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(Message started by: Keep_The_Faith on Jan 16th, 2007, 4:04pm)

Title: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by Keep_The_Faith on Jan 16th, 2007, 4:04pm
Hello to all, can anyone tell me if they have heard of these type of attacks? I have had what I now know to be CH Episodic type for the past 31 years, starting when I was 19 years old. I wrote more details of this on the new person message board. My attacks 95% of the time happen precisely 30-45 minutes after I wake up. I have had attacks at different times of the day, and even waking me out of sleep though this happens only 5% of the time. Is this typical of CH or am I dealing with something else the past 31 years?

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by starlight on Jan 16th, 2007, 4:16pm
My CH (episodic) love to awaken me in the middle of the night as well as hitting me as I am waking up or shortly after waking up in the morning.  
But I think some get hit mostly during the daytime.  30-45 minutes after waking up seems as likely a time as any.  In fact I think that CH are very good at targeting that transitional period between sleeping and waking.  3 hours of intense pain for which you can set a clock sounds like CH at work.  Although I am not sure about the length of time there--I have had CH that last for hours or hit back to back totally hours at the peak of cycle but 3 hours everytime don't know.  (Edited to say I read your other post in getting to know you).  Maybe other episodics can chime in--I get mine mostly at night but am not immune to daytime hits.
Good luck to you in getting painfree.  Star

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by JeffB on Jan 16th, 2007, 4:20pm
Try keeping track of times and durations of the hits rather than percentages. Also, take the quiz to the left.

Do you get hit at night? How many times a year do you get hit? How long do they last? Are you on any meds?
Read as much as you can then the questions you ask will be easier to answer.

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by Guiseppi on Jan 16th, 2007, 4:24pm
The first 20 or so years my attacks never came at night, only around 9:00 am and around 4:00 PM. After I hit my 40's the night hits began.

As far as being unusual, I don't think so. I've read numerous posts about the beast morphing on his time schedules! Just one more joy to endure. I now keep an e-tank by the bed when I'm in cycle. I'll incorporate the first part of a headache into my dream so by the time I wake up it's already building to a butt kicker!!! Hoping you have a short cycle and a loooong remission!!


Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by Redd715 on Jan 16th, 2007, 4:46pm
For many years my attacks were primarily at night with only the rare daytime attack.  Almost 3 years ago the beast morphed and I was getting hit anywhere from 4-6 times every day.  Over the course of time and the Busters method of treatment, the night attacks are now rare when I'm in high cycle, rare day hits as well, but they are present, and the worst of the worst are the late evening ones that hit about 9 PM.  

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by UN solved on Jan 16th, 2007, 5:00pm
Attacks that are like clockwork are a symptom. Intensity/frequency of attacks are another. So is location, duration, and triggers.  ??


Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by BlueMeanie on Jan 16th, 2007, 6:01pm
Not unusual. My first 6 years or so was the same as Guiseppi. Rarely got woke from a sound sleep. Hits always came at 9AM & 4PM. After that, instead of 2 hits a day, the hits went to 3 a day which included the waking from a sound sleep at 2AM.

Sending PF vibes your way. Hope your cycle is a short one.

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by JeffB on Jan 16th, 2007, 6:16pm
My hits are like clock work when in cycle.

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by BarbaraD on Jan 16th, 2007, 6:25pm
My hits are sporatic and eratic -- not pattern. For years I got waked out of a deep sleep around 4 in the morning. Then the hits got more day orientated.

Right now there's no rhyme or reason with them. I usually wake with a shadow and if I get to the O2 and coffee quick enough can abort the morning hit. The afternoon ones just come when they feel like it.

Melatonin has about eliminated the night hits. But I know when my eyes come open to GET UP right then. If I try to snooze - I'll get a Kip-10 every time.

But remember we're all different and these darn things can change course on us just to irritate us.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by TonyG1 on Jan 16th, 2007, 7:16pm
My major hits are always at night -- med free they are like clockwork when in cycle --- verap tends to throw the beasts' timing off for me.  Very, very rare for me to get a day hit unless it is shortly after waking up

Title: Re: Unusual SYMPTOMS?
Post by gonz2112 on Jan 17th, 2007, 1:23am
In my first few cycles I would get hit once a day for the 1st week only in the morning right after waking and then every other day for the rest of the cycle which was about 3 weeks long. I never had a hit any other time unless triggered by alcohol.

Then I started getting night hits that would wake me up in addition to the morning ones, but none during the day. Now I get hit morning, day, and night, 2-4x/day for 2-3 months. It will be like clockwork for a couple of days and then the schedule changes. The only constant is that I rarely make it through the night without getting hit at least once.

Prior to the advent of Imitrex my HA's would always last about 2 hours and were usually a kip 7-9. Now they are all over the scale depending on how quickly I can abort w/Red Bull, O2, and/or trex jabs.

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