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(Message started by: marlinsfan on May 20th, 2006, 1:55pm)

Title: Cycling up?
Post by marlinsfan on May 20th, 2006, 1:55pm
As you all know, my first son was born 10 days ago (pics in the General board, under Baby Update). Anybody who's a parent knows what I'm going thru: tired days, and nights where we wake up 3 or 4 times per night for an hour or so if we're lucky, and nights where we're up at 2 am for the rest of the night if the baby doesn't want to sleep. Mostly we're lucky that the baby just wakes up for feedings/burping/diaper change, then we go back to sleep.

All this change in my sleeping pattern may have brought on a cycle. I've had a low-level shadow all day, which didn't go away with my morning espresso, and is still hanging around after the the after-lunch coffee and 2 excedrin.

Anybody remember having sleepless nights trigger a cycle? I've never cycled in May, but my cycle last year did start in April.

If I start taking my melatonin, will I be able to hear the baby if he wakes up?


Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by BarbaraD on May 20th, 2006, 2:17pm
TRUST ME ON THIS ONE -- you'll be able to hear the baby thru three closed doors during a hail storm.....

My son is almost 40, and I can still hear him when he stays with me - especially if he has a cough. It's just something that you inherit with being a parent.

Relax - that child is probably doing better than you are... They're really quite tough. Get some rest...

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by Redd715 on May 20th, 2006, 3:16pm
As far as possibly going into cycle...

Seems this was an early year for alot of people, cycle came weeks earlier than expected.  I'd play it safe and start the Melatonin.  Can't hurt.

I also agree with Barbara, you'll hear the baby...not to worry.

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by Dave on May 21st, 2006, 12:22pm
Lack of sleep is a common migraine trigger.  My doc suggests that lack of sleep could be a possible cluster headache trigger.

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by Jasmyn on May 21st, 2006, 2:15pm
Jose, you've just got the pleasure of parenting and like Barbara and Pegg said, don't worry too much, you'll wake up. ;;D

Now go and take your Melatonin and get some sleep.  :-*

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by Richr8 on May 21st, 2006, 4:08pm
Sorry to hear Jose.  I'm the same with this sleep cycle stuff, never know if it's the cart ofr the horse.  Hopefully things will settle down If you get back on a good sleep cycle.

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by lionsound on May 22nd, 2006, 6:11am
I never take melatonin or anything else when my husband is not home for that very same reason. I'm afraid I won't wake up...or if i do I won't know what's going on.

My suggestion would be to take shifts with the sleeping if you can. Alternate nights. You may also be able to find a willing volunteer who might come over and hold the baby while you and your wife get some sleep. Even a few solid hours can help a lot.

I know naps can be a cluster risk, but sleep deprivation is too and I found that newborn parents not sleeping is very different than regular  cluster headache not sleeping. You need to snag sleep whenever you can.


Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by E-Double on May 22nd, 2006, 6:16am
Good luck brother!
I'm righ tbehind ya and taking notes ;)

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by marlinsfan on May 22nd, 2006, 3:25pm
Thanks, all. Eric, get ready!!

Rori, we did last night what you suggested. I slept in the guest room, got 7 full hrs of uninterrupted sleep. Most of the day today I haven't had a shadow, though it has popped in a couple of times for a little bit. My wife knows quite well what a cycle means, so she's being great about it. She's napped quite a bit today, and I'm still home from work, so I can take care of Marco while she naps. Of course, when he's hungry, we have to wake her......

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by lionsound on May 23rd, 2006, 12:57pm
WOW! Good for you José!

Title: Re: Cycling up?
Post by Tom K on May 23rd, 2006, 2:22pm

on 05/22/06 at 15:25:40, marlinsfan wrote:
... Of course, when he's hungry, we have to wake her......

Ah, boobs...they're not just for playing with anymore.... ;)

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