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(Message started by: Dave_S on Apr 19th, 2006, 2:49am)

Title: Technical 02 question how to chill
Post by Dave_S on Apr 19th, 2006, 2:49am
Hello I am brand new to the board suffered CH since 1996. Have not had a break in 19 months I have 02 at home but I notice the hospital 02 works much better the only differance I can see is the hospital 02 is at least 8 or 9 degrees colder than my home 02. I hooked up an air conditioner this winter and tried brathing just the cold air from it and it was just almost working but not quite. If I could have a bloody week free of these crap I could rig somthing up to regulate the tempature of my oxygen but my thinking is not so great at the moment has any one tried such a thing as cooling there 02?
Dave S

Title: Re: Technical 02 question how to chill
Post by Jasmyn on Apr 19th, 2006, 3:32am
Welcome Dave.

I cannot help you with that question but I'm sure someone knowledgable will answer soon.

Glad you found us and hang in there.

Title: Re: Technical 02 question how to chill
Post by Richr8 on Apr 19th, 2006, 12:12pm
I haven't heard much about the delivery temp.  Are you using a non-rebreather mask at 15 LPM or better?  That combination is sure to bring maximum benefit.

Title: Re: Technical 02 question how to chill
Post by vietvet2tours on Apr 19th, 2006, 12:23pm
Aircondition the room

Title: Re: Technical 02 question how to chill
Post by BobG on Apr 19th, 2006, 12:28pm
Here ya go Dave.

Click this linky-thingy

Bob Kipple (Chilling O2  “Cool O2” May 10, 2000 Oxygen)

Title: Re: Technical 02 question how to chill
Post by Dave_S on Apr 19th, 2006, 8:08pm
Thank you I will try the link my regulator only allows a maximum 12 liters I just 2 minutes ago learned my good friend and mother in law who was admitted to the hospital for a stroke 2 days ago. Did not have a stroke it is lung cancer spread to the brain so I am going to cry for a while but it brings me great relive to find your site I have felt so alone in all this like I am crazy. I gave up on all medical care until about 6 months ago when I was admitted to the ICU twice for CM that were so bad I knew if I did not get to the ER now I was dead they felt the same way at the ER the hospital was great. they even went as far as sending one of there night TECHS to a course some where in the mid west for training on how to treat CM and they got me neurologists until they had a good one even though I wanted to give up they did not let me well I will fill in the details of my experiences as I can.
Dave Sidlauskas

Title: Re: Technical 02 question how to chill
Post by Mattrf on Apr 26th, 2006, 5:46pm
I have also found that cooling the air at a minimum makes me feel less claustrophobic.
What I do is get a small cooler and fill it with water and ice, then just run the o2 hose through the water. You can control the temp by how many coils of the hose you put in, if it is not cold enough put more hose in, if to cold pull some out. You have to give the hose a couple minutes to get cold enough to cool the air so it may not seem like it is working right away so you may want to wait a couple minutes before turning on the air.

Hope this helps.

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