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(Message started by: jeshauber on May 20th, 2006, 5:44pm)

Title: hi,i'm new to the family
Post by jeshauber on May 20th, 2006, 5:44pm
I've had these headaches since I was 19.I was diagnosed when I was 23.I now have just turned 30.Cluster headaches are hard for me to deal with because medication that works for me one year will not work for me the next year.I get them every 13 months and they last me for a month to a month and a half.They start at 9:00 p.m., and last for anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours.I have a husband who has a hard time dealing with it when I get them.I am not myself when I get them and yell and scream at everyone around me.I bang my head against walls just to feel a differnt kind of pain.(then end up hurting myself even more.)I get panic attacks a week before I get them because I know what I'm about to go through.I'm begining my season now.Yesterday was my first day.I know they are going to get unbearable tonight and I'm scared to death of what I'm going to be going  through in a few hours.Thanks for listening.Wish me luck tonight.

                                                              Yours truly.

Title: Hello Jessica, and welcome!
Post by Richr8 on May 20th, 2006, 6:09pm
I'm glad thtat you found us and sorry that yu are going through a difficult time, but I must say that 8 hours has got to be some kind of record for one CH.  Typically they are 15 minutes to three hours each occurring several times a day.  Have youu been diagnosed by a neuro?  Have you taken the cluster quiz on the left panel?  Let us know.  

This is a great resource for CH sufferers with lots of useful inofomation and even better, lots of support from folks who know exactly what you are going through.  Tell us more about your treatments and read, read, read.  I'm looking forward to hearing more abot you.

Title: Re: hi,i'm new to the family
Post by jeshauber on May 20th, 2006, 6:30pm
hi rich.thanks for replying to me.I was diagnosed by a nero in Rochester.But, even he didn't know if it was clusters because of how long they were lasting for.It was only one time that I had a headache for 8 hours in 11 years of having them.They usually last me 2 to 3 hours.I can remember the night I had my 8 hour headache.I honestly thought that there was something more than a cluster headache.I'm really having problems with being patient with my doctor and the meds they have put me on.Right now I take verapamil.It lightens the pain a little,but I'm scared because tonight is only going to be my second night this time around,and they get worse with each new night.Hopefully I'll find something soon.

Title: Re: hi,i'm new to the family
Post by Richr8 on May 20th, 2006, 6:39pm
Read through this stuff and take ot to your Doc the next time you go:

Also, get some Oxygne as it helps many of us abort individual attacks.  Info here or on the left tab: Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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