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(Message started by: taraann on Nov 2nd, 2006, 12:54pm)

Title: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by taraann on Nov 2nd, 2006, 12:54pm
Yah thanks to pregnancies, and STEROIDS (f##cking pills, are they worth it???)  I know pregnancy was definately worth the troubles! ;;D  But now I have weak teeth , break them constantly from the gums down, I blame too many steroid tapers mostly, and IV steroids.  Now I have so many broken teeth, and sentivity and if I lay on a sore tooth I get a CH, then I roll over on the other side and another broken/sore tooth with trigger a ch on the OTHER side!  Anyone else find this same thing to be a trigger, just curios

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by Charlotte on Nov 2nd, 2006, 6:09pm
i've always had weak teeth and broken a lot of teeth, so now I do have a lot of crowns. Has to do with mouth breathing from allergies and the way my jaw hits, and grinding.

One really great thing (the only good thing), since I've been chronic, I can eat all the popcorn I want.  It used to be a trigger.


Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by Giovanni on Nov 2nd, 2006, 9:00pm
Have had the same problems (except the pregnancies ;;D).  Just had three lower teeth pulled because of fractures, abcess, etc.  Strange thing the pain wasn't that bad because of these damned headaches.

Get my new choppers in two weeks.


Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by drivin_blind on Nov 3rd, 2006, 10:37am
3 crowns and 1 broken molar waiting for crown. Mine aren't a trigger as much as a result of CH. Chicken/Egg? Dick

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by taraann on Nov 3rd, 2006, 10:44am
Just seems my teeth suddenly have gotten so much worse, esp since becoming the oh so fun chronic......and then pred abuser ;;D  Losing a tooth or two during pregnancy is a fact of pregnancy in my fam BUT this is crazy.....all but my four and bottom have all gone to shit.....thinking about getting all the rest yanked at income tax time so I can get partials and stop dealing with toothaches and ch triggers (I don't need triggers, the ch's come often enough on their own!)

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by Charlotte on Nov 3rd, 2006, 12:23pm
don't mozst of the meds cause dry mouth?


Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by TonyYZF on Nov 3rd, 2006, 2:13pm
Tara Ann,

I have bad teeth too...genetics.  I have several removals, root canals and trauma when I was younger that still haunts me.  I had a slightly bad tooth, ie no absess, just what they call a non vital tooth meaning the root was dead or dying.  It was a massive trigger when I was getting hit.  Hot, cold, pressure, anything would cause the hits.  All three branches of my trigeminal go crazy when I get hit.  Sometimes drinking cold liquids would help during the hit and sometimes a hot compress on the side of my face would help.  That was before I was diagnosed so I thought it was a toothache and the dentist said it was fine so they thought it was a sinus infection, then they thought it was TMJ, on and on until I finally saw a good neurologist who diagnosed clusters.  Incedentally I had a root canal on it and it is no longer a trigger.  That is good, but unfortunately it certainly did not cure the CH.  But at least I can eat and drink without it triggering.  You may have to work through the pain of having the teeth fixed, but it may at least remove those specific triggers.  Make sure you talk to the dentist if you have work done about the novacane.  Most novacane has a drug mixed with it, I think it is called epinepherine, that prolongs the effects of the novacane.  Anyway I think it effects dialation of the blood vessels and it can be a trigger in itself.  I have had problems with it after the novacane wore off for years, but I didn't know about cluster headaches back then and didn't understand the hangover from the novacane.

Good luck and hang in there.

Oh yeah.  No pregnancy issues here.


Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by Redd715 on Nov 3rd, 2006, 2:13pm
I have numerous split, cracked chipped and outright broken teeth.  As has already been stated, there is very little if any pain due to the teeth themselves.  IMHO CH is a direct cause of the tooth issues, not the other way around.  Clenching the jaws during hit after hit can't help but cause some damage over time, and I also have some self inflicted damage from trying to pry my own teeth out during hits.  Last time I went to the dentist to have the temporary repair from a broken tooth due to getting hit, (back in March of this year) He was able to see stress fractures in all the molars.  More breakage just waiting to happen.  

My dental insurance started 2 days ago, however I don't have my card yet for proof of coverage.  My hope, is to have the vast majority of my dental issues fixed by DavCon. If insurance will cover any portion of sedation dentistry, it can all be done in one sitting.  I have a client who is a sedation dentist.  I might be able to cut a good deal.

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by taraann on Nov 3rd, 2006, 3:10pm
Well....... I KNOW I grind my teeth in my sleep .. always have but I tend to clench my teeth when I'm in pain.  ESP when I wake up with a CH I can't seem to make myself stop clenching, then I get a toothache and it triggers more CH"s and so on...

As for the novacaine triggering later I didn't know it was mixed with a dialator I didn't know that......but I had a tooth pulled a couple months ago (abcess) with novacaine.  When I get all my teeth fixed or the majority pulled for partials I am planning on asking to be sedated.  I'm a sissy with dentists anyways so that reason alone makes me want to be out cold or atleast drugged to thepoint of not caring

Redd...goodluck with the getting a deal!  I get 80% coverage dental in 60 days, so by then I will start scheduling a visit then have income tax to pay the 20%

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by Richr8 on Nov 3rd, 2006, 3:40pm
Don't have great teeth, broke two in my last cycle. Don't know if it's the chiken or the egg, but there was tons of pressure involved, and I have been doing pred tapers.  That I do know.

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by Sandy_C on Nov 3rd, 2006, 4:55pm
One broken molar, several crowns, and I'm a grinder too.  I grind my teeth ALL THE TIME, not just when in cycle - drives my husband nuts!.   But, I never was a grinder until after I started getting CH cycles - interesting???  Maybe this could be something else we get a poll on - can't hurt.

Chicken or egg?  That question will never get answered, without the egg, you don't get a chicken, but without the chicken, you don't get the egg.  Sounds like CH to me  ;;D


Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by Jobette on Nov 4th, 2006, 12:22am
A better pole would be, Who have had teeth pulled because of unknown clusterheadaches?  [smiley=huh.gif]  Taraann, my prayers are with you, I would hate to have those 2 fighting against me. Here's wishing you pain free days.

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 4th, 2006, 7:19am
About the novacaine... there's an electronic probe (wire) out now that the dentist inserts in the gum at the tooth and it deadens that tooth. When they take it out - it's NOT dead. Might stop CH due to the novacaine.... [smiley=huh.gif]

My teeth are good except they have "phantom" pains when I'm getting hit. Dentist can't find anything wrong with the teeth -- But it's like there's an exposed nerve or something....

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Broken teeth, abcess, triggers
Post by GuitarBill on Nov 7th, 2006, 2:35am
I have had a problem with a nerve in my top right side molar and dentists (at least the 3 I have visited) can't seem to find any problem with the tooth itself. But it triggers the CH tremendously. It hasn't happened in awhile, though I can guarantee the nerves are linked somewhat in that sense...

But interesting story...the oral surgeon who extracted my wisdom teeth knew more about CH than my doc, describing every elaborate detail. He told me tooth nerves were linked somewhat, and triggers would be possible. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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