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(Message started by: ironhead on May 20th, 2006, 12:44am)

Title: diagnosed possible cluster headache
Post by ironhead on May 20th, 2006, 12:44am
Hey everyone,
Well I'll just kinda give this a run down and get some opinions I hope.
 About three years ago I went to the doctor for an ear infection he gave me some antibiotics and of course ear infection gone, cool. Then a few days later I got these severe headaches. Had me throwing up , and like someone was sticking a knife in my head through my right temple , behind my right eye down to the top of jaw bone hitting every nerve there was to be hit non stop for about 2 to 3 hours. This went on for a week , and of course I made it through the first night and suddenly it was gone so I thought wow that was the worst migrane I have or could ever get. I missed work needles to say , the next three or 4 nights was the same , doctor gave the run around its my teeth , dentist says no it may be my sinuses. After a week of this the doctor prescribed ultra-scet. Well they was gone so I thought hey maybe the ultra-scet worked. Then about a week and a half ago it started again. With the run around last time I tried some stuff for sinus headache and after an hour and a half or so it was gone, followe by another night of it only not as bad the second night then a third night , by then I was headed to the doctor I couldn't take this anymore. After about three hours in the ER waiting it had recided and was all but gone , atleast the excruiating pain I had this linger of a headache around but that was minor. Anyways he gave me cafergot , indocin , and percocet.
This went on for another week , I had enough pain medicine in me trying to get rid of that I'm sure he wouldn't have approved , like 5 aleeve , 4 percocets, had parts of my body that was numb and still I could feal my head hurting , mind you that it was tolerable at that point only because I was pretty well messed up.
So I took a follow after this point because it was still around and this was a week and a half later. The doctor said it sounded like a classice cluster headache case to him and gave me some imitrex. I don't know if the imitrex is whats saving me or if I'm just not getting one of the severe ones since I went and seen him. But I take the indocin in the morning , and evening regardless and then the imitrex if I feal a headache starting. So far in two days I've taken three imitrex. The headaches started out at night , and then switched and seem to be hitting me around 5 to 6 in the afternoon.
My doctor recomended me getting online and reading up about them and I found this site so here I am asking some of everyones here opinions on if they think its cluster headaches or if its something diff. Thanks

Title: Re: diagnosed possible cluster headache
Post by MJ on May 20th, 2006, 1:17am

Sounds like it may be the real deal to me.

Take the cluster quiz on this site and welcome here.

Title: Re: diagnosed possible cluster headache
Post by BobG on May 20th, 2006, 12:18pm
Yeah, what MJ said. And look under the 'imitrex tip' button. It'll save you money and be a little easier on your heart.

Welcome to the board.

Title: Re: diagnosed possible cluster headache
Post by jeshauber on May 20th, 2006, 6:13pm
yup,sounds like a cluster headache.if imitrex doesn't work, ask your doctor about's the only thing so far in 11 years that has lightened the headache alittle,but hasn't gotten rid of doctor is still studying new meds for me.

Title: Re: diagnosed possible cluster headache
Post by Richr8 on May 20th, 2006, 6:20pm
Hello Ironhead, and welcome!

Read up on the information here for a rundown on many of the treatments offerd for CH:

And here for one of the best abortives available (Oxygen)for individual attacks: Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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