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(Message started by: Drew_Va on May 2nd, 2006, 9:13pm)

Title: Looks like home
Post by Drew_Va on May 2nd, 2006, 9:13pm
I am a 43 year old episodic sufferer who has been experiencing clusters for 24 years. When this cycle started two weeks ago I decided to take a more aggressive approach to fighting the pain instead of resigning myself to it. Along with seeing my Doctor again (something I had not done the last 3 cyles), I did a lot of web research. Lo and behold, I found this site and it has been a great source of info and comfort to me. Thanks to the staff for bringing this site to all of us who suffer from clusters and I look forward to chatting with other people who share this common tie.

Title: Re: Looks like home
Post by RichardN on May 2nd, 2006, 10:18pm
Welcome to Clusterville Drew

 Now that you've found us, tell us a bit more about yourself and your attacks.  

 What meds have you used in the past.  What's worked and what hasn't?  Current meds?  Have you tried 02 to abort?

 There's loads of info here and not a question that can't be answered by someone.

 Welcome home,

 Be Safe,  PFDANs


Title: Re: Looks like home
Post by Richr8 on May 2nd, 2006, 10:23pm
Welcome Drew!  Glad that you found this place.  I just completed my 14th cycle and just found the site this past February.  I really believe it saved my life.  Take your time and read all that you can and then jump in with any questions, advice, or just to find an ear.  We all understand intimately what you are going through unlike almost everyone else you have been dealing with.  You are truly not alone.

Title: Re: Looks like home
Post by MJ on May 3rd, 2006, 1:05am

Welcome Drew.

You wont find much of a staff around here just good people that suffer like you and I.

As far as I know the only Staff exists in a fella named DJ who opened up the world for us.
Much like that Moses dude when he parted the sea's.

On this site and in these people and all the pages that follow you will find the best knowledge and experience that exists for cluster headaches.

Title: Re: Looks like home
Post by Drew_Va on May 3rd, 2006, 7:01am
My attacks come every 12-18 months and generally occur at the same time during the night. Yesterday I got nailed at 1 p.m., 8 p.m. and then again at 4:30 a.m. this morning. The one that occured early this morning happened because I got startled from a dead sleep (my 6 month old started crying). Does this happen to anyone else? It has always plagued me. I have never had a headache so horrible that it made me cry or bang my head, but they can be pretty rough. Intense pain in my right temple and a clogged right nasal passage are the typical symptoms. My headaches typically start out less intense and ramp up in frequency, severity and duration. Somewhere around 4 weeks into the cylcle they peak and then gradually fade away in the last couple of weeks. My best relief comes from doing two things:
1: Hot Shower
2: Walking up and down my driveway in the middle of the night (suspect its either the cool air or just getting my mind off the pain)
As far as medication I have tried verapimil (sp?), beta blockers, steriods, O2, immitrex, zomig, ladicaine (sp?)nasal spray. I am currently trying a number of the sumitriptans (samples provided by my Doctor) and have found Zomig to provide some measure of relief. I have never used the injected medications or the inhalers (the exception being the ladicaine which only made me have a headache with a numb face). After reading through the info on this sight I am now convinced I did not use the O2 properly when I tried it. I have an appointment with my Doctor tomorrow and I want to discuss trying O2 again as well as maybe an inhaler (Zomig?). I am not sure what is available.

Does anyone know of any good specialists in Central Virginia? We do have the UVA Pain Center but each time I have tried to get in there the appointment time ends up being so far out that the headaches are gone by then.
Enough for now. I appreciate the warm welcome and look forward to chatting with more of you. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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