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(Message started by: Mattrf on Nov 7th, 2006, 10:52am)

Title: Heading for the poor house
Post by Mattrf on Nov 7th, 2006, 10:52am
Sorry I am really down right now, I am single handedly putting my family in the poor house, every specialist it seems I need to see is out of network and cost me out of pocket and the visit yesterday to the new pain management doctor was $560 out of pocket, the Mayo trip is at 7k so far but you know how they like to lag on sending bills so there will probably be more, we have two MRI that the place screwed up notifying the insurance and they want us to pay over 2k but should be able to fix that one. (Remember I have SUNCT not CH) This has cleaned out our savings and we have a daughter that is going to collage next year and we will be unable to help her and she will probably be disqualified from most grants because we make to much even though we are living paycheck too paycheck because of this and for the first time in my life bankruptcy may be the only option and I swore I would never do that in my life but if you can’t put food on the table or make your mortgage payment what can you do?
The Pine management doctor was good, he didn’t change my pain meds but there was a med I was on that really knocked the pain down but made me very sick so I had to stop taking it, but he said there are others of the same line that I might tolerate better and we are going to try one and see if I do better on it, sure hope so I can’t afford to many appointments with this guy.
I have always been so proud of being able to pay my own way and have money in the bank and to be a good provider for my family and now I find myself to be a huge drain on them and wrecking us financially. The mental drain and financial drain is getting to much to bare. No I am not thinking of doing anything drastic, already promised the wife I would stay away from those thoughts, but some times when you think of how much better off they would be if they could collect the insurance it’s hard not to think about it but I know it would be way harder on them with out me then it is now with the bills we have. I may have to look for a better paying job even though I love my job.
Sorry for going on like this but I am feeling really down and you guys are the only ones who truly understand. Thanks for being here.


Title: Re: Heading for the poor house
Post by E-Double on Nov 7th, 2006, 11:20am

I doubt this will bring solace but know that many of us have been there.
I am lucky in that I have had and still do have very good insurance, however, despite this I laid out nearly 25k on meds and emergencies between mid '04 and mid'05.

It can really bring you down when you know that you need to provide and you have always dpne so without concern.

The one thing I can tell you is that you will have a huge relief come tax season since a lot of that can be considered a tax write off.
Get a really good accountant.

This helped me TREMENDOUSLY!!!

Things will work out!

PF wishes and a full wallet

Title: Re: Heading for the poor house
Post by Tiannia on Nov 7th, 2006, 11:28am
Talk to the doctors and the Insurance company and see what they can do for payment plans rather then paying everything up front or at one time.  Most accounting departments would rather know they are going to get the money rather then not getting crap if you do file bankuptcey.  ( I know spelled that way wrong).  

I;ve been there hun.  Paying out of picket for my CH then my husband ended up with diabetes.  He lost work because he could not go.  Now he has been ut of work for 8 months and we are struggling paycheck to paycheck.  It is hard when your income cuts in half.  

You wife and daughter love you dearly.  As for college. You can write letters so show that with your medical condition that your income is not what is looks like on paper.  

You will get thru this.  We are here, say what you need to.


Title: Re: Heading for the poor house
Post by alchemy on Nov 7th, 2006, 12:09pm
Matt, i know just how you feel, we're going through the same thing. We just send what we can towards the medical bills as long as they're getting something they can't do anything. Think about it what are they going to do repo your head? Hang in there i hope things get better.

Title: Re: Heading for the poor house
Post by Redd715 on Nov 7th, 2006, 12:57pm

on 11/07/06 at 12:09:38, alchemy wrote:
Matt, i know just how you feel, we're going through the same thing. We just send what we can towards the medical bills as long as they're getting something they can't do anything. Think about it what are they going to do repo your head? Hang in there i hope things get better.

Please don't assume this is so.  I was in debt collection for 3 years and this is a common misconception.  The bill can be sent into an agency at any time.  The agency, then can and will try to get pmt in full.  If pmt arrangements are not agreeable to the agency, they can legaly pull a credit report and determine if the debt is worth legal action, leading to garnishment of wages, property leans etc.

Oh it can be done, and I'd sued plenty of people in the 3 years I was with them.  Did I feel good about it?  Hell no. But I had a job to do.

Title: Re: Heading for the poor house
Post by LadyElaine1 on Nov 7th, 2006, 2:25pm
I been where you are and back. I was sued one time. I did not have insurance. I was in the hospital. I paid them $50 a week, I missed a payment they turned it over to collections. I went to court. I had all my paper work ready. The judge said. I don't know how she was able to pay $50 a week, I was ordered to pay $40 a month. It paid me to go to court !

Stop worring, it won't help it just makes matters worst. Do what you can.

I don't know what I would do if my husband felt as you do. I love him more than anything I have in this house. I would be happy in a little two bedroom apartment as long as he was with me. I am sure your family feels the same.

Here is something you can do. I did this not long ago. My insurance is $1000 deductable. They always hassle me for the 4100 up front. I called the hospital and talked to the adminastrator. When I went for my test, they had it in their computers I could only pay so much a month. Most places will truely work with you if they know you can't pay. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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