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(Message started by: Sylvan on Feb 26th, 2005, 10:08am)

Title: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Sylvan on Feb 26th, 2005, 10:08am
The oddest thing happened while i was driving home last night. I *saw* a woman wandering into the middle of the road. Slammed on the brakes - but there was nothng there. Started driving again - and BANG - get hit with a Kip 4-5 that only lasts maybe 10 minutes.

Odd ...  I've never seen a *ghost* before - so i don't truly believe this was one - although she wasn't very distinct. If it was foggy or something i would have probably assumed it was just light playing on fog. She was dressed in a long - floor length dress or robe, had long hair and was overall just grey in colour.

Co-incidence? Hallucination? Or the beast playing games?

Or maybe i was just tired?


Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by BarbaraD on Feb 26th, 2005, 10:17am
Weird!  Sounds like an "aura" with a migraine. They play weird games with your head. do you have migraines also?

But come to think about it. Years ago, while visiting my doc's office the walls and carpet had strange designs on them. I kept seeing these designs everywhere I looked. Before I said anything about it, I kinda figured I was having some sort of hallucination. It went on most of the day, but haven't had that again since that day. Maybe it's just another way for the beast to say, "gottcha".

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Sylvan on Feb 26th, 2005, 10:19am
I did think about *aura* - but i've never had aura with the few migraines i had years ago.

I guess i always thought aura was more of a glow around actual things - but i've never really looked into that.

Thanks for the reply  :)

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by don on Feb 26th, 2005, 12:26pm
Get some sleep. Quick!

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Frank_W on Feb 26th, 2005, 4:11pm
Agree with Don. You may have seen a ghost. Otherwise, a lack of sleep and the combination of the fog could have produced a hallucination. Be careful....

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Sylvan on Feb 27th, 2005, 12:34am
Don't know that i believe in ghosts - but i do know the mind can play tricks when you are tired.

Was also wondering if the lithium could be causing anything like this?

Guess i better get that lithium blood level test done this week.

Thanks guys  8)

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by don on Feb 27th, 2005, 12:00pm
If you see the ghost again would you kindly ask her to remind my dead Uncle Henry that he still owes me 10 bucks.

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Sylvan on Feb 27th, 2005, 3:21pm

on 02/27/05 at 12:00:56, don wrote:
If you see the ghost again would you kindly ask her to remind my dead Uncle Henry that he still owes me 10 bucks.

He said he'd fax it to you  ;;D

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by sandie99 on Feb 28th, 2005, 3:34am
Sounds scary! :o
And bit creepy... Sorry that you're getting hit.

PFdays & nights,

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Sylvan on Feb 28th, 2005, 11:11am
Thanks Sandie :)

Actually not getting hit too badly lately - no middle of the night wake up calls - no head bangers - just these little reminders once or twice a day that generally don't last more than 15 minutes.

Guess the meds are helping - I just wish this "cycle" would end already. It's been 4 months now.


Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by rextangle on Mar 2nd, 2005, 12:11am
There's definitely a connection between the lack of sleep and hallucinations. Whether you've been on a drug binge or just been up for days (for work, or crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat), the mind start hallucinating naturally.

I've read a book about a sailor (racing) that had been up for 3 days and he saw a cow on the deck of his boat....

Now the connection between the hallucination and the CH attack.... [smiley=huh.gif]

But it could have been a ghost as well... always keep an open mind..

Now, if it keeps happening, go see your doc...
Good luck and good night!

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by jokrs2 on Mar 2nd, 2005, 2:30am
Sorry to hear about your sighting. I have stuff run in from the side of my vision all too often. Don't hit my brakes anymore because it turned out that there was nothing there. Definitely recommend sleep, don't drive when ghosts are out and call me first before you go out for a walk to find out if I'll be out driving ;). In my case it's probably my brain trauma injury and/or the beast. Wish you the best and NO more sightings. Joe

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by jokrs2 on Mar 2nd, 2005, 2:37am
Hey Rex liked your story about the cow on the boat but it sounds UDDERly crazy. Sorry lunacy is creeping in and I had to MILK that one [smiley=laugh.gif]. PFD's and a great nights sleep to everyone. Joe

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by don on Mar 2nd, 2005, 4:09am

Many days ay sea? Awake for thre days running? Nobody in sight?

Was the cow a blonde?

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Sylvan on Mar 2nd, 2005, 9:17pm
Well ... time to drive an hour home after another grueling 15 hour day ... (10th in a row)

Let's see if *she* puts in another appearance.

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Frank_W on Mar 3rd, 2005, 8:30am
If she does, can you get her phone number for me? I mean.. She might be lonely, and... er... nevermind.  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by unsolved1 on Mar 3rd, 2005, 10:16am
I'd be seriously looking at the meds I was taking

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Sylvan on Mar 3rd, 2005, 3:11pm

on 03/03/05 at 10:16:15, unsolved1 wrote:
I'd be seriously looking at the meds I was taking

Thanks, I am - Just got back from getting a blood lithium level test.  

I think part of it at least is just exhaustion though - i need at least 1 day off every now and then and i just haven't been able to do that lately.

I did notice last night on my drive however that on certain curves - the headlights hit the snow banks just right that they sort of reflect back towards the road ahead. I suppose in fog or snow that could cause the illusion that there was something there.

Oh - and Frank - I believe her # is 867-5309   :P

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by Frank_W on Mar 3rd, 2005, 3:32pm
D'oh!!! Now I have that song in my head...  >:( [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Pre-CH Hallucination?
Post by River_Rat on Mar 3rd, 2005, 4:15pm
When I'm tired and driving somtimes I will see things in the road that arent there. I've hit my breaks a few times.

As far as getting hit, maybe it was the stress of the whole thing or maybe you were in that pre-sleep mode and got nailed, I know when I start to relax for the evening and I start nodding that's when I get hit a lot of times


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