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(Message started by: BarbaraD on Nov 9th, 2006, 5:46am)

Title: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 9th, 2006, 5:46am
I'm not trying to start a political thread so don't take it that way....

The people have spoken - we want change. Ok, now the elections are over and everyone is talking and saying they will work together (dems and reps), but the news is saying - the Senate is tied up 49 of each and two independents who will vote with the demos.

My question is WHY? Are they working TOGETHER or not? If someone has a good idea WHY can't they all agree on it? Forget they're demos or reps and just VOTE how the PEOPLE tell them? Why do they have to vote party lines?

Back years ago we had a state rep who sent out questionaires and, of course, I filled it out with a comment - "If you really want to know what I think, come by my office for coffee and I'll be GLAD to tell you." Well, he did and we became good friends. I TOLD him how I wanted him to vote and he listened. Unfortunately he "listened" to others also and didn't always vote like I TOLD him, but he ALWAYS gave me reasons when he voted against my reasons (usually that MORE people wanted it the other way). My point is - he LISTENED to his constituents and voted THEIR wishes. I really don't remember if he was a demo or a rep.

If more of our elected officials would take a lesson out of Jerry's book, we might just get something done in DC.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by jimmers on Nov 9th, 2006, 7:54am

on 11/09/06 at 05:46:42, BarbaraD wrote:
I'm not trying to start a political thread so don't take it that way....

The people have spoken - we want change. Ok, now the elections are over and everyone is talking and saying they will work together (dems and reps), but the news is saying - the Senate is tied up 49 of each and two independents who will vote with the demos.

My question is WHY? Are they working TOGETHER or not? If someone has a good idea WHY can't they all agree on it? Forget they're demos or reps and just VOTE how the PEOPLE tell them? Why do they have to vote party lines?

Back years ago we had a state rep who sent out questionaires and, of course, I filled it out with a comment - "If you really want to know what I think, come by my office for coffee and I'll be GLAD to tell you." Well, he did and we became good friends. I TOLD him how I wanted him to vote and he listened. Unfortunately he "listened" to others also and didn't always vote like I TOLD him, but he ALWAYS gave me reasons when he voted against my reasons (usually that MORE people wanted it the other way). My point is - he LISTENED to his constituents and voted THEIR wishes. I really don't remember if he was a demo or a rep.

If more of our elected officials would take a lesson out of Jerry's book, we might just get something done in DC.

Hugs BD

Because that would be the intelligent thing to do!


Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by jimmers on Nov 9th, 2006, 7:55am
I'm refering to the good idea line in your post.


Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by Gator on Nov 9th, 2006, 8:24am
They are in Washington to represent the peoples' wishes.   I think the real problem is that few people tell them what those wishes are.  You can be sure special interest groups of all stripes are talking to them, but not the average citizen.  The people are as much to blame for the poor quality of representation as the representative.  They vote a person into office and then leave them there until that person screws up or until a more appealing candidate comes along.  Unfortunately, "appealing" doesn't necessarily have anything to do with issues.

The people in this country have become like sheep depending on the government to tell them what to do rather than telling the government what they want done.  It's not going to get any better until the sheeple wake up and get involved.

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 9th, 2006, 9:16am
Ok Gator, you've got  a good point there. So WHY (this this is totally unreal to me) do the SHEEPLE not tell them what they want? I hear all the time, "It's not going to make any difference - they"re going to do whatever they want anyhow."

How much effort does it take to send an e-mail (or write a letter) to your Senator or Congressman telling them what you want?

But we're too busy sitting watching tv to even keep up on issues. Those of us who grew up without tv (ya know reading newspapers etc and even when tv came along - we got 30 minutes of Huntley-Brinkley at night and the news around the world without all the analysis) have an advantage over our kids and grandkids.  I think my son has voted once and that was 20 years ago. Don't know where I went wrong.... BUT I took my grandson to the polls and we discussed who "we" were going to vote for before we did it. Right now I'd put his knowledge of the world against his mom and dad's any day of the week.

This last election shows that "YOUR" vote DOES count. Now we need to "tell" those we elected what "we" want.  My question has always been - How will they know what WE want unless we tell them. And if they don't do it - RAISE HELL!

Hugs BD

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by alchemy on Nov 9th, 2006, 9:27am
i am one of those who do write mt representative. i feel if they are there they should here from us about what to do. i often feel that i am just one voice against the special interest groups with money but i try at least.

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by Mattrf on Nov 9th, 2006, 11:06am
Politicians make me sick, every time they show the state of the union if the president says something his party all stand and applaud and the other side sit on there hand, it is rare for both side to stand and applaud at the same time and one part seems determined to shoot down any legislation the other part introduces good or bad just because it is the other party, what ever happened to doing what was right for the country no matter what side submitted it? I myself am just very tiered of voting for the guy or gal I dislike the least, why are there not people running for office that you would actually like, oh because they would never get the money to be able to run because they would do what’s right not what the special interest groups pay them to do.

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 9th, 2006, 12:00pm
Until they put some stipulations on lobbyist we're going to have special interest groups. It should be against the law for them to take "bribes" from anyone. Let the bums live on the salary WE pay them (maybe they'll learn something about BUDGETS).

But I still say term limits are the one thing that would stop some of this partisan politics as usual.

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by Gator on Nov 9th, 2006, 1:17pm
Term limits may or may not do the trick, but it's a start.  Making them live on what we pay them by making bribes or "gifts" from special interest groups illegal might kill some of the lobbyist trade in DC.  If you want Soial Security reform, take away their "Golden Parachute" retirement program and put them on Social Security.  They would get real serious about it quickly.

There's lots of things we could do if only "we" would wake up and take back OUR power.

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by thomas on Nov 9th, 2006, 1:21pm

on 11/09/06 at 13:17:45, Gator wrote:
Term limits may or may not do the trick, but it's a start.  Making them live on what we pay them by making bribes or "gifts" from special interest groups illegal might kill some of the lobbyist trade in DC.  If you want Soial Security reform, take away their "Golden Parachute" retirement program and put them on Social Security.  They would get real serious about it quickly.

There's lots of things we could do if only "we" would wake up and take back OUR power.

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by Racer1_NC on Nov 9th, 2006, 1:47pm

on 11/09/06 at 12:00:47, BarbaraD wrote:
But I still say term limits are the one thing that would stop some of this partisan politics as usual.

Already in's called elections. Every 2 years.

on 11/09/06 at 13:17:45, Gator wrote:
If you want Soial Security reform, take away their "Golden Parachute" retirement program and put them on Social Security.  They would get real serious about it quickly.

Won't do a thing......most if  not all members of congress have money.......a grand a month in SS benefits would not tip the scales one way or another.

There's lots of things we could do if only "we" would wake up and take back OUR power.

We have as much power now as the founding fathers wanted to allow us to have. We just don't use it like we should.


Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by Gator on Nov 9th, 2006, 2:11pm

on 11/09/06 at 13:47:30, Racer1_NC wrote:
Already in's called elections. Every 2 years.

She's talking about an institutionally imposed limit to keep the good ole boys from building a
Washington dynasty and to counter the laziness of the (non)voting public.

Won't do a thing......most if  not all members of congress have money.......a grand a month in SS benefits would not tip the scales one way or another.

That's no reason not to do it.  A lot of them come from humble or semi-humble beginnings and build their wealth while in office.  Right now even if Social Security totally collapsed, they still get a taxpayer funded pension.  To add to this, I think WE should have to approve thier pay raises instead of them granting it for themselves.

We have as much power now as the founding fathers wanted to allow us to have. We just don't use it like we should.

I couldn't agree more.  I guess the real question is How do you get people involved?  Solve that problem and you solve a whole host of problems. :-/


Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 9th, 2006, 2:54pm
It wouldn't happen overnight, but if parents would turn off the damn TV at supper time and DISCUSS events of the day with their kids, it MIGHT just make the kids take an interest in what's going on.

That's how some of were raised (back in the old days!). I wrote my first letter to my Congressman in the third grade AND got an answer. Been writing about once a week ever since.

When my husband was in the army, I wrote my Congressman a lot about conditions in Europe and what was going on. He always answered and then he sent a note to the CO. Guess who got promotions when they came down? The CO was terrified of me.

It might not hurt parents to spend some time with their kids on homework - especially civics (or whatever they call it these days). Maybe the parents would learn something too.

I can't remember not knowing who my senators and congressman was - today kids don't have a clue. People have the power IF they'd use it and quit being so complacent. THEY work for us and we should remember that.

And I agree that WE should vote on PAY RAISES for Congress.

My 2 cents....

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by Charlie on Nov 9th, 2006, 8:17pm

I don't like term limits though. It's why New York City doesn't have Rudolph Guilani as mayor.


Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by Ree on Nov 9th, 2006, 9:54pm
When I become president... of course when I am feeling better... I am going to abolish parties... I think we should make it so one either the VP or the Pres should be Dem and one should be Rep... that would be cool...
It would be like everyones house instead of the "White House"... (((arguing also like everyone elses house so we can all relate to it too...))) One week we could do what the Dems want to do... then we yell ROTATE  and the congress changes we get new ideas and go with the best ones...
the country would be a bettah place..... ya bettah...ree

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by fubar on Nov 10th, 2006, 1:58am

on 11/09/06 at 21:54:03, Ree wrote:
When I become president... of course when I am feeling better... I am going to abolish parties... I think we should make it so one either the VP or the Pres should be Dem and one should be Rep... that would be cool...
It would be like everyones house instead of the "White House"... (((arguing also like everyone elses house so we can all relate to it too...))) One week we could do what the Dems want to do... then we yell ROTATE  and the congress changes we get new ideas and go with the best ones...
the country would be a bettah place..... ya bettah...ree

Ree... I LOVE YOU but... you lost me at 'abolish parties'

Title: Re: So explain somethin' to me.....
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 10th, 2006, 5:59am

on 11/09/06 at 21:54:03, Ree wrote:
When I become president... of course when I am feeling better... I am going to abolish parties... I think we should make it so one either the VP or the Pres should be Dem and one should be Rep... that would be cool...
It would be like everyones house instead of the "White House"... (((arguing also like everyone elses house so we can all relate to it too...))) One week we could do what the Dems want to do... then we yell ROTATE  and the congress changes we get new ideas and go with the best ones...
the country would be a bettah place..... ya bettah...ree

I think back in the "old" days of our country the people elected Pres/VP independently. So it was possible to get two different parties in there (it happened). But somewhere along the line it changed. We actually elect the Electorial College and let them vote - don't think that's a really good idea either.

And I hate this Red State/Blue State stuff.

And Charlie - I miss Rudy also. Think I'd have to vote for him for Pres if he decides to run. He's one who doesn't worry about what others think and mainly just gets it done. He's actually a "Leader" (something we don't see much anymore). Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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