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(Message started by: HotRodder_Headache on Mar 22nd, 2006, 7:57pm)

Title: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by HotRodder_Headache on Mar 22nd, 2006, 7:57pm
This is one of those communities one DOESN'T want to belong to, isn't it? Well, I'm now part of it.

Don't let my name fool you. I'm really a good guy. I just have this weird headache and I'm here seeking help.

I'm 41 and just started having these headaches. They started while I was in California starting a new job, working for my brother-in-law. Working for him is great. He's really laid back and understanding.

Someone needs to help me understand something about these headaches. I have had the surges of pain that caused my eye to water and make me stop dead in my tracks. That happened 8 or 10 times in a 3 to 4 day period and then I'm left with these nagging wrenching headaches that last all day and never seem to go away. These things have been here since the whole ordeal started. So now I'm dealing with those. I get those that  intensifiy to where my eye will start to tear up, but not that surging pain, thank God.

Is this pain that I have still part of the CH that I was experiencing a while back, or are they something else? My doctor is trying to treat these like a CH, but the meds aren't working. There is a pain med that he put me on that I'm to take at the first hint of a headache. It's suppose to slow or stop the pain. It sends me into LaLa land for about 15 minutes and the pain is gone for about 20-30 minutes and then comes back strong and keeps building. I'm really confused. Any ideas?

More personal info -

As I said, I'm 41, just started working for a company in Cali. I'm working out of my OH home for now, going back to Cali for a couple/three months and returning to OH for one month then going back. I spend more time there then here, so we'll be moving out there as soon as we can get things nailed down. I'm married and have one son, 24 who is married. My wife and I have SEVEN cats and one Cocker. I'm trying to go back to school, but with the new job in Cali, it'll have to wait until I get settled out there. From my moniker, you should have already guessed I'm into hot rods. I'm rebuilding one now. These headaches make it tough to want to do anything, especially things I love.

Thanks for letting me bend you ear.

Hot Rod

Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Mar 22nd, 2006, 8:14pm
Hi Hit Rod,

If you've been diagnosed with clusters (and I'm assuming you have) the pain between  the really bad pain is something we call shadows.  It's the monster's way of reminding you the next big hit isn't far away.

People have different ways of dealing with the shadows.  For me, when I feel it starting to ramp up a bit, a really strong cup of coffee or a latte will knock them back down.  If you're using Oxygen as an abortive, sometimes a few whiffs of that will help.  Unfortunately, shadows are just a part of the cycle.  When the cycle ends, so will they.

I don't know what meds you might be on, but here's a really great article on the most current medical treatment of clusters:

This article really saved my life last cycle.

At any rate, please know you're not alone.  The light is on here 24/7.  Welcome to the family.


Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by HotRodder_Headache on Mar 22nd, 2006, 8:27pm

I suppose I should've mentioned that I have seen a doc, two weeks ago and he wasn't sure even after a CT scan, what I had. He thought it might be CH. Recommended me see my eye doc. I did and he referred me to an opthomologist/neuologist in Columbus who did diagnose me with CH. He suggested that if the headaches didn't stop in a week, that he would recommend my GP put me on an anti-seizure med. Well, Tuesday I went back to my GP and he put me on Verapamil daily and Maxalt when I feel something starting.

These shadows suck almost as bad as the other thing. Those usually only lasted a minute or so. From what I've been reading, I'm lucking in that sense, huh/


Hot Rod

Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Mar 22nd, 2006, 8:37pm
Yep, for many people it's the constant shadowing that is the killer during cycle.  Abortives like Oxygen and Imitrex are great for dealing with the big hits.  It's that constant, draining, drilling shadow pain that makes it hard to see the light at the end of the cycle, and that brings on depression.

Read, read, read - all you can - starting with the link I gave you.  Then share it all with your doctor.  Take some comfort in the fact that, if you have episodic clusters, it will all be over in a matter of weeks - at least for awhile.

Hang in there and many hugs,


Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by BobG on Mar 23rd, 2006, 4:25am
Welcome to the board Hot Rod.
The verapamil you mention is used by many clusterheads as their main preventative. You didn't say the dose size but you start out low and slowly increase the dose. Some folks are taking 700+mg a day. Most doctors would freak out if you told them you took that much. See what your doctor has to say.

Hot Rod building huh? Good for you. I'm building a T roadster pro street style. At the rate I'm going it'll be on the street in about 88 years from now.

Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by Jasmyn on Mar 24th, 2006, 8:52am
Welcome Hot Rod.

You'll have to give the Verapamil(preventative) at least 2 weeks before it starts to kick in.  

Good luck with the move and wishing you PF days.

Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by Richr8 on Mar 24th, 2006, 11:24am
Welcome freind!  As bad as CH is, it helps to be here among folks that understand what you are going through.  Read, read, read, and find the things that suit you for your tool kit.  There are a number of approaches that have varying degrees of success depending on the individual.

PF wishes,


Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by BarbaraD on Mar 24th, 2006, 11:34am
Welcome HR - Clusterville is the best place to be when you have CH. Read all the info on the left and "educate" your doc. Most don't know anything about CH, but hopefully you've got one willing to learn. My neuro and GP work together on mine.

the anti-seizure drugs are good preventatives for a lot of us. O2 is great for most of us. Triptans are the drugs of choice for abortatives (some of us use egortatimes - I'm one of those).

The big thing is finding out what's RIGHT for YOU. We all react differently to different meds.

Coffee is good for shadows - The stronger the better.

Melatonin (takes a while to get in your system - I always add this warning - don't give up on it till after a few weeks) 6-12mg at night will help get you thru the REM sleep and get you some rest at night. BE CAREFUL with OTC drugs. Excedrin will bring on rebound headaches and you won't like that. Most don't work anyhow.

Most of us have been where you are right now so we DO understand. These things WILL NOT kill you - trust us on that one. We're proof and we're still around to HELP!

come here to ask questions, vent, cry or whatever you need. Someone is up 24/7 around here and we're here to help. When you go out of cycle - stay around and help the next guy who's in your situation. That's what we do in Clusterville.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by HotRodder_Headache on Mar 24th, 2006, 2:57pm
I got an e-mail from a fellow sufferer who suggested that what I have may NOT be CH. Take that anyway you choose, but my head still hurts. I'm going to take the info from the links he gave me and head off, (punn intended) to the doc. I'll be sure to post and update from that visit.

And for anyone interested, my current project is a 1934 Ford coupe. It's an all steel hot rod, not a restoration. My appologies to all the purists who might be out there...


Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by BobG on Mar 24th, 2006, 3:15pm

on 03/24/06 at 14:57:43, HotRodder_Headache wrote:
my current project is a 1934 Ford coupe. It's an all steel hot rod, not a restoration. My appologies to all the purists who might be out there...


Screw the purists. Chop, channel and section that sucker.  :D

Title: Re: New Here and Hating it... Read on
Post by HotRodder_Headache on Mar 24th, 2006, 3:23pm

I've already chopped it 2 1/2", MYSELF! Channelling it may be next. The way I see it, when it comes to hot rodding, if you're not p***ing somebody off, your're not doing it right.

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