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(Message started by: baur323 on Jul 11th, 2007, 10:30am)

Title: Rookie checking in
Post by baur323 on Jul 11th, 2007, 10:30am
Found the website and forum last night, while dealing with a CH.  Nothing like being miserable and kicking off google.

I am a 36yo male, been dealing with CHs since I was 20.

History:  I started getting CHs while I was in the military and ran the gamut of diagnoses when speaking with mil docs:  Mango pollen allergy, too much/too little caffeine, stress, too little sleep, etc.  All I know is it made me miserable and no one could figure out why I was broken.

After getting out of the mil, I noticed the CHs would come and go.  Meaning, I could go PF for months or even years and then, BAM, have an episode for weeks on end with up to half a dozen CHs per day.  All of varying intensity.  Some mild with very few symptoms, other absolutely debilitating.

Went on for a while until I told my mother about what I was dealing with and discovered we shared very common symptoms and it would appear we are the minority of sufferers with a family member also having CHs.


Tightness always on the right upper quadrant of my head, just behind the R eye.  Clogged sinuses, runny nose, tearing and bloodshot R eye with drooping lid.  Very predicatable onset that is full intensity in 10-15 minutes.  At the peak, it can last upwards of 30-45 minutes and as the peak tapers off, residual slight pain, tightness in previous afflicted area and overall fatigue.  These CHs leave me knocked out and tired.  After a few per day, I am an absolute mess and negatively affects my work productivity and personal life.  My lovely g/f knows to leave me alone when I am having one and knows how miserable I am and is frustrated she cannot do anything for me.

Despite being a very heavy sleeper, these have actually woken me up from a deep sleep.  One of the most frustrating aspect of having CHs.  I sleep little at night and value it, waking up halfway though the night and being up for 90 minutes dealing with a CH has a nice effect of making my morning unbearable.

I have found no consistency in the episodes.  IIRC, they vary on time of year, geographic location, pain intensity and duration of the episode.  I have had them in Hawaii, California, Connecticut, Nevada, summer time, winter time.  The episodes may come on very weak with just slight discomfort and I am able to lead normal behavior to those that leave me curled up on the floor, all in a matter of a few days.  Other episodes come on 100% and the first CH of the episode is full-on intensity.  I have found no rhyme or reason to these episodes.

I haven't tried much other than OTC pain meds (Tylenol, Aleve) and Sudafed for the sinuses.

I think that's about it.  I look forward to reading and learning more about them.  Cheers!


Title: Re: Rookie checking in
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 11th, 2007, 11:17am
Wow dude, you have been fighting these alone for a long time. Obviously I'm no doctor, and don't even play one on TV bu damn you sound like a classic cluster head ache person! So where to start?

There are many very effective treatments that will allow you to lead a somewhat normal, mostly pain free life. You need to get to a neuro who specializes in headache. Get a solid diagnosis although I'd be shocked if it's not CH. Then you need to get two regimens started:

First your prevent meds. When your cycle starts up, you start getting the headaches again, you need to get a prevent med into your system. That is something that reduces the intensity and the frequency of your headaches. I use lithium, others use topomax, verapamil, some combine verapamil and lithium, there's lots for you to read about and try. This is where it really helps to have a neuro or a GP who will work with you.

Then you need an abortive strategy, the stuff you take when you get hit. I use oxygen, you'll see a LOT of people talk about 02, will abort a headache for me in less then 8 minutes with almost no side effects. When oxygen gails I go to the imitrex injectables, a little expensive and I hate the side effects but it beats a head ache!

I'm about 10 years older then you but started my ch at about the same age. With my strategy I've reduced the headaches by about 80% and can usually manage the ones that break thru. You have much reading to do as you'll probably have to educate mst doctors you go to. Don't just endure the pain any more, there's a lot of help available to you!! (Did that sound like a late night sales pitch???) Welcome to the board I do hope you find some relief soon.


Title: Re: Rookie checking in
Post by thebbz on Jul 11th, 2007, 11:45pm
Go here and check out the links. Enjoy the reading
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