Title: Respirator masks??? Post by chucknot on Mar 18th, 2007, 12:18pm I am just throwing this out there as I expect someone out there has some exsperience with repsirator masks like the 3m's as trigger control. I live in the desert and work outside a lot. Better late than never, I have decided to take better care of myself when cleaning tractor sheds, painting, doing intensive yard work etc.. Any opinions on items like the VOC/HEPA masks? |
Title: Re: Respirator masks??? Post by nani on Mar 18th, 2007, 9:09pm I hadn't heard that one, yet, Chuck. It seems like it makes sense if you're triggered by allergens, or fumes. My trouble with outside work is that I'm triggered by sunlight and weather systems. :-/ Why not try it and let us know? hugs, nani |
Title: Re: Respirator masks??? Post by Lizzie2 on Mar 18th, 2007, 11:57pm I'd say the same as Nani. For the most part, there really isn't much evidence on a big list of standard triggers for cluster headache, but there is more evidence of triggers for migraine. However, I know for me, if I get any kind of sinus congestion, I get a LOT more hits - and it's not just a sinus headache - it's a full on cluster attack. So theoretically if one has allergies and also tends to get more hits when congested, then maybe a mask could work? Who knows.... Let us know how it turns out! PF Wishes, Carrie :) |
Title: Re: Respirator masks??? Post by chucknot on Mar 19th, 2007, 9:45pm Well, just thought I would throw it out there. I figure to try some for gen. health reasons. After a lifetime of exposing my self to acids, paints and just all sorts of garbage I figured that just as a gen. rule it would be good to try to limit bad influences when working on a lot of things. Weather systems hit me a lot as well. Changes in elevation (which I do daily) bother me a lot as well. I used to go from 4100 to 6900 feet a lot and it just killed me. In a cycle it was like begging for major trauma. Now I only change elevation by about 500 to 700 feet. Allergins also, have big effects. Funny thing is at static elevation or lower elevations clusters are still there. One Christmas I went down to sea level and my clusters ended that day that I flew down. Unfortunately, that was just coincidence. |
Title: Re: Respirator masks??? Post by Kirk on Mar 20th, 2007, 4:27am Just remember that the filters dry out and are no good after about 40 hours of exposure. Its a good idea when you take it off for the day, to wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in a container with an air tight lid. I used to use 5 lbs. coffee cans. If you leave your respirator out over nght, the filter is probably degraded past being usefull. Make sure your filters are NIOSH for mines or better. Good luck. |
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