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(Message started by: Mattrf on Mar 23rd, 2006, 10:22am)

Title: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by Mattrf on Mar 23rd, 2006, 10:22am
Or is there such a thing?
Does it start out as shadowing then peak then go back to shadowing?
My cycle started in December and it peaked a couple weeks ago with three intense days of head banging crying and a trip to the ER, now I am back to shadowing with ice picks. Is this typical?

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by nani on Mar 23rd, 2006, 11:07am
I think "typical" is a moving target. Here, anyway. I can't really offer much here, since I didn't know it was CH when I was episodic. I didn't really keep track.
What you're describing sounds like other descriptions I've read. I hope that means you're done for now.    pain free wishes, nani

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 23rd, 2006, 12:02pm
I can only speak for me. I get that uncomfortable feeling of "oh sh&^ they're back" for about a week. Then I get one ha every 3 to 6 days that won't ratchet past a 6 or 7. This will last one to two weeks, (while I'm still stupidly hoping they're not back) Then I get slammed with a 10. I start my meds, (lithium with a pred taper) and wait 8 weeks. I try to go off the lithium, typically get stung the first and sometimes second try, but by 10 to 12 weeks I'll get off the lithium completely and generally be okay.

You'll probably find a million different answers from everyone else. It sounds like you might be done, hoping you are pal!


Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by Mattrf on Mar 23rd, 2006, 12:15pm
I think I am on the back side but mine tend to last for months so I probably have a month or so of shadowing left but beats the hell out of head banging. I work at a medical research center at Stanford University and I just talked to our head researcher, one of those top in his field guys a real brainyack and he said there is just not much known about CH and no known cure or treatment that works, so he just confirmed what I already knew but it was nice to hear from someone I know wont BS me and really knows what he is talking about.

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by dejay on Mar 23rd, 2006, 12:43pm
 It drives me nuts wondering where I'm at in cycle. This cycle has been different for me than past ones and I have a hard time knowing weather the cycle is lessening or the meds are working.
 But the good news is I think I'm done with it now. I thought so a couple of times before but almost got caught.  I'm currentley on 240 vera daily. I got a really bad sinus headaches the other day and it didn't trigger an attack. From what I've read here I'll wait 2 weeks without a hit or shadow and than start tappering off. It's been about 5 days now with no hits or shadows.

 Good Luck


 Hope it's gone.

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by rbmb on Mar 23rd, 2006, 1:02pm
My cycles start with tension headaches and usually a stiffness in my neck that works its way up into my head. These happen when I drink alcohol, which I've finally realized are a sure sign that a cycle is starting. At that point I stop drinking, but within a few days I start waking up around midnight with a genuine cluster headache (burning, stabbing pain behind my left eye, watering eye, runny nose) and then it becomes a nightly ritual for the next 2 or 3 months until they go away. The HAs at the beginning and end of the cycle aren't quite as intense as the rest. I generally only get one HA a night until I get to the peak of the cycle when I sometimes get 2 to 4 HAs a of which is more intense than the rest. That's my story. Sound familiar to anyone?

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by BarbaraD on Mar 23rd, 2006, 1:36pm
I'm chronic so I can't say about the start and stopping, but one thing -- when you know they're revving up -- try melatonin before bedtime (6-12mg). It will help you get thru the REM sleep and you may just sleep thru the night-time hits. Takes a couple of weeks to get in your system, but well worth the wait.

Also O2 works wonders on so many of us.

Right now I've got a broken regulator and am trying to get to the O2 store to get a new one... Curses......

Hugs BD

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by Richr8 on Mar 23rd, 2006, 1:40pm

on 03/23/06 at 10:22:34, Mattrf wrote:
Or is there such a thing?
Does it start out as shadowing then peak then go back to shadowing?
My cycle started in December and it peaked a couple weeks ago with three intense days of head banging crying and a trip to the ER, now I am back to shadowing with ice picks. Is this typical?

I do not believe there is a typical, but yours experience sounds very similar to mine.  Mine is wrapping up also and if I wasn't on Verapamil, I'm pretty sure I would still be shadowing.  

pf wishes,


Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by llreed on Mar 23rd, 2006, 9:02pm
Greetings MATTRF,
Cycle? Well I'd have to say as for myself.  I thought I knew exactly when it would start and how many months I had to go.  This year was a horse of a different color.  The best I can do to help is to suggest a diary or a log, when in pain, how long, rate of pain, day by day and when you felt safe enough to say it was over!!  If it seems to have a pattern that is what you could say was your cycle.  For some they know the months, or maybe their stress level, and for the choosen there are just hours in a day for a break.  I'm one that feels blessed - nothing has lasted over 4 months.  Used to be Summer time but now I had my first winter episode.  Go figure.
Sorry if this was too terribley long...
PF Wishes to all here and not here,

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by chewy on Mar 24th, 2006, 6:53am
Typical and Cycle should not be used in the same sentence.

Title: Re: So what is a typical cycle?
Post by seasonalboomer on Mar 24th, 2006, 8:42am

on 03/24/06 at 06:53:29, chewy wrote:
Typical and Cycle should not be used in the same sentence.

How about in the same word: "Typicycle"? Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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