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(Message started by: downstairs on Jan 21st, 2007, 11:28am)

Title: The life of a cycle
Post by downstairs on Jan 21st, 2007, 11:28am
I'm in my first cycle ever, so this is all new to me.  I am coming up on 2 weeks into it, so I am sure it is not done- but unfortunately I have no idea how long it may last at all- no experience.

I am curious if people have a similar "life" to their cycle.  By that I mean, does it have certain characteristics at the beginning and, especially, the end?

Do people generally get their heaviest headaches in bunches, and then taper off?  Or is it all just random?

In the past two weeks, I started "easy", it "peaked" for two nights of hell, and then lately its been these long, drawn-out but easy-to-deal-with headaches.  Just wondering what I should make of it, and if I should be afraid of a bad one coming.

Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by georgej on Jan 21st, 2007, 11:35am
It's hazardous to generalize, and there's no way of saying how long your cycle will last.  

Speaking only from my own experience, mine ramp up quickly in intensity and frequency, peaking about two weeks into a cycle, then gradually diminish in frequency and intensity for several weeks until they fade away.  Others here have different experiences.  The beast's behavior seems to be as individual as we are.

One day at a time, one hit at a time.  Trying to predict what will happen will drive you mad.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by downstairs on Jan 21st, 2007, 11:38am
Oh, i understand... like anything here, I am just looking for expereinces.  I've learned from this board- and its been invaluable if nothing else has- that everyone is different (which IS strange for a medical condition, no?)

Anyway... I understand it can come anytime, anywhere it damn well pleases.

But its nice to know if a streak of easy headaches usually means more easy ones...

Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by Guiseppi on Jan 21st, 2007, 12:13pm
Mine ramp up and ramp down as the cycles begin and  end. They ususally run 8 to 12 weeks, although my last one broke the mold at 8 months. I have a preventative that works so well I'm not always sure when my cycle is over. My doctor likes me to wean off after 4 weeks of pain free time.

That being said I'll second what George says. If you start convincing yourself it's over, then it comes back just as hard, it can really depress the sh#@ outta you!! Good luck.


Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by Trinity on Jan 21st, 2007, 4:47pm
As we are all different, i can only talk about my own experience : im just out for 2 weeks now from a 10 weeks cycle (and ive  been diagnosed as CH at the 6th week !!).
But, for me, cycles are always the same, I see no difference between the pain in the beginning and the end.
I know, when i go to bed thats im gonna be awaken at 4.00 (or so), that im gonna do my injection and then at 4.30, i can fall asleep again like a baby...The only thing u can be sure is that it will come back until the day ITS GONE !!!! And thats my case actually.
Anyway, wotever the time it comes to you, day or nite, the cycles periods are hard to deal with, moreover when you know that u cant do anything about it, and that might be the hardest part...

Anyway, good luck with it :)

Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by edbeek on Jan 21st, 2007, 5:27pm
I get a bunch of stronger hits about a week before the end of my cycle, but I also get bunches during the cycle, so you can't tell until the cycle is over.
Anxiety over when/if the next hit is coming doesn't help at all.

Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by LeLimey on Jan 21st, 2007, 5:32pm
CH is like the ultimate "designer" headache.
We all have slightly different characteristics during hits, how we cope what we do etc.
What works for one won't work for another and can vary dramatically, some need intense cold and others prefer scalding heat. Some meds work for some and won't touch the sides for others.
Its insidious and why we think of it as a living entity or "Beast". It feels like it can think.
As has already been said, trying to predict it will drive you nuts. Lets see what we can do to help you cope instead.
What meds have you tried? What works? Have you tried any of the tips we use like ice or heat or caffeine for instance?
There's a lot we can help you do to get through this and we will!

Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by TonyG1 on Jan 21st, 2007, 7:16pm

on 01/21/07 at 17:32:31, LeLimey wrote:
CH is like the ultimate "designer" headache.
There's a lot we can help you do to get through this and we will!

Well put Helen!  

My personal experience when I start into a cycle is the ramp up in intensity until a peak is reached, once I've hit that peak (and it is anybodys guess where that magic line is ...) then they gradually start decreasing in intensity until the cycle is over.    Preventative meds tend to skew the view a bit as you can never really be sure the meds are doing the trick or the cycle is winding down .... tapering down off meds (Of course in consultation with you physician)  tends to let you know pretty quickly if the meds were doing their job or the cycle itself is winding down.  Conversely, never get too comfortable on the preventatives...  most times they work but sometimes they don't prevent every CH (For me they tend to decrease the intensity of those attacks they don't fully prevent)

As others have said, the bottom line is you can't start trying to predict how this condition will behave... it'll drive you bonkers.  The minute you think you've got it figured out is almost 100% guarantee it'll throw you a curve ball.  >:(   The best thing I can offer on that front is to make the most of your pain free time and don't worry about the "next" hit will happen when it will happen...  I know its easier said than done (been there done that)

Best Regards and wishing you a short cycle and much pain free time !!


Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by BB on Jan 21st, 2007, 10:42pm

My husband is in his first cycle and it has been a long one ( 5 months so far ). It rammed up in intensity and frequency after 2 weeks then decreased a bit but since then it has been waxing and waning.

As soon as we think he has a stable pattern it changes  ::) . We had a few disappointments when we thought the cycle had come to an end then things started back up all over again. So now we quit trying to work the beast out and just take each day as it comes. This has reduced my husbands level of anxiety and depression and allowed us to get on with life regardless.

Painfree wishes to you.


Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by BlueMeanie on Jan 22nd, 2007, 12:00am
Welcome to Clusterville,

As already said, everyone has different types of cycles. In my case, the intensity is always the same for each hit. The difference is how much PF time I get between hits. The beginning and end have more PF time than the middle if that makes since. lol

Anyway as what everyone else said, just take it one day at a time and try not to worry too much about when the next one comes. Enjoy the PF times. It WILL end.

Good luck on a very short cycle. PF vibes heading your way.

Title: Re: The life of a cycle
Post by Pellsey on Jan 22nd, 2007, 5:44am
I'm 7 years in.  Had some episodes that were quite short (2 weeks) to others that lasted 3-4 months.  Mine usually start off really bad, like a "Remember me" type of thing then differ the entire episode,  Usually get at least 3 or 4 #10's a week until this time.  

It's just hanging.  Came back the same way with a few really bad ones but now it's just playing with me.  Just a really mild shadow then nothing at all.  I think it's gone then just from nowhere it's back, then nothing for days, not even a twinge.  I'm used to the shadow being there the entire episode but just nothing then BANG.  Like the torment isn't already bad enough.

So Downstairs, my answer to your question is it's just unpredictable.  Just when you think you've figured it out it adapts.  Living entity is the CH's. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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