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(Message started by: PJS on Mar 16th, 2005, 8:15pm)

Title: Antibiotics : floroquinalones
Post by PJS on Mar 16th, 2005, 8:15pm
Hi fellow CH'ers,

A little history; I was diagnosed with CH's over 20 years ago.  The first 15 years were chronic and the last 7 or so have been episodic.  Recently he pain came back after an 18-month reprise following a nasty case of pneumonia and sinusitis.  

When I was sick my GP prescribed Avelox (a floroquinalone antibiotic) to fight off the infection.  Part way through the antibiotic treatment my CH's returned but this time they were on the opposite side (right side).  I have been dealing with the headaches for 8 weeks.  Typically my neuro prescrided 240mg of verapamil however it did not work and now has me on 480mg of verapamil daily.  For a week 1 was headache free until I developed an ear infection and was put back on Avelox!!  Ironically three days in to the treatment the headaches have broken through the verapamil and have switched sides again!!!!

My question .... do you think it is the avelox precipitating the CH's or just coincedence.  I have serached the archives and not found anything refering to avelox or floroquinalones.

Thanks for all your input,


Title: Re: Antibiotics : floroquinalones
Post by lionsound on Mar 16th, 2005, 9:34pm

I don't know about the antibiotic being a trigger....anything is possible... keep it in mind.

Do you think that the ear infection and the other infection you had might be enough to precipitate CH themselves?

Many times I've had ear infections and CH at the same time...chicken/ egg thing going on and I don't know which starts it. All that I know is both kind of peak at the same time and that's when I get my antibiotic.

I hope you figure it out..
May you be well and Pain free,

Title: Re: Antibiotics : floroquinalones
Post by PJS on Mar 17th, 2005, 6:29am
Thank you for your input lionsound.  It really is a chiken/egg thing...who knows - PJS

Title: Re: Antibiotics : floroquinalones
Post by Gonzo1991 on Mar 17th, 2005, 8:18am
You may be having a reaction to the antibiotic that you are taking, like it could be an alleric one for you where you are getting the head pain and not the normal rash etc, might ask the dr.

I have not heard of the antibiotic causing headaches but than again it just might be to strong of an antibiotic for you.

I hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: Antibiotics : floroquinalones
Post by Margi on Mar 17th, 2005, 9:14am
Man, I hate antibiotics.  I know they have their place but they can definitely cause a whole new realm of other problems.  They kill all the bacteria in your system, even the good stuff that you need.  That's the problem.  When the good bacteria is gone it promotes a very inviting environment for candida to flourish - usually starting in your gut.  This flourish can quickly become systemic, especially if the antibiotics are continued - and they always tell you to finish a course even when you're feeling better.  I know this is a controversial theory here, but I sure can't help but think that if a candida imbalance is present that it doesn't make you a prime target for a cluster cycle to start.  
You might want to try to supplement yourself with acidopholus if you're still on the antibiotics.  It puts the good bacteria back into your system and can help you combat any overgrowth.  Also, try to limit your sugar, dairy and bread consumption - they all encourage the candida.  Eat nothing white.
Just my two cents.  I'll get down off my candida soapbox now.  Sorry to hear you're getting nailed again PJS.

Title: Re: Antibiotics : floroquinalones
Post by PJS on Mar 17th, 2005, 10:14am
Gonzon1991 & Margi, thanks for your input and well wishes.  I tend to agree with Margi.  After beating a systemic case of Candida I went from chronic to episodic.  I think the pneumonia treatment precipitated this round in January.  Acidophilus is a good idea however the antibiotic they have me on is so strong the taking it is near impossible because the antibiotic attacks it ravenously leaving me horribly ill with GI problems.   AAHHHH!!!  I am about to go on a 2 week holiday with my wife and kids and can’t decide which is the lesser of two evils.

Speaking of which, anyone know if flying and taking 480mg of Verapamil is contraindicated?

Title: Re: Antibiotics : floroquinalones
Post by floridian on Mar 17th, 2005, 11:51am
Cipro and other fluroquinolones have been associated with mental disturbances. Another drug for malaria that seems chemically similar (mefloquine) has resulted in soldiers being discharged for bizzare, delusional behavior. An infection alone could ramp up the immune system and aggravate clusters, but the antibiotics are also suspect:

-- suffer from symptoms including confusion, memory loss, fatigue and joint pain. That same constellation of mental and physical problems also has been associated with patients taking Cipro for other reasons. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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