Title: Lyme Disease? Post by Tiannia on Dec 26th, 2007, 1:02pm ok guys, time to pick your brain again. My mother, who already has advanced MS, not has contracted Lyme Disease. She had done camping with another couple in the mountains while my dad and his friend when deer hunting. She thought he got the flu but there where none of the normal infections with it, so that docs took blood and found that she has Lyme Disease. I looked it up on Web MD and read what was there. Her Immune System is already shot because of the MS. They have her on antibiotics, but I really know if they will help if her own body cant help her fight it. I guess what my question is, does anyone here know what this does physically to someone? Does it progress quickly? What I read into it is that you cant get rid of it, you can only get it under control or something like it going into remission. I know that is not the right word for it. If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great. Thanks Tia |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by Mosaicwench on Dec 26th, 2007, 1:13pm Primary problems of Lyme disease are joint inflammation/pain and nervous system damage - but that's in the never treated, late stages of Lyme disease. Treated early and aggressively, patients can recover completely. Good thing they tested for Lyme antibodies in her blood. Without that knowledge doctors tend to mis-diagnose. There's excellent information at Lyme-net: http://tinyurl.com/65n8a Best of luck to mom! |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by Melissa on Dec 26th, 2007, 1:54pm She'll experience very weak muscles off an on for anywhere from 6 months to a year after being bitten. The first month is the worst, but it gets better after that. Good thing the docs caught it early because the antibiotics DO work. Both Lily and Jesse had it last year. |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by Rosybabe on Dec 26th, 2007, 2:26pm My sister in law's Husband has Lyme Disease, apparently he contracted it when he was a child and he says he has it under control and only suffers from muscle pain once in a while. He is rather skinny but that is all. I hope the meds work for your Mom in law too. |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by Tiannia on Dec 26th, 2007, 3:43pm Thanks guys. It seems to make it all the more scary when all you read are what all the things that CAN happen. your mind seems to pick the worse case scenarios. It is good to know that with it been treated early, it will not cause her added issues. She has great docs. But she is 4 states away and it just worries me cause my folks are too damn independent to ask for help if they need it. |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by Sean_C on Dec 26th, 2007, 8:28pm I know 2 people who have lyme disease, one discovered he had it about a year after being being bit on the head, they assume it was from deer hunting. He is one of those guys that never went to the doc, and like your mom, was treating it as the flu too. He eventually was taken to the emergency room because he couldn't remember his kids names. He now has lost 50% of his memory, has trouble with simple problem solving, and has severe arthritis. The other contracted the disease when we were in grade school. Has his wits, but has crippling arthritis and is bound in a motorized wheel chair. Both were had lyme disease for a very long time before being diagnosed, niether had the "bullseye". Which is a 50/50 shot of getting. From what I hear, like the others said, if caught early, its harmless. Fucking bugs sucks. My thoughts are with you and your mom T. Sean.................................... |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by artonio7 on Dec 26th, 2007, 9:01pm My sick twisted noggin' translated the topic of this post as Lelimey disease... immediately I thought "THANK GAWD SHE HAD HER NAME CHANGED"! I hope your mom gets well soon. Lyme disease is no fun. with warm regards, Tony |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by Mosaicwench on Dec 26th, 2007, 11:26pm Both my doctor and some informal research confirms that the longer a tick feeds on a person, the more likely that person is to contract the disease. Conventional wisdom says if one finds and removes the tick within 36 hours of attachment, it is highly unlikely one will contract the disease. So check yourself and family members after being in the woods or tall grassy areas. Years ago I found one where my leg meets my butt and totally freaked out. Dear Brew pulled that sucker off and we bagged it and took it to the doctor for analysis. I was lucky - it was on me less than 16 hours and my blood showed no Lyme antibodies. |
Title: Re: Lyme Disease? Post by Tiannia on Dec 27th, 2007, 11:56am Mom never found any ticks on her, but her blood is "Bad" as the doc put it. So he figured that it fed for a bit then backed out, leaving my mom a goodbye present. Both the County and the State Health Departments have been on the phone with her about it. The Lab that did her blood work called them directly. She just got off her 4th week of antibiotics and will take blood again on Fri to see where it is at. Its tough at this stage, well any of the stages. She has MS, arthiris, chronic migraines and the first stages of Altzeimers already, so pin pointing what symptoms that are from the Lyme Disease, is going to be a bit of a trick. Thanks everyone for your help. /huggs all Tia |
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