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(Message started by: LindsayLoo on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:07pm)

Title: OMG..Not another one!
Post by LindsayLoo on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:07pm
I have had some pretty bad demon's today. I am currently pain free but am just waiting on the next one I'm afraid to go to sleep but i am physically drained. Today has been my worst day yet. I have tried every possible tip that I have been given to me in my other post but nothing seems to help.  I still need to get an oxygen tank. My dad spent the day trying to get me one but the medical supply stores aren't at my disposal. We are trying to go the welding route but it is night time now. I am trying to avoid the whole E.R. but I'm afraid I can't postpone it much longer without some sort of abortive or oxygen plus i have to go alone. I haven't figure out what my "signs" are leading up to the ch's yet so it literally comes out of nowhere. My husband can't readily jump up and take me to the E.R. either we have 2 under 2 and he can't stay with me and I obvioulsy can't drive myself. Would an ambulance be an option? would they even take me seriously? I don't know what to do. I am so afraid of what is to come. I am crying just thinking about it. HELP!

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by chewy on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:15pm
I see you live in Arizona so I assume you have an Air Conditioner. Next hit try sticking your face right into the cold blowing air.

Bag of frozen peas on the neck and head sometimes helps.

Strenuous excersizing helps some but it can go either way.

Fire stations have emergency oxygen but it will only help with one hit.

Other than that get thee to a neuro for preventatives and an abortive.

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by LindsayLoo on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:19pm

on 06/02/07 at 23:15:43, chewy wrote:
I see you live in Arizona so I assume you have an Air Conditioner.
Other than that get thee to a neuro for preventatives and an abortive.

I have a frikken SWAMP COOLER!! If you don't know what that just a box with water blowing through pads that pushes it through the house with a squirrel cage. My neuro appt is for another 17 days (june 19th). I tired peas, ice packs, red bull, excercise, relpax blah blah blah! I'm losing my mind.

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by chewy on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:23pm
How about an A/C in the car?

Try Hot or Cold shower.

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by mynm156 on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:25pm
Dang Girl Have you tried the Water treatment?  It helps for some.  I have to play with my attacks ALL THE TIME.  Ice packs help some along with H2O and meds.  Have you used Imitrex before???  If not let me know I am cirrently away from home in Kingman woring but would be happy to share if you need some to get by.  Just IM me if you want to try and we can figure something out!

Hang in the Sister!!

Your Brother in Pain

aka Howard

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by LindsayLoo on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:27pm

on 06/02/07 at 23:23:39, chewy wrote:
How about an A/C in the car?

Try Hot or Cold shower.

Never thought of the car. Thanks!
I've tried both hot and cold showers. Hot seems to make them worse. Cold brings me to about a k7 for about 5-10 min.

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by George_J on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:28pm
An emergency treatment if you can't go to the ER:

Ice.  Put it in a sopping-wet cloth and hold it against your forehead, temple, or neck.  Better yet, bagged frozen peas or beans.  Keep it there--it'll take the edge off.  Won't kill the headache, but it will make it more bearable.

I know what it feels like, and the sense of rising panic that comes with the thing.  This isn't the time for it yet, because you're new to this and in the middle of a series of nasty attacks, but there are ways to calm yourself during at attack that will make the perception of the thing less devastating.  Believe it or not, you can learn to take an attack with a certain measure of acceptance--fighting only makes it worse.  Learning to take a hit is as valuable as any medication.  We can talk about that later.  But for now, try to breathe deeply and slowly--it will at least serve to increase the oxygen content of your blood, and will help to calm you down.

I'm sure others will be along with some further suggestions.  But just remember--it will not kill you, although it feels like it will.  And it ends.  You can get through it.  

It's always hardest for me to see the people who are new to this try to learn to cope.  I haven't forgotten what that is like.

My very best to you,


Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by LindsayLoo on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:36pm

on 06/02/07 at 23:25:31, mynm156 wrote:
Have you used Imitrex before???

Howard, oh how I wish you were in Tucson. I've only tried the imitrex 50 and 100mg pills and the 40mg replax my pcp gave me, she gave me ONE pill and that was on thursday. I don't know what she was thinking, obvioulsy nothing. What bothers me the most about these hits is that my 21 month old daughter witnesses them and she is terrified. I am home part of the day by myself with her and my 8 month old (11-6p) and i get a hit right at about 4pm and then again around 9:30p which the closer it gets the more I shake. I am trying so hard to maintain composure and stay calm (hence why i am on the boards) Thank you all!

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by E-Double on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:38pm

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by mcf69 on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:52pm
I second the melatonin E, 3 mg before bed, available wherever vitamins are sold for the most part, give it a try.....

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by LindsayLoo on Jun 2nd, 2007, 11:56pm
Melatonin...Dp they sell it at like CVS, walgreens or safeway (grocer) because the sucky thing about living in Tucson, the town shuts down (vitamin stores like wild oats, trader joe's etc) at night except for basic places like that.

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by mcf69 on Jun 3rd, 2007, 12:26am

on 06/02/07 at 23:56:39, LindsayLoo wrote:
Melatonin...Dp they sell it at like CVS, walgreens or safeway (grocer) because the sucky thing about living in Tucson, the town shuts down (vitamin stores like wild oats, trader joe's etc) at night except for basic places like that.

I'm pretty sure Walgreens here handles it, also try Wal-Mart, I know all the super stores around here have it too.....

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by LindsayLoo on Jun 3rd, 2007, 11:16am
Argh! I am pain free for the moment so I figure I shall update. Sorry for the length but I need to vent. I just returned from the E.R. oh what an experience. Got there at about 11:30 pm, couldn't walk, talk, anything. Got triaged about 5 minutes later, got o2 fairly quickly after begging then was sent on my way back to the waiting room dying. After sucking in as much o2 as fast I could while writhering in agony, it finally became somewhat manageable, then the o2 tank ran out about half hour after I got it but they wouldn't replace it for me. More than 3 hours later while I'm STILL in the waiting room I get hit again. Lucky for me though when I was PF for that short time I was talking to a woman (w/ her drunken DH who took a header over a wall) and explained to her what CH's were and what to do etc, etc. so when I got hit again, she , God Bless her, got the triage nusre immediately who in turn got another o2 tank immediately. Than left me there dying AGAIN. I'm still waiting. I'm slamming my head against the ground and rolling around on it yet I'm still waiting! Finally, a nurse from back came to get the drunken DH and then she saw me, said screw him and got me instead. Glod Bless her too. IV started right away was given 2mg of morphine AFTER I told them NO narcotics unless there were no other options left and then NOT morphine because it makes it worse for some reason. Gave it to me anyway. Rebounded within 10 minutes hardcore. Asked if I wanted more morphine, again said no. Finally, after ripping a chunk of my hair out, had her give it even if it was for only 10 minutes of relief, it didn't work. My nurse was lovely, stayed beside me the whole time, holding me. She told another nurse who came to get her she didn't want to leave me alone and to take care of it herself. 1 1/2 hrs after my hit started it was gone, just like that. I was exhausted but PF, just a little shadow. The doctor NOT ONCE came in to see me. I asked the nurse to see if the doc would give me ativan since i was so distraught emotionally and of course he said no, discharged me and gave me a script for 20 vicodin, I laughed and gave it back stating that I have enough vicodin and percocet in my useless arsenal. I was in and out of that back room in less than half the time I was left to wait in the waiting room. I love our Emergency system, Don't you?! Oh and I stole that non rebreather mask too, 2 of em even. Thanks for the tip on that one. Now all I need is the tank, believe me if I could have walked out w/ one I would have. Monday hopefully *crossing fingers*. Thanks for listening guys and for the wonderful support. Already, after just a few days, I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found you all here. *wipes away tear*


P.S. Anyone know a nice painless way to get all these knots in my hair I gave myself from tugging and pulling at it for so long. I feel like one of those "bubbleheads" from the 80's with my hair all teased up in the air.

Title: Re: OMG..Not another one!
Post by Brewcrew on Jun 3rd, 2007, 11:34am
Call your neurologist's office first thing Monday morning and tell them what dire straights you're in. Ask them to please contact you if there are any cancellations (or tell them you'll call them every day to see if there are any). Tell them you cannot wait 17 days.

And by all means, print the following ER "card," fill out as much of it as you can, and have your neuro fill out the rest. Carry it with you everywhere and present it to the admissions folks at the ER when you arrive.

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