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(Message started by: ErikY on Apr 25th, 2005, 11:03am)

Title: Non cycle HA's
Post by ErikY on Apr 25th, 2005, 11:03am
Hey everyone.  I am a diagnosed cluster head.  I have been on a 5 year pattern since I was 15 and I am now 30.  I am quite fortunate (if you can say any clusterhead is fortunate) because I only cycle every 5 years, and my cycles are pretty short, 2 - 3 weeks.

I just came out of a cycle about 7-8 weeks ago, and this past cycle was the first one I had any idea what was wrong with me, as in the past I was always diagnosed with sinus infections and given antibiotics.

Almost whole life I have suffered from HA's that I always assumed were sinsus HA's because of where they hurt, right over my left eye, and I have bad allergies.  It just seemed natrual to me that they were sinus HA's.

For the most part, I always get 1-2 of these per week, but every once in a while, I get lucky and can go a few months without any, but they always come back.  Occasionally, I go through a period where I get 3-5 per week.

Well, after this past cycle, and realizing I suffer from clusters, I started getting my regular HA's back again.  The funny thing was that in the 3 weeks of my cycle, I did not get one of these regular HA's, but the day I first got one of these regulars, I never got anymore clusters.

Well, in the 7-8 weeks since my cycle, I have been getting them back again in the form of 1-2 per week.  The HA's are eerily similar in a lot of ways to a cluster HA, but nowhere near as intense, and they last much much longer.  I dont get ice pick pains from my clusters, but rather a crushing pain in my eyeball as if my eyeball is being crushed by a vice.  The pain also extends to my temple and slightly to the back of my head.  It also intensifies when I breathe through my nose.  My clusters generally last about 1/2 hour to 90 min.

Now, my regular HA's have some similarities.  Always over the exact same eye as my clusters, my left eye.  I feel the pain in my temple and back of head as well, and it does hurt more when I breathe through my nose.  The other thing that is a clear sign is that any alcohol at all brings one of these on.

Now for the differences, my non cycle HA's are not even a fraction of the pain, it is much more of a dull pain, but in the exact same areas, instead of a vice crushing my eye like the CHA's, it is more like a finger pushing down on my eye.  The other thing is they last a long long time.  They generally last about 8 hours to 24.  The other difference is that I can get rid of these with OTC pain killers, I take a cocktail of 4 Excedrin and 4 Advil and that USUALLY knocks it out, but not always.  Any less of the OTC and it dulls for a while, but always comes back.

Anway, I am very sorry for the really long post, I am just curious if any other cluster heads suffer similar non cycle headaches, and if anyone has any ideas?  I talked to my neuro and she thought it was probably related, but never knew of anyone suffering clusters and having this as well.  

I am really wanting to get off the OTC pain killers, as that stuff in that quantity is no good for you, but I cant really function with those HA's and need relief.  I am seriously considering clusterbusters as I assume there is some relation between these HA's and my clusters, and hopefully the clusterbusters may help.



Title: Re: Non cycle HA's
Post by JJA on Apr 25th, 2005, 11:53am
Yeah, I have a lot of shadows (just like clusters, but less intense) between episodes very similar to what you describe. I'm surprised that a "5-year cycler" would have them, but...
Personally, I just deal with them.  I can function, so I don't worry about it. Since you say you can't function, it seems like yours are more intense. Also, for me, the shadows are more intense while in cycle.

I found they do respond to the same treatments as the real CH episodes (clusterbusters).


Title: Re: Non cycle HA's
Post by court88 on Apr 25th, 2005, 2:18pm
I know what you mean about OTC's...if I take excedrin migraine the minute or two I feel mine coming works pretty well. I can only take it in the day b/c of all the caffeine in it. I'm 30 also and mine started when I was about is not fun. Do you get achy in your neck and shoulders too? For awhile I was taking 2 excedrin every single day...that can't be good for you, but it's the only way I can function at work..everything else makes me tired.

Title: Re: Non cycle HA's
Post by ErikY on Apr 25th, 2005, 2:58pm
Same with me for the Excedrin during the day.  If I am unlucky enough to develop one later in the day, I am forced to use strictly Advil which does not work nearly as well.

I am at the point where I have taken so much Excedrin and Advil that they just dont work as well anymore.

I am going to go back on the Kudzu hoping it will help out, I am also seriously considering clusterbusters alternative approach.

Title: Re: Non cycle HA's
Post by maffumatt on Apr 25th, 2005, 3:07pm
I get them year round, 3 to 5 a week, and they last about the same time as yours. My eyelid droops and my nose runs, but the pain is nowhere near as bad as a CH. Only a 2 or so on the Kip.

Title: Re: Non cycle HA's
Post by sandie99 on Apr 25th, 2005, 3:10pm
Hm... non cycle HAs would mean that I'd be episodic again, which would be great... :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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