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(Message started by: findjoshua on Nov 18th, 2005, 10:29am)

Title: Alternative methods to Imitrex/Maxalt?
Post by findjoshua on Nov 18th, 2005, 10:29am
Hi.  My name is Joshua.  I'm 31 and living in New York City.  This is my first post.  I've been getting headaches, always on the right side, always between about 45 - 90 minutes in duration every day for weeks on end.  This has gone on for years.  After MRI and all that, the doctor said it sounded like cluster headaches.  I am more convinced now after reading that cluster headaches occur like clockwork, I guess i never really noticed until this year, that they do occur at roughly the same time every day.   I've tried Imitrex, Maxalt-ALT 10mg and have varying success depending on how long after I feel it coming I take them.  But the problem is that you don't get that many of either of those in a prescription to combat daily headaches that come for weeks.  SO, my question is, has anyone had any luck with a) oxygen treatment for cluster or b) magnesium.  I had a doc. who wanted to give me a shot of magnesium during some episodes last year, but I was wary and declined.  
Any information or advice would be very much appreciated.  

Title: Re: Alternative methods to Imitrex/Maxalt?
Post by ghost62 on Nov 18th, 2005, 11:07am
check the links to the left and look seriously at the oxygen. you may find it works great for you it doesnt for some but most seem to do great with it.
Good luck ok.


Title: Re: Alternative methods to Imitrex/Maxalt?
Post by Bob_Johnson on Nov 18th, 2005, 11:33am
Some, few, people have had success using oral magnesium; there have been a few reports about using IV mag to abort an attack--but time, convenience, and expense are barriers to this approach. On the whole, this is not a often used treatment.

Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventive, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH.  (2002)  

Title: Re: Alternative methods to Imitrex/Maxalt?
Post by E-Double on Nov 18th, 2005, 1:04pm

About time we got another NY CHer here (actually sorry we have another one from anywhere :()

Where abouts are ya?
I used to live on the upper east side.
Grew up in Queens.....from Queens comes Kings from Kings come Queens we're raising hell like....... ;)
Now I live in Commack (LI) with my wife in our new house
I'm 31 as well, turning 32 on sunday........

I've had decent success with O2 and as far as imitrex....Get the shots! Way better than the pill or


This is a great resource to know like the back of your hand...print it out and give it to the doc

It will present the appropriate treatments that you should seek and your doctor should know!!!

If you want an abortive with the least amount of side-effects O2 should not only be requested but demanded from your doctor!!!

I have recently been using Zyprexa as an abortive and have found it to work (for me) as fast as Imitrex and without the "hangover";action=display;num=1120904753

If you do have the "typical" wake you up in the middle of the night horrors then.... Melatonin might be very helpful
Many of us (myself included) have found that taking 6-9mg (some take more) about a 1/2 hour to 45minutes prior to bed have Knocked out the night visits and can finally get sleep.

With the exception of 10-12 times.....I have slept through the night since August '04 (went chronic in March 05).....Still get hit during the day but my overall quality of life is better because I am not as exhausted all the time.

Some people report that it seems to make them worse....The fact is that we are all different and respond differently to everything therefore it may or may not...

The one thing I will tell you as far as my experience was that I had to stick with it...The first night I took melatonin, I was awoken with a doozy only I was too groggy to find my O2 .....It got a lot better for me....I then slept through the night but would get slammed about 1/2 hour after waking up....kinda like knocking the beast off schedule.....then again I was peaking and this cycle has been all over the place with no real pattern.
I stayed with melatonin and have had decent sleep overall.

It may help and it is natural with not too many sideeffects....also ask your doctor b/c if there are any side effects or contraindications...I think they have to do with mild depression.....

Like I said we are all different.

Best wishes, good luck & stay as positive as you can!!!!


Title: Re: Alternative methods to Imitrex/Maxalt?
Post by findjoshua on Nov 18th, 2005, 3:12pm
All, Thank you so much for all the helpful advice and links.  I will def. get oxygen from my doc to have on hand.  Also, I do have the wake me up in the middle of the night horrors and will try the melatonin suggestion.  This years cycle just started a week or so ago and is more predictable than other years so far as I can tell with regards to when/how long they last.  I ran through about 6 Maxalt tablets in 3 days so... I'm kind of thinking what's the point. :)  
Eric, I live up on 112th and St.Nicholas, right at the top of Central Park.  I grew up in NYC on the Upper West Side.  :)  Happy 32nd!

Title: Re: Alternative methods to Imitrex/Maxalt?
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Nov 19th, 2005, 8:11pm
Hi and welcome,

You've been given a great link a couple times above - be sure to read it and take it to your doc.  Oxygen might be your best bet for an abortive, but if going the med route (as opposed to the alternative route), you also need a preventative med like high-dose Verapamil.  I've also found a Prednisone taper to be really helpful until the Verapamil kicks in.  This limits the amount of Trex injects I need to use (it's all in the link).

And .... Melatonin might help you regardless, since low Seratonin levels is something all clusterheads seem to have in common.

PF Wishes.  Keep posting,


Title: Re: Alternative methods to Imitrex/Maxalt?
Post by jangus on Nov 19th, 2005, 8:36pm
Hey Eric,
Happy Birthday!... I just had mine last Monday... sure was weird when I went to pick up my O2 tank and the clerk says, "ok... I need to access your account... what's your date of birth?" My reply was, " well 49 years ago today."  He was like, "... wow... some birthday present, eh?"

Anyway... the O2 has been working for me about 70% of the time... I had my forth Quantum Energetics session yesterday and aborted the beast last night around 2:00am... no pain... just plenty of O2. Cool!

Tonight I'm going to try the Melatonin/Benedryl cocktail I read about somewhere in here. Do you do it with Benedryl or just straight Melatonin?

BTW... I grew up on the Jersey Shore... but that was long ago. Been a Northern Californian for 25 years now.

Anyone else out there that's done the Melatonin/Benedryl cocktail before bed... please let me know your results.

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