Title: What is going on this time Post by Tom_Thumb on Jan 20th, 2005, 4:58pm Hello everyone. I am the new guy on the block.On monday1/17/05 I CAME TO THIS SIGHT because i really liked what I was reading about all of you. I had just got home from the doc. Now for that I have had clusters since I was 28 and I am now 42. I HAVE NEVER killed a cycle in in a week . I had my first hit on 1/08/05 and then every night two or three times at k8 to k10 on 1/16/05 I EVEN PASSED OUT FROM PAIN. I went to the doctor on 1/17/05 and got my meds Verapamil / 120mg Neurontin /300mg fioricet I take them once a day around noon . But since I started day 1 with the meds I have had on hits .NOT ONE I have sleep all night .What is going on not to complain but do you all think there gone .Or is the beast in hiding ?? |
Title: Re: What is going on this time Post by Chonas on Jan 20th, 2005, 5:31pm Hi, there's no way to know, you should wait and see what happens, but I would consider a 2 (two) weeks pain-free period first, and then I would be ready to celebrate. |
Title: Re: What is going on this time Post by Tom_Thumb on Jan 20th, 2005, 5:39pm A party wuold be good but I still would be scared from beer . I most of the time wait 4 to 6 months before I HAVE A BEER OR 6 |
Title: Re: What is going on this time Post by nani on Jan 20th, 2005, 8:24pm If it were me...I'd stay on the meds for 2 weeks after my last hit. I would not have a drink even if there was only a million to one chance of triggering. |
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