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(Message started by: circus1031 on Dec 29th, 2007, 2:39pm)

Title: CH and Vomit
Post by circus1031 on Dec 29th, 2007, 2:39pm
Not a very  nice subject I know. But headaches aren't very nice so why should I polite!!  :P

I just wanted to see if it's unique to me or not or if it's something that I should try to avoid.

Does anyone else feel the urge or sometimes feel it neccessary to vomit during a bad headache? (6+) When I first started getting them the pressure and the pain was so intense that I would physically get sick. Now at times it seems like if I would vomit it would help the headaches. Sometimes I intentially try to get some relief. Anyone have similiar experiences? Or is this something bad that I should stop doing?

Also just wanted to thank everyone for their support and being part of this board. I'm miles away from home and personal support, it was very nice waking up knowing that you are all here and can understand the unbearable.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by E-Double on Dec 29th, 2007, 2:45pm
When in the peak of a cycle one can be overcome with anxiety.
I used to get tremendous anxiety during a banger that would make me feel nauseaous.
Once i learned to cope better the anxiety decreased and so did the nausea.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by EstieSA on Dec 29th, 2007, 3:07pm

on 12/29/07 at 14:45:05, E-Double wrote:
When in the peak of a cycle one can be overcome with anxiety.
I used to get tremendous anxiety during a banger that would make me feel nauseaous.
Once i learned to cope better the anxiety decreased and so did the nausea.

Ditto the above!

Only once in a while , nowadays, do I speak on the porcelain telephone - ' shrugs'...

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 29th, 2007, 3:16pm

  It could also be attributed to whatever medications you're taking.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by Guiseppi on Dec 29th, 2007, 9:29pm
A kip 10 will make me feel very nauseous...but I believe it's just the pain....the only time I've barfed was med related.


Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by Sean_C on Dec 29th, 2007, 9:54pm
I've never vomitted with a cluster, and thankful  ;;D

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by cat1955 on Dec 30th, 2007, 4:42am
I used to vomit when I took oral meds (of any kind) for my CH's but thanks to imitrex injections, that is becoming a thing of the past. I had a cycle headaches with vomitting for 6 months and would vomit at least once every 15 mins for a couple hours or more every day.  The pain of the headache never differed but I had developed an aneurysm in my temporal artery. Just something to watch out for. Persistant vomitting is what I gauge a visit to the ER and a CT on.  It took me 2 brain surgeries before I figured that out.  

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 30th, 2007, 7:25am
Never with a CH -- but with a migraine I do get sick as a dog and sometimes barf if I don't get some phenergan down fast enough.

Very few here complain of naseau with CH. Might ought to have that checked out.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by barry_sword on Dec 30th, 2007, 7:50am
No throwing up with CH's with me, not even feeling nausea during the big hits.

But when I had migraines that left when the Clusters started I called them the "pulse till you puke headaches" [smiley=hurl.gif]

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by George_J on Dec 30th, 2007, 2:45pm
No, I don't get nausea with CH.  

Can't cite it, but I recall that someone posted some statistical information a few months ago showing that a minority of folks with CH do indeed get puky.  Perhaps you're one of the lucky few.



Edited for word dysfunction.  "Site" for "Cite".  Yeesh.  Just put me on the short bus, okay?

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by Travis1980 on Dec 30th, 2007, 4:41pm
I have been suffering for about 10 years now and every time a cycle returns, for the first few headaches I feel the overwhelming urge to vomit. I feel like it will ease the pain for some reason and, yes, I have forced the issue. I have no idea why this is, but I can relate.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by GuitarBill on Jan 2nd, 2008, 2:46am
The pain is so intense that often I have a very overwhelming sense of nausea and a vomit coming on (and with the pain combined with that feeling has to be the closest to Hell I have ever come) but I fight off the urge to puke...and I never have. I think that for some people like myself...vomiting itself is a bit of an unpleasant experience as I will do everything I can to ease the nausea. And when you experience something else physically "bad" it may take your mind off the pain for just a few seconds. For me, the puke feeling comes on when I become terrified and my heart races uncontrollably. Does this happen to you too?
Pain free (and sick free) wishes...

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by Bob P on Jan 2nd, 2008, 6:45am
Used to, a lot.  Attributed it to the pain and cafergot.

Yes, the attack would stop within a couple of minutes of barfing.  And yes I would jamb the finger down my throat to make it happen and get relief.

My theory, serotonin is made/stored in two places in the body, nervous sytem and GI track.  The barfing causes a large release of serotonin from the GI track.  Could be why some people say that taking a dump stops an attack.  Just my thughts.

I no longer barf.  Instead I suck O2.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by thomas on Jan 2nd, 2008, 10:33am

on 12/29/07 at 21:54:11, Sean_C wrote:
I've never vomitted with a cluster, and thankful  ;;D

Me either, but I have been very nauseous a few times.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by wip5150 on Jan 2nd, 2008, 2:14pm
It's happened to me a few times but I think, like others have said, it's likely attributed to anxiety or overmedication.

All I know is that the last time I blew chunks during a cycle it didn't really add to the pain but just made me all the more miserable for sitting on the cold tile, my face burried where no face should be, my head pounding, cold and trembling wondering, "How the hell did I get here?"

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by Sandy_C on Jan 2nd, 2008, 4:06pm
I vomited one time, the second time I ever experienced a CH hit.  My first ever CH hit was the night before, at the same exact time.

At that time, I was undiagnosed, and on no meds whatsoever, so medication played no part in my nausea.

The pain was so intense, and I was so frightened, not knowing what was wrong with me.  It hasn't happened since, so I chalk it up to plain old pain and fear.

However, vomiting did not reduce the pain one iota.

Just my two cents.


Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by DennisM1045 on Jan 2nd, 2008, 4:16pm

on 01/02/08 at 06:45:28, Bob P wrote:
My theory, serotonin is made/stored in two places in the body, nervous sytem and GI track.  The barfing causes a large release of serotonin from the GI track.  Could be why some people say that taking a dump stops an attack.  Just my thughts.

Ya know... just when I thought there wan't anything else in this thread for me...  I have IBS and it can flare up bad when I'm in cycle.  I've always felt that I get a little relief in my head after moving my bowels.  It doesn't abort a hit but can take it down a notch.

Thanks for bringing this up Bob!


Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by phil_h on Jan 2nd, 2008, 7:18pm
I'm a chronic and when I get hit with more than 3 7+'s a day I vomit . Sometimes just a 10 will have me vomit within 15 minutes of the end of the hit . I've experienced this for about 3 years now . The Doc gave me rx's   one to reduce nausea and a one that just made me feel worse and vomit anyway . I stopped the rx's . Nothing worse than feeling the need to vomit and not feeling able to . The Md has me recording my vomiting as well . Sometimes I may vomit 3x's in a day . Sometimes I'll go a few weeks without vomiting .     It feels like what I'd imagine I'd feel like if I had been in a microwave oven for a few minutes . Especially after a couple of 9's or 10's within a 24 hour period . Just part of my wonderful experience with CH 's . Yes ,I eat alot of rice and bland foods when stomich is bad. Add electrolites and stop redbulls at times . Everybody has their own responses to the beast . Doesn't mean your not being sick right . Symptoms are just that ..........phil h

Title: Re: CH and Vomit THANK YOU
Post by circus1031 on Jan 2nd, 2008, 10:36pm
Thank you everyone for sharing your hell with me.

Those of you who share the nausea with me had similiar experiences. I don't feel like something else is wrong with me.

phil_h comment was very helpful: "Doesn't mean you're not being sick right."

I'll bring it up with the doctor I'm going to see next month.

Hope everyone had a great New Year.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by swimchica623 on Jan 4th, 2008, 9:28am
The only time I actually vomited was chugging a Red Bull during a kip 10 when the O2 decided to fail horrible was that.  :-(  I guess its not recommended, at least get the bubbles out first or something.  
Other than that I just get a kinda sick to my stomach, don't really feel like eating feeling after hits, intesifies when they increase, I think it's due to getting all hot during hits, the pain, and some of the medicine but I mostly stick to O2.  
I think FORCING yourself to vomit might not be the best thing, sounds like a way of dealing with anxiety or something to me, might be worth talking to someone about rather than the possibility of abusing your upper digestive system?  
Hope you are feeling better soon!

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by Whipsmart on Jan 8th, 2008, 8:29am
It wasn't pleasant.  I was awoken early with the beast.  I tried fighting through it by showering and getting ready for work a few hours early.   [smiley=laugh.gif] Needless to say, I was soon writhing on the floor when the pain got so intense I puked.

Title: Re: CH and Vomit
Post by southwalessunshine on Jan 11th, 2008, 4:50pm
When I get a bad one I am really nauseous and am sick.  My neuro says it can't possibly be cluster I'm having at that time but migraine.  But I know it def is a cluster as I have had migraine in the past. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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