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(Message started by: moi on Feb 6th, 2005, 6:16pm)

Title: heat?
Post by moi on Feb 6th, 2005, 6:16pm
Hi all. just found your site. cant believe so many suffer so greatly. I feel for you all.  I got my first headaches 13 years ago. for 4 years. all over a 6mnth period during winter and spring.  Theve just started again after 9 years of none. I'm remembering things that sparked them off.  wearing hats, sitting in front of heaters, saunas, alcohol (wine especially), overheating in bed. I thought maybe it was major dehydration.  had two days without one till a gingerbeer was had. Nasty. Does yeast heat you up?  Ice on the head and cold baths are my only friends during them. Someone yesterday suggested put your feet in hot water to draw the blood from your head.   Its now summer here in nz which is when i never got them before. It is very humid though.  Do any of you guys seem to get them at times when you overheat?  

Title: Re: heat?
Post by BobG on Feb 6th, 2005, 7:42pm
Living in the desert, heat is something I know well.
It has never been a trigger for me.

A cold, dry winter wind is something else though.

Welcome to the board moi.

Title: Re: heat?
Post by Lili-Laura on Feb 7th, 2005, 2:41am
Hi Moi. Sorry you're here, but welcome from another ClusterHead!   I've been going to this site for 4 years but am ashamed to say only when in pain.  I will be a constant visitor from now on.  I also still have a million questions, and there's people here that's very knowledgable & can answer all your questions.

I'm from South Africa where it's hot 8 months and a little cold 4 months.  I've had cycles in December (mid summer) and August (winter), so I hope that answers your question.   It is said however that they're prone to come during season change.   For some people direct heat/cold is a trigger.  Direct cold doesn't trigger me, and although i don't think heat triggers it, it's most uncomfortable and overheating, due to irritation may bring on ch.

Irritation is a major trigger for me, irritate me & you're busy poking the devil on his butt!  

One md told me that she read that if you breath cold air, it can abort a ch - so if you want to, try standing in front the freezer & see.  As long as the freezer isn't in a Supermarket  ::)

Are you on Oxygen - see the section on the site on that.  It seems we all differ about other therepies, treatments & meds, but most people here are religious about 02 - incl. me.

Best of luck.

Know we're all here if you need us

Title: Re: heat?
Post by Frank_W on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:46am
I grew up in the desert too. (Mojave/Sierra Nevadas)

Heat has never really been a trigger for me, but seasonal changes seem to do it. Either the change from summer to autumn or, more recently, the change from winter to spring.

Welcome to the board.


Title: Re: heat?
Post by Redd715 on Feb 7th, 2005, 7:59am
One thing we do know for certain is that this beast manifests itself a bit different in each of us.  High heat and humidity tends to trigger for me, however I hail from the upper midwest, so heat is not something I am accustom to in high doses.  Being chronic, season changes only tends to make things worse for a while, but I don't get any real remission in between.  Just a few days PF time at a strech rather than 1-3 attacks a day ever day for up to 12 weeks.


Title: Re: heat?
Post by Ruth on Feb 7th, 2005, 9:11am
Hi Moi,
Yes, heat and humid weather gives me an attack while in cycle.
Welcome to the board, but sorry you have CH.


Title: Re: heat?
Post by floridian on Feb 7th, 2005, 2:43pm
Yes, heat is a trigger for me.  I also get more susceptible to heat stroke and heat exhaustion.  I am episodic, and only get hit in the summer (long days + heat).

One of the functions of the hypothalamus is to regulate body temperature, and the hypothalamus is also one of the first parts of the brain to suffer from high temperatures.  

Title: Re: heat?
Post by BikerBob on Feb 7th, 2005, 5:04pm
I've been episodic for 30 years and was out of cycle for 4 years until December. In November I was enjoying the cool 60 degree highs in San Francisco. In early December I flew to Florida to take care of my parents for 9 days. It was 80 degrees, humid, low barometric pressure, changed sleep pattern due to 3 hour time change, changed eating habits. I was there for 3 days when... Wham, new CH cycle.

I did the same trip last March and didn't get a new cycle.


Title: Re: heat?
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Feb 8th, 2005, 9:08pm
I have been thinking about posting this issue, but thought "for sure I'm the only 1".  
But, HELL yes, I like to use saunas alot.  After using the sauna I noticed that it almost always triggered a CH.  I also have a jet tub at home and used that frequently with the wife drinking and stuff and noticed that I always got a CH before I was even done in the tub.  
I havent used a sauna or the tub in about a month.  After stopping drinking and popping pain pills also and taking melatonin and dyphenhydramine every night, I havent had a full blown CH in 16 days!!!
PF wishes to all

Title: Re: heat?
Post by bigred on Feb 8th, 2005, 9:37pm
 HI Moi
 I would rather be in a situation to controll the temp if at all possible during my cycle. Which just ended.
  I use a fan during my hits to controll the sudden heat flash from the HA.
 If its any comfort to ya Im looking out my window here in Iowa and its snowing and cold.
  Good luck

Title: Re: heat?
Post by Frank_W on Feb 9th, 2005, 7:18am
Congratulations on getting some pain-free time, Bmonee. Great news! :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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