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(Message started by: Leggs on Jul 2nd, 2005, 6:51pm)

Title: BP and clusters
Post by Leggs on Jul 2nd, 2005, 6:51pm
Okay, I am noticing the BP going up, but even when the headache is chilling out a bit, the bottom number stays high.  My top number is only like 120, but it's weird to see the bottom number at 87 and 81, where it's usally like 72.  My pulse is up to like consistently 88.  At the peak of the cluster it was 149/92 YIKES!!!  then my husband tells me to go "lie down" he doesn't get it?

Why does this sh$# have to happen on the weekend? I am in the middle of doctors, and there's no way I will go to the emergency room with no physician support.  They will do squat, except maybe give me a blood test for narcotics.....

Title: Re: BP and clusters
Post by E-Double on Jul 2nd, 2005, 7:01pm
the weekends mean that your regular schedule is off and that we tend to relax......bad move!!

Even on the weekend up by 6 and if I can sleep at the same time! very important.

Sorry hubby doesnt get it..

maybe can come here and post.

Has helped my wife knowing there are others in her position just as much as it helps us knowing we are not alone

Title: Re: BP and clusters
Post by unsolved1 on Jul 2nd, 2005, 10:59pm
It's not surprising that pain can increase BP. Your numbers aren't really bad enough to worry about.


Title: Re: BP and clusters
Post by Bob_Johnson on Jul 3rd, 2005, 7:54am
We have any number of studies showing the "white coat" effect on BP, i.e., it goes up when we enter the doctor's office.

Anxiety boosts BP

Watching your BP at home; repeatedly taking it and then worrying about the results will increase it.

Except for an extreme reading, what is to watching is the long term pattern, not the daily variation.

Title: Re: BP and clusters
Post by Leggs on Jul 3rd, 2005, 8:57am
Yeah, I know all about the white coat thing, not to mention PAIN. I just don't get why people want to FIRST say, "oh, you have a headache because of BP, " instead of making the obvious assertion that your pain or anxiety is causing it to go up.

I was irked how the records I got from the nuero said "white woman with hypertension."  I told them it would probably even go down before I left the office, and my blood pressure was normally not that high, they could check with my internist.  The next time something like that goes on, I will go to my internist first.  They had an appointment for me, but I said I new they would just refer me, why bother.  There could have been a record for the neuro what my BP usually is.

Another thing, when I was dealing with this before, they talked me into going on BP medicine.  So the CH is over, and I was having BP of 98/58, etc, and THAT really feels great.  Of course, the ole white coat syndrone plays a part, when I go to the office, it was higher but at least my doctor at the time believed me, and let me go off, and I was 118/68, or max 120/75.

I just keep it on a tape at home, so I can show them the lower ones when the ch is not going on, and PROVE it's not a regular thing.  

Title: Re: BP and clusters
Post by Kim Y. on Jul 3rd, 2005, 12:01pm
One time I went to the emergency room and the only thing that made them think I was for real was my BP @ 152/102.  The nurses eyes were bugging out. [smiley=laugh.gif]

When I went to see the neurologist my BP was 2 135/78  and the neurolgist made a coment and I told him that wasn't normal for me but he just blew me off and talked with the hubby about the Army and how stupid it was that we were in Iraq. :-/  Never went back to him. :P

I hope you are getting relief from your pain today.  PF wishes and vibes............... [smiley=hug.gif]Kim

Title: Re: BP and clusters
Post by Leggs on Jul 3rd, 2005, 5:18pm
My BP went all the way down to 118/87.  That bottom number is still high, but I am not totally myself either!  I am still having the unidentified burning pain they "call" TN, but not near as bad as the clusters. They say TN is one of the most painful things to have, but it is a picnic compared to that CH I had yesterday....

Pain is much better today, all I have had is one dose of kudzu.  I have really not had a true cluster since yesterday, every three hours, up until about 6am this morning.  I really think the kudzu aborted them.  

I look forward to seeing the pain guy, I want to get O2 in my collection ;;D

Title: Re: BP and clusters
Post by Karla on Jul 4th, 2005, 5:35pm
I was told by a nurse that pain will raise your blood pressure.  My goes has gone from 120/70 240/98  and sometimes a little higher or lower sometime alot lower.  They usually give me morphine to lower the blood pressure when it is to bad other wise they don't worry about it. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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