8:00pm

on 01/11/08 at 19:44:41, Jonny wrote:
LMAO.....Yes there is! ;;D

Edit to add this interesting link....LOL

He burned down the guys trailer?..... With him in it?.... and that's just for calling him a nerd? Dayum... I shudder at the thought of what he would do if he called him a corkscrubber.  ;;D

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by brewcrew on Jan 11th, 2008, 8:09pm
Johnny Darkness.

I see a nickname in the making.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Chappy on Jan 11th, 2008, 8:20pm

on 01/11/08 at 10:45:18, vietvet2tours wrote:
  And you assume this because?


Ha!  No reason at all - I figured you weren't, but your responses to idiots make me LMAO, so I figured I'd play the idiot and bait you.  You didn't take the bait.

But Jonny did.

Not that there's anything wrong with being bait, or an ass.hole, or a Chinese circus midget, or Crappy.

I thought at first the poster wasn't serious, 'cause he's basically saying "I'm gay, and I have this disease, so maybe they are related."  I don't know many Gays who think of being Gay as a disease, or related to disease, so it struck me as possibly insincere.

Anyway, I was coming off a kip 9 and in a state of mind my wife calls pain drunk, and thought it would be funny, but I apologize - not funny.  Ass.hole is an apt description.

Still, I wonder where the original poster is, and if the post was serious or a plant.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by artonio7 on Jan 11th, 2008, 8:28pm

on 01/11/08 at 20:20:30, Chappy wrote:
Still, I wonder where the original poster is, and if the post was serious or a plant.

I'll look him up in my 2008 Gay directory (for those of you who don't know... it's a closely guarded secret that if you are gay... you receive the gay directory which lists everybody of your orientation.)
OOOPS! Damn... I've seemed to misplace the non disclosure agreement (NDA) I signed at birth which prohibits me from telling ANYONE!

there goes 50 princess points... sheesh those queens can be so strict.

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by brewcrew on Jan 11th, 2008, 8:43pm

on 01/11/08 at 20:28:35, artonio7 wrote:
it's a closely guarded secret that if you are gay... you receive the gay directory which lists everybody of your orientation.)

No way, eh? There ain't just heteros trolling the internet for action...

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Jonny on Jan 11th, 2008, 8:49pm

on 01/11/08 at 20:20:30, Chappy wrote:
But Jonny did.

Take bait?....LOL

You post shit and I will post shit back!

Do you really thing DJ set up this website so ass.holes could play fucking games?

Maybe you should PM him and ask him what he thinks of your game, I got $500 that he tells you that you are fucking idiot!, Crappy

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Chappy on Jan 12th, 2008, 1:32am

on 01/11/08 at 19:40:22, artonio7 wrote:

Hell you'd have to be blind and retarded to think that Potter is gay based on anything he's ever written.

I guess that was kind of my point, but it was a stupid joke, and reading it now Jonny's right - I just sounded like an ass.hole.  

Potter's comments always make me laugh my a$$ off, so I thought that would get some epic comedy out of him, but at the time I was coming off of a kip 9 and in a state of mind my wife calls "pain drunk."

Sincerest apologies to Potter, didn't mean anything by it.  Whether he likes circus midgets or not, not that I care either way, because its none of my business.

Honestly, I was suspicious of the sincerity of the original poster, because they basically said, "I'm gay, and I have this disease, are they related?"  I don't know of many gay people thinking ofbeing gay in terms of disease, so the post seemed suspect.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Crappy on Jan 12th, 2008, 2:51am

on 01/11/08 at 20:49:46, Jonny wrote:
Take bait?....LOL

You post shit and I will post shit back!

Do you really thing DJ set up this website so ass.holes could play fucking games?

Maybe you should PM him and ask him what he thinks of your game, I got $500 that he tells you that you are fucking idiot!, Crappy

In penance for my sin, I've temporarily changed my name to "Crappy."  Thanks for the idea, Jonny.  The humiliation will do me some good  ;;D.  My original apology to Potter was sincere, and I appreciate how he handled it - hope there aren't any hard feelings there.

I don't know what DJ would think of it, but he put the word "Newbie" under my screen name, so maybe he'd warn me not to make any more newbie mistakes like that, and then let you take off your shirt and spank me with the fish from Potter's screen picture.

I'm glad you have $500, and I'm sure DJ appreciates the service you provide here handing out new ass.holes to newbies that cross the line, like you did to baseball coach when you totally misunderstood him (at least I deserved it).

I've got plenty of extra flesh on my ample body for a few more ass.holes if you want to keep reaming me new ones.  I just can't help now but think if John G. from Adron, OH really is real, and comes back to read this thread -  :o.  Oh, well, at least I didn't start the talk about circus midgets.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Crappy on Jan 12th, 2008, 4:44am
Oh, crap.  I just graduated from Newbie to Junior with those last two posts.  I swear it said Newbie when I started, so my original plea should still be valid.

Future infractions shall, of course, fall under Junior rules, and Jonny may spank me with two fishes (with my pants down).

Edit: Jonny, if playground rules apply to this forum, you may PM DJ yourself and ask him to tell me I'm a fucking idiot.  I'll stop spamming the forum now.  (I just looked up spamming in my newly acquired Junior handbook).

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by E-Double on Jan 12th, 2008, 7:26am

on 01/11/08 at 20:28:35, artonio7 wrote:
I'll look him up in my 2008 Gay directory (for those of you who don't know... it's a closely guarded secret that if you are gay... you receive the gay directory which lists everybody of your orientation.)
OOOPS! Damn... I've seemed to misplace the non disclosure agreement (NDA) I signed at birth which prohibits me from telling ANYONE!
there goes 50 princess points... sheesh those queens can be so strict.

with warm regards,

OMG that is classic!!!!!
It goes along with the directions I was provided on how to let people know I am Jewish.
1) step on left big toe-
2) horns should appear instantaneously
3) pinch nose until it honks
4) tail should appear
5) tattoo on forehead appears saying I control all money and will eat your children

[smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Melissa on Jan 12th, 2008, 9:04am

on 01/12/08 at 07:26:53, E-Double wrote:

I control all money and will eat your children

Will you eat them if I ask for a loan???

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by brewcrew on Jan 12th, 2008, 9:42am
Will you just eat him? Please? I'll even pay.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Jonny on Jan 12th, 2008, 12:35pm
What a dickhead!

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Crappy on Jan 12th, 2008, 4:40pm

on 01/12/08 at 12:35:22, Jonny wrote:
What a dickhead!

brewcrew isn't a dickhead - no need for all the name calling.  Were just having friendly banter.  Noone's trying to get pissy.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by vietvet2tours on Jan 12th, 2008, 6:17pm
         You really don't know when to shut up do ya.  I didn't take your post about me bein gay as a put down or as a diss.  I just dismissed it as the brainless ramblings of a homophobic puke.  In my time on this earth I can truly say that I never met a gay man that I didn't like.  On the other hand I've met more than a few hetero's I couldn't stand.  Yer on the list shit for brains.


Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by chewy on Jan 12th, 2008, 6:58pm

on 01/12/08 at 18:17:52, vietvet2tours wrote:
          I just dismissed it as the brainless ramblings of a homophobic puke.  

That about sums it up in Potters longest post in history.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by deltadarlin on Jan 12th, 2008, 7:38pm
dayum, 53 posts and how many people has he pi$$ed off already?  Think he's giving ali a run for his money.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by chewy on Jan 12th, 2008, 7:40pm
Probably home making a gween sturgeons hat.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by vietvet2tours on Jan 12th, 2008, 9:12pm

on 01/12/08 at 18:58:13, chewy wrote:
That about sums it up in Potters longest post in history.

Literary verbosity ain't my strong suit.


Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by artonio7 on Jan 12th, 2008, 10:06pm

on 01/12/08 at 21:12:49, vietvet2tours wrote:
Literary verbosity ain't my strong suit.


Brevity is an art form though.

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Crappy on Jan 12th, 2008, 10:33pm

I didn't take your post about me bein gay as a put down or as a diss.  I just dismissed it as the brainless ramblings of a homophobic puke.  In my time on this earth I can truly say that I never met a gay man that I didn't like.  On the other hand I've met more than a few hetero's I couldn't stand.  Yer on the list shit for brains.


I deserve that - the original post was homophobic, using "you're gay" as a joke.  I apologized already, and sincerely.  Truly sorry to be on your shit list, or anyone else's.

on 01/12/08 at 18:17:52, vietvet2tours wrote:
         You really don't know when to shut up do ya.

Not usually.  After Jonny called another newbie an ass.hole and threatened deletion of his profile for asking an honest question (, I pegged him as a hotheaded bully, who didn't have the decency to apologize after alienating a new member to make him feel more at home, and I've never been able to keep my mouth shut with people like that.  While I've pissed plenty of friends of Jonny's off here, I know of a few privately who've wanted to tell Jonny to shut the f*** up.  As a Newbie myself, I didn't realize he's a friend of DJs, so I'll take Potter's advice now and shut up myself.

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Jonny on Jan 13th, 2008, 1:33am

on 01/12/08 at 22:33:55, Crappy wrote:
I pegged him as a hotheaded bully, who didn't have the decency to apologize after alienating a new member to make him feel more at home, and I've never been able to keep my mouth shut with people like that.

Try looking at reply #5, Dickhead!;action=display;num=1198268392

If Coach had accepted my offer it would have been regulator #29 that I had paid for and shipped to someone I dont even know.

DJ my friend?.....LOL, try brother!  ;)

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by Crappy on Jan 13th, 2008, 5:00am

on 01/13/08 at 01:33:42, Jonny wrote:
Try looking at reply #5, Dickhead!;action=display;num=1198268392

If Coach had accepted my offer it would have been regulator #29 that I had paid for and shipped to someone I dont even know.

DJ my friend?.....LOL, try brother!  ;)

Alright, you have my apology for misjudging your character - honestly.  That really was a great gesture.  I don't know if that gave you the right to jump down his throat later and call him an ass.hole for asking a question about the effectiveness of O2, but I'm living in a glass house on this thread so I won't throw stones.

Shall I change my screen name to Dickhead for awhile now, or do you want to call big bro to delete me, or can I sneak away to lick my wounds in peace?

Title: Re: Sexual Orientation?
Post by LeLimey on Jan 13th, 2008, 6:22am
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.

If you want to shut up, read and get the hang of being here and then start posting again - please do so.

If you want to carry on being a complete and utter arse, then be my guest.

If you want advice on CH or why your dose of verap may be ineffective for you or how to use pred then either read through threads or bloody well ask!

I have three kids already. I don't need mindless drivel here. Not on the meds boards at any rate.

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