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(Message started by: Erika_Hanyzewski on Mar 1st, 2005, 9:12pm)

Title: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by Erika_Hanyzewski on Mar 1st, 2005, 9:12pm
I have been having migraines for about 2 months now. I have had the CT scan and all that because they thought it was a Brain Tumor, and now they are telling me that they are Cluster Headaches, and I'm on Relpax 40 mg  this is all new to me, but I'm so sick of being in pain:'(. It efforts my personal life and my professional life. I'm even considering switching to part time, because of the alot of time I have missed from work. I'm so happy that I found this message board and to see that their are others like me out here. I'm still learning to tell when the headaches start, so most of the time I end up taking the medicine during the highest level of it. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by vig on Mar 1st, 2005, 9:29pm
Hi Erika,
tell us all more about your headache pain.
How long does it last?
Where is it?
What's it like?

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by Erika_Hanyzewski on Mar 1st, 2005, 9:46pm
It normally happens around my eyes, and last for what seems like days. At the very beginning they thought it was a Sinus Headache, and treated it as that, then my doctor thought it was migraines, and it gave me Imitrex, but the headache laughed at it and kept hurting, then they thought it was a Brain Tumor, and had a CT Scan, and now that I have been working with my Neurologist, he is telling me that it is Cluster Headaches. I'm at the point where I don't care what it is, just get rid of it. The pain is so bad that I don't want to do anything, I CAN'T do anything, I try to lay still and can't, my heart starts beating fast, and the pain just wont seem to go away. I don't want to sound like a person what whines but enough is enough. :'(

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by vig on Mar 1st, 2005, 9:55pm

on 03/01/05 at 21:46:50, Erika_Hanyzewski wrote:
It normally happens around my eyes, and last for what seems like days.
but enough is enough. :'(

I know enough is enough, but your journey isn't over...
Cluster headaches normally last an hour or so.
They never last for days.  and usually stick to just one eye...
tell us more.

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by lionsound on Mar 1st, 2005, 10:08pm
Hi Erika,
I'm so sorry you are in so much pain.
What you describe "the pain lasts for days"sounds to me like you might have clusters and migraines. I get them both sometimes at the same time and what is happening for me is the clusters get mixed up inside the migraine that lasts a long time.  And it does seem endless. Have you ever timed them? Is it one side of your head or both?

What kind of imitrex have you used...tablets or injections or nasal spray? Injections work for me when the tablets stopped.

Also Oxygen is a great help for my head CH or Migraine. It's aborts the pain more then half the time if I catch it early. There's info about that on the vertical bar on the left you can print it out and take it to your doc.

There is lots of information here be sure to read, read. read.Another good idea is to take a look at the cluster quiz(on the left also). It might help you sort out the different kinds of HA for yourself.

may you be Pain Free,

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by don on Mar 2nd, 2005, 4:16am

It normally happens around my eyes

Both eyes or just one?

and last for what seems like days

SEEMS likes days is not definitive enough. How long do they actually last and does the pain level fluctuate or does it remain at the same level for extended times.

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by Erika_Hanyzewski on Mar 2nd, 2005, 10:22am
Good Morning,
I'm going to try to answer all replies in this one post. Now I'm confused because it happens around BOTH eyes, and I have had a headache for about 3 weeks now soon days better then others. One reply said that they normally last a hour or so not days and that it normally is around one eye. The pain gets stronger, and are really bad when I lay down or try to stay still. When I was taking Imitrex it was the pill form and though it didn't work I also didn't like the way that I felt, I felt as though my face and throat were burning, and that I had something wrap around my neck. The only thing it did was put me to sleep, but about a hour after I woke up the headache returned. I hope that I have answered all your questions.

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by vig on Mar 2nd, 2005, 10:29am

on 03/02/05 at 10:22:49, Erika_Hanyzewski wrote:
Good Morning,
I hope that I have answered all your questions.

yup, you did, but it ended up raising even more questions...

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by Bob P on Mar 2nd, 2005, 11:19am
A good opportunity to educate your neurologist because I don't think you have cluster headaches.  Clusters are ALWAYS on only one side of the head.  They last 15 minutes to 3 hours and have to have an autonomical symptom like running nose or tearing eye.  Cluster sufferers do not lay down but rather pace, rock or perform some other agitated motion.  Cluster is also a very, very sharp pain not a throbbing type pain.

Hope you find the right name to lable your headaches with but I really don't think cluster is a correct diagnosis.

Title: Re: New Cluster Headache Victim
Post by Frank_W on Mar 2nd, 2005, 11:31am

on 03/02/05 at 11:19:31, Bob P wrote:
A good opportunity to educate your neurologist because I don't think you have cluster headaches.  Clusters are ALWAYS on only one side of the head.  They last 15 minutes to 3 hours and have to have an autonomical symptom like running nose or tearing eye.  Cluster sufferers do not lay down but rather pace, rock or perform some other agitated motion.  Cluster is also a very, very sharp pain not a throbbing type pain.

Hope you find the right name to lable your headaches with but I really don't think cluster is a correct diagnosis.

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