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(Message started by: Lizzie2 on Feb 6th, 2006, 9:22pm)

Title: FMLA
Post by Lizzie2 on Feb 6th, 2006, 9:22pm
Anyone have any good info sites on FMLA?  I think I need to take some time off before I self-destruct....  :-/

Not sure how I can do this and not get fired...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Title: Re: FMLA
Post by Donna_D. on Feb 6th, 2006, 10:09pm

Let me know if you have any questions.


Title: Re: FMLA
Post by Jasmyn on Feb 7th, 2006, 12:07am
Carrie, sorry I can't help you with any good info but I can tell you (this is good info ;;D), that we are all here for you and self-destruction is not an option with a family like this. [smiley=hug.gif]

BTW:  You cannot get fired around here ;)

Title: Re: FMLA
Post by sandie99 on Feb 7th, 2006, 3:01am
let us know if there's anything we can do for you. [smiley=hug.gif]


Title: Re: FMLA
Post by Drk^Angel on Feb 7th, 2006, 6:30am
Basically, as long as you can get your doc to certify your condition for leave, have worked for your employer for 12+ months with 1250 hours on the clock in the last year, and your employer employs 50+ employees, they can't deny your leave.  Of course, they can make you jump through hoops if they want you to, assign you do a different position with comparable wages and benefits once you return from leave, and you'll prolly need to be certified by your doc that you're fit to return to work, but FMLA is comparatively easy to apply for, and is definitely a job saver.  Ask your human resources or personell office for information, and required paperwork.  Good luck!

PFDAN........................................ Drk^Angel

Title: Re: FMLA
Post by Lizzie2 on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:19am
Oh well it was a thought...I haven't been there for a year yet.

And it's basically like 3 weeks off I'd need if I were to be admitted to the hospital to try to get my headaches under control...  the same hospital I work in.  Maybe I could just go to work connected to my IV pole.  heh

Something's gotta give, right?  <sigh>

She already denied my move to 3 12's so I doubt she'd go for this either.

Title: Re: FMLA
Post by Drk^Angel on Feb 7th, 2006, 9:45am
Doesn't hurt to give it a try... Many employers don't go strickly by the federal guidelines... Like my current employer permits FMLA leave before a year, as long as it is a condition that treatment would normally be covered on the company's heath plan.

PFDAN.......................................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: FMLA
Post by imnotbub on Feb 7th, 2006, 10:13am
If I read this correctly, you are a nurse. Nurses are in such demand that you could probably find a job at a different hospital that would love to have you and would give you the three 12's you want. Just a thought.

Title: Re: FMLA
Post by Lizzie2 on Feb 7th, 2006, 1:21pm

on 02/07/06 at 10:13:49, imnotbub wrote:
If I read this correctly, you are a nurse. Nurses are in such demand that you could probably find a job at a different hospital that would love to have you and would give you the three 12's you want. Just a thought.

Not so easy...  I get that statement a lot.  However, I signed a contract committing to 2 years or else I owe them something like $75,000 within 1 year's time.  Also, every time I start a new class, I owe them a year from the time that class started.  I'm taking one class at a time towards my nurse practitioner, so it's going to be awhile.

Had a neuro appt today though - and I'm finally started on a different track - we talked about getting a note for either 3 12's or a permanent shift instead of rotating, but we're going to see how I do on the new meds first.

Hopefully this will help!  Thanks again for the advice.

Drk.....I honestly think the hospital should name a wing after me based on the amount of time I've spent there as a patient, amount of money I've given them as a patient and student, the amount of emotional and physical frustration I've given them due to my own health/education/work, and everything else!  Think that'll hold up?  hehe  I won't hold my breath...

I like the job - I just am having an abnormally difficult time doing it right now.  So we'll see...  I go back to see the neuro NP in 2 weeks.

Title: Re: FMLA
Post by mynm156 on Feb 7th, 2006, 6:29pm

I IM you but you dont have to take all the time.  For you this would go as a Chronic condition (Like asthma) We dont know when we are going to get hit but we do and when we do we cant work.  So you get and it basically gives you 88 days through the WHOLE year not all at once.  So if you have to work Monday but need to take that day as FMLA you call in and say I need to use my FLMA there is nothing they can do or say.  Your employer cant even ask how you are feeling you are so protected by FMLA.  I can explain more later if you want.  I just fill out the pappers for my doctor and he signs them.

Take Care


Title: Re: FMLA
Post by Drk^Angel on Feb 8th, 2006, 1:01pm
Actually... Intermittent FMLA is still limited to 12 weeks (in most cases, your employer may grant you an extention at their discretion) based on your work schedule.  For most, it'll be approximately 60 days (or 480 hours if your employer would rather be picky).  The employer is allowed to set certain restrictions based on their current absent/tardy policy (i.e. more than 3 days off in a row requires a doctor's note certifying that you're fit for work, and all that).  As long as you have FMLA time available, they must let you take it, but once it's gone, expect them to ride your ass until you're eligible again.

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