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(Message started by: TonyC on Jan 22nd, 2005, 7:09pm)

Title: it helps for me
Post by TonyC on Jan 22nd, 2005, 7:09pm
I had my first clusterheadaches when i was 25 . It started when i was watching tv and it started with toothpain , then it moved up to my eye , always the same eye , it started to tear and i couldn't have any light or sound , also my noise started to run if you know what i mean . I suffered many years everyday , sometimes it stopped for a few months .
Many times i just wanted to bang my head against the wall , cried for help , tried everything , the only thing was the $25 imitrex shot . it was too expensive for using it everyday I tried to live with the pain . I'm 40 now and still alive :)
I don't know if it has anything to do with the age but , i don't have them anymore , I think i've got those clusterheadaches coz I hadn't had enough sleep . When I was young I only had some sleep for about 6 or 7 hours , many nites only for about 4 a 5 hours . Last year I read something about those Clusterheadaches in a local newspaper , it said that wine, smoking , and over exhousted could give some ppl the pain . i'm still smoking and sometimes I kill a bottle of wine but i go to sleep much earlier and i don't have them anymore .Strange thing is i've tested a few months later with staying up all nite and had again less sleep and it came back . Now i'm clean from those pains for about 5 months now ............knock on wood  .....anyone the same experience here ?

Title: Re: it helps for me
Post by CAPS LOCK on Jan 22nd, 2005, 8:54pm
I don't get enough sleep because of the headaches. Sounds like your in remission right now, and God willing may it be a lasting( or permanent) one.

I thought I had the headaches kicked when I quit drinking coffee, but now I'm caffiene-free and getting the headaches.

Now it seems from what I read here, caffiene can be usefull to abort the headaches, which is nice because I REALLY MISS THE COFFEE :)

Title: Re: it helps for me
Post by sandie99 on Jan 23rd, 2005, 7:56am

when I was first diagnosed with CH, my doc said that sometimes CH vanishes when one turn 40 (I was 21 at the time). But he also said that he has patients in their 70s who just got their first cycle.

The same doc also said that usually CH sufferers are in their 20s-40s who drink a lot and smoke a lot. The only thing which applies to me is age... ;)

I do wish that you stay PF, though.  [smiley=thumb.gif]

Best wishes,

Title: Re: it helps for me
Post by Chonas on Jan 23rd, 2005, 3:24pm
Hi, I also think sleep is very related, its quality and pattern in general, mean a lot when it comes to CHs.

Title: Re: it helps for me
Post by Ronny on Jan 23rd, 2005, 3:28pm
Hi, Tony

Nog eens een Belg, eindelijk.

I've had them for more then seven years now. They started at the age of 35, now i'm 42. The first few years the cycles didnt last very long, now its a different thing, this cycle seems to last forever (9 months now).

Lack of sleep can be a trigger i think, when i stay up all night i can be sure of a very nice day ;). In my entire life, i never slept very long, even now i dont. I do smoke and wine or anything else is out of the question now.

I hope they dont come back!

Title: Re: it helps for me
Post by TonyC on Jan 23rd, 2005, 3:52pm
for me it is working ( crossing fingers ) and maybe it's a combination with less sleep and stress that activates them . When i felt I was getting one It helps me when i just go to the garden and close my eyes and try to focus on the different sounds i hear . Or in the beginning when i was 25 I went on the computer and talked with ppl on the internet ( chatting) seems like i had to focus on something else instead of the CH . They also woke me up in the middle of the nite . So in the meanwhile i try to get enough sleep . the last times i had them they also made my neck going stiff ( sorry for the bad english  )

All i can say is helps for me ....and maybe it also helps for you ...all you can do is trying's the cheapest drug there is :)

And I know ....most of the times it is hard to focus on somethin' else then the pain ......

Title: Re: it helps for me
Post by maureen on Jan 23rd, 2005, 4:02pm
Hello Tony,

Welcome to the site. I myself have just recently found it and happy I did.
I was 14 when I had my first cycle I didn't drink then so I ruled that out. I quit smoking for a few yrs and during that time I had one of my worst cycles so I ruled that out. I have always tried to get the right amount of sleep so for me I don't think that was it either. I think some of us are just lucky at getting the crappy end of the stick.

Gald your PF and hope you stay that way
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