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(Message started by: billyjoe on Dec 19th, 2007, 12:26pm)

Title: "Other headache" update
Post by billyjoe on Dec 19th, 2007, 12:26pm
Hi All,

           This is an update on my “other” headache after a series of tests and a Neuro visit.  As you may recall, after my most recent cluster cycle, I had what I thought was a constant kip 3-4 shadow.  My neuro told me this was not a cluster but another type of headache and prescribed a chest CT scan and MRI tests on my brain and neck.  The results of these tests found no significant “structural” issues, tumors or cancer.  

           While this is excellent news, my Neuro is at a loss to find a cause for my headaches.  The neck MRI did show some slight budging in some of the neck disks, but nothing severe.  While we were looking at the MRIs, I ask him to look for any signs of injury or abnormality on my CH side, but he couldn’t see anything abnormal. I did mention that I do have some muscular and nerve pain in my shoulder and he prescribed physical therapy for this.  He also recommend I see my eye doctor and get my pressure checked.  He mentioned in rare cases, glaucoma can cause headaches.  I do have borderline high eye pressure, so I am due for a checkup anyways.

           So we are basically grasping for straws at this point for a cause.  Fortunately, a low dosage of Gabapentin is working to remove most of my pain.  If anyone has any comments, ideas, or suggestions, I would love to heard them.  BTW, I found if you ask for a CD of your MRI, they will give it to you and you can view them on your pc.  Pretty fascinating to me as I can scroll through my body in great detail.  


Title: Re: "Other headache" update
Post by Chappy on Dec 21st, 2007, 3:11pm
Has your neuro mentioned Hemicrania Continua?  It's a one-sided constant headache, also involving the trigeminal nerve, usually with some but not much autonomic involvement.  The main diagnostic criteria is that it is 100% responsive to ondomethicin, and if its the primary type, meaning its not caused by any other condition, then nothing will show up on any tests.  Google it on the IHS site, and print it out for your neuro.  Your description already fits most of the criteria, so if you take ondomethicin and it goes away, then that's what you have.

Title: Re: "Other headache" update
Post by E-Double on Dec 22nd, 2007, 7:36am
So new dude Chappy just suggested what I was going to throw at ya :)
Indomethacin is quite affective for several rare headache types and tons of variants which docs do not know what the hell they are (pardon grammar)
My gig is this; dx: CH, idiopathic stabbing ha, a variant of the stabs we here call kajingles (don't ask lol), migriane along with tension.....
here's the point...
Indomethacin got rid of all but CH

Title: Re: "Other headache" update
Post by billyjoe on Dec 23rd, 2007, 5:09pm
 After reading about Hemicrania Continua, I agree that the symptoms are very similar and I could be suffering from this.  I also read up about Indomethaon on the web as well as this site and it sounds like the side effects can be significant.  I have been happy with Gabapentin and it takes away most of the pain.  I pretty sure if I upped the dosage, I would be completely pain free, but I try to use as little medication as possible and deal with a little pain.  
 So I'm not sure which medicine is the best or has fewer side effects, but it's good to know I can get pain relief.  If I do have Hemicrania Continua, then the good news is it may be remitting and I may get a break for a while, I hope.


Title: Re: "Other headache" update
Post by E-Double on Dec 23rd, 2007, 8:14pm
never had any side effects from indo.
Cpming off of it was hard as I suffered badly from rebound but I was also on a high dosage for quite sometime and had to come off of it to try lithium for clusters

Title: Re: "Other headache" update
Post by Karla on Dec 23rd, 2007, 8:52pm
I took 50 mg of indomethacin 3x/day and was pain free for 5 months and then all hell broke loose again.  I had no side effects from it at all.  You may seriously consider trying this medicine.  Good luck it being pain free no matter what you decide. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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