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(Message started by: CrystalAnn on May 5th, 2006, 12:58pm)

Title: Hello I am new and I am in a cycl of headaches now
Post by CrystalAnn on May 5th, 2006, 12:58pm
Hi all
My name is Crystal to tell you who I am  !Right now I am in te middle of a "cycle" It startedon April 12th this time and I have had 2 headaches everyday and it is really bad I am so upset why do I get them I ask? I have a good life I am married 4 years to a great man he has a hrad time understanding my clusters :?( but he is great :) I do not have much stress in my life other than clusters cycles :(
I have a sweet little chihuahua!no kids just my dog :)

I take imitrex but I have no ins and it cost so much I am out now and I pray that my clusters will go away soon..

can anyone help me tell me what I can do any advice is better than none :)


Title: Re: Hello I am new and I am in a cycl of headaches
Post by marlinsfan on May 5th, 2006, 1:17pm
Welcome to the nuthouse, Crystal. Sorry you have to be here.

What to do? There's lots of stuff. Read as much as you can, as most everything has been written.

Read here, it has all the info on meds:

I battle the beast as follows:

Abortive: although trex works great, it's expensive, I can't get enough and causes rebound headaches, and is bad for your ticker, so I use Oxygen. Hi-flow (more than 10 liters per minute) regulator, with a non-rebreather mask. The best one is here:

Preventive meds: I've read a lot and my gut (not fact, just my gut) tells me that preventive meds may extend a cycle. I only use Melatonin, 9 mg about 30 mins before sleeping does the trick. You can get it at your local supermarket or pharmacy/walgreens'.

Diet: caffeine kills most headaches for me if I take it early. Strong black cold (so I can chug it) coffee. I stay away from: alcohol, aspartame (equal), citrics, nuts, chocolate, and a couple of other things, as these all will trigger a headache if I am in cycle.

Hang in there. PF wishes.

Title: Re: Hello I am new and I am in a cycl of headaches
Post by Richr8 on May 5th, 2006, 1:58pm

on 05/05/06 at 12:58:29, CrystalAnn wrote:
can anyone help me tell me what I can do any advice is better than none

Hi Crystal,


You will more than likely get more opinions than you can absorb.  Marlinsfan has some excellent points and I will add that I use Oxygen to abort attacks at 15 liters per minute with a cluster mask.  Prednisone tapers have broken my cycle in the last three years and I use Verapamil at 480mg as a preventive. I alos use Melatonin at 6-9 mg and this has helped me to get more sleep, 3-5 hours, in cycle.

I'm sure many others will chime in, but some have luck with hot and cold showers, ice packs, vigorous exercise, high doses pf caffeine from coffee or red bull, etc, etc.
The bottom line os that you have got a lot of reading to do and feel free ask all the questions that you can come up with.

Title: Re: Hello I am new and I am in a cycl of headaches
Post by CrystalAnn on May 5th, 2006, 3:25pm
thankyou for some info I do have a question how and where do I find the Oxygen ?

I have never tried any type of Preventive  meds I may try that I was told by a few people that they cause longer cycles.


Title: Re: Hello I am new and I am in a cycl of headaches
Post by Richr8 on May 5th, 2006, 3:31pm

on 05/05/06 at 15:25:20, CrystalAnn wrote:
thankyou for some info I do have a question how and where do I find the Oxygen ?

Oxygen can be had through any medical supply company, however, if you do not have insurance, you can rent O2 cylinders from a welding supply ompany for much less money.  If yougo the commercial routs, you will have to get your own regulator and a non-re-breather mask..Many of us use he Clustermask

Lots mor Oxygen info here:

I have never tried any type of Preventive  meds I may try that I was told by a few people that they cause longer cycles.

Everyone has different experience.  The preventives work well for me. You will have to experiment and see what works best for you. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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