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(Message started by: superhawk2300 on May 5th, 2006, 8:07am)

Title: Tired after cycle - how long?
Post by superhawk2300 on May 5th, 2006, 8:07am
Lets see, my cycle ended a couple weeks ago now, and I am still pretty tired.

My cycles have always been 6-8 weeks and afterwards it took just a long weekend of rest to "get over it".

This cycle was 16 weeks and I am still tired.  Any one with "normal" cycle this long out there that can tell me how long their recovery is?

I know it is all individual and speculative at best but I like collecting info. I also want to make sure nothing else is wrong with me. Spring training season starts in a few weeks and if I am this tired I won't be able to get back in "shape"... (round IS a shape"

Title: Re: Tired after cycle - how long?
Post by Mattrf on May 5th, 2006, 10:30am
I have read that when you miss sleep your body dose not fully recover until you have made up what you missed. With CH that can mean a lot of naps after your cycle ends so I would say just take as many naps as you can until you feel normal or as close to normal as any CH suffer can.
Glad you are out of cycle and PF enjoy it to the fullest while you can.

Title: Re: Tired after cycle - how long?
Post by Jasmyn on May 5th, 2006, 6:17pm
The tiredness can also still be from the meds you used.  Are you totally off all your meds or are you still tapering?

The Verapamil tend to contribute to overall tiredness plus what Matt said.

Title: Re: Tired after cycle - how long?
Post by superhawk2300 on May 5th, 2006, 6:42pm
I've been off eveything for a couple weeks too. Off the verap cold turkey.

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