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(Message started by: Wolf_Smiles on Jul 19th, 2004, 2:44pm)

Title: Greetings
Post by Wolf_Smiles on Jul 19th, 2004, 2:44pm
I’m Ron I’m 44 married with 3 kids 2 sons and a daughter. (A special thanks to my wife for trying to help for these last 25 years)
I have been getting these *%##@*% head aches (man is that a under statement
“Head ach”) since I was 17.when I was younger they hit almost every day for
Years. Then in my early 30’s I would get a couple months where I would get them
For months on and off .by 37 I would go a year and not get them. Only to, out of the
Clear blue sky got 2 to 3 months of hell.
Now I have them for 2 to 3 weeks at a time 3 or 4 times a year.
You would not believe me if I told you how many job’s over the years I have gone thru because of these &$*@ing thing’s also hearing from co workers “Man he’s getting another head ach? Or bosses sighing and rolling there eyes .man sometimes ya just wana kick them in the balls and say how’s that feel MF!
Thank got for the “family medical leave act “or I wouldn’t have 10 years in the steel mill.
Man I have come close to …..   Well if you get these “you know”. The only thing I keep telling my self to get thru it is “IT”S GOING TO STOP SOON “
It’s real funny how I found this sight. I was just surfing around for a sight with short movies of people doing stupid stuff “you know like skateboarding and crashing or falling off a stage and put in “ouch” then BOOM there it was your sight.
I had given up my quest to find other people that really know these are real long ago.
As much as I hate to think of another human being getting these I’m very happy to meet you all!

                                                 Ronald Wolf ;)


Title: Re: Greetings
Post by UN_SOLVED on Jul 19th, 2004, 3:04pm
Welcome to the board Ronald.

"Grab an oar and help us row !"

PF Wishes,

Title: Re: Greetings
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jul 19th, 2004, 8:17pm
Hi Ronald,

Welcome to the board - sorry you have to be here.

Another Michigander here - St. Joseph - Where the *!$# is Lincoln Park?

You'll find much support here, and a great deal of great info for sufferers of CH.  

Have you been formally diagnosed?  What meds, treatments, alternative methods have been useful to you?  Tell us a little more, would you?



Title: Re: Greetings
Post by Wolf_Smiles on Jul 20th, 2004, 2:29am
Yeah me to ……
Sorry any one gets these freaking things’s ….
But glad some one can understand them. (DR, sure as hell don’t)

Well Lincoln Park in a border city on the south side of Detroit one city away from the river. (Ahhh the river)…. Some people call us river rats. Bordering cities are Melvindale. Allen Park, Ecorse and a little corner hooks up to Wyandotte

Ya man its formal diagnoses in 1979 and every Dr. I’ve seen seen from then to now.

Med s...   Gee I can’t tell you all the different thing they used me as a lab rat with.
All the drugs on the survey all are familiar. The imetrex nasal shot seemed to work about 30 0/0 of the time then they gave me the injections. when I did that my wife had to come home from work and rush to the hospital because I thought I was having a hart attack And let me tell you that was NOT COOL 1
Demerol!!  When I get them my Dr. I see now 2 shots one in each check is the only way I get any sleep in the middle of an onset (but its only for a few hours}”I’ll Take it “  

Alternatives…?   HMMMMMMMMMM…….
Scalding hot shower.
Freezing cold shower.
Banging my head on the wall (patch work in the hall way to my bed room)
Screaming “GOD wtf did do to deserve this”

The real thing we need to know is “enjoy your time here’s short!!!!!
Make the most of the days you feel good!!!!!!
And there are people that love you and need you around!!!!

That last one is the most important

Title: Re: Greetings
Post by don on Jul 20th, 2004, 8:24am

put in “ouch” then BOOM there it was your sight.
I had given up my quest to find other people that really know these are real long ago.

Reasons for everything.

Title: Re: Greetings
Post by Axel on Jul 20th, 2004, 8:52am
Hi ron and welcome to the board! I'm also new here ,got here also by accident ,and i'm amazed to see how similar everyones pain descriction is, how is it that it took the internet to enable us all to finally meet! ...and why is it , it seems, we never encountered another like us before...?   Been through similar experiences as you I hear you Bro... it seems to be a lot easier with all the great people we find here, plus all the info... Sure beats beeing alone with the beast  and trying to fight it whitout knowledge...      .                                                                   ...Axel. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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