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(Message started by: Lizzie2 on Aug 30th, 2005, 10:03pm)

Title: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 30th, 2005, 10:03pm
Right.  Sorry to complain twice in one night.  I'm in a total panic mode right now...I honestly don't think I've ever had this many CH per day, even though I know it's nothing new for a lot of you, so I shouldn't even complain...

Just topping it all off - I went to the orthopedic surgeon yesterday for my 3 month follow up on the knees.  The surgery failed, so...I'm glad I went through all  that.  He said he's not going to replace it right now because it hasn't collapsed yet.  Basically said to do PT, wear a soft brace to work, go to massage therapy, take an antiinflammatory, and may consider pain management down the line.  He doesn't want to see me back for any more follow up unless there is some seriously major change.

Oh to tie in with the subject line - I wouldn't have had to have this surgery if prednisone combined with my own biology hadn't led to avascular necrosis which killed the bone in my knees (for those who haven't heard this story...) - I'd had knee pain for almost my entire life,  and had it looked at many times, but there was no major change that I could notice myself until the scans showed serious AVN.  They were concerned about fluid in my knees - just wanted xrays and MRIs before doing any draining...I had no idea.

Honestly, I think I'm done putting myself through hell a hundred times over for nothing.  I just can't deal with it anymore and am really freaking out.  I have to work 12 hours tomorrow which is probably just making things worse because I'm worried about not sleeping and having to work in so much pain.  

There's just gotta be some point.  I think my body is really just going to shut down.  It's too much.


Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by cootie on Aug 30th, 2005, 10:18pm
So sorry Lizzie........if done correctly pain management can give you some relief to go on more normally and keep busy minus the depression of the constant pain. I have a girlfreind with a similar delema to yours.....she is older and had knee surgery this summer which failed more or less. She is no longer able to go back to her new job and just lost her long term job she planned to retire from after being there a good 20 years or more cuz it went out of business and moved out of town. She always has done heavy duty labor work......but her knees are DONE.....her doc said she also has danger of collapse but sent her on her way. She has lift restrictions and in alot of pain when tryin to get around much. They told her she could have replacement surgery but by the time she retired she'd need a second......her doc said the replacements only last 10 years ?? (probly so if she returned to heavy duty lifting labor jobs tho).....Insurence will only pay for the first she is looking at a real worry of the second being due at retirement and her haveing to dish out the entire amount. So she is kind of stuck !!!! Sad thing at her age (she's 54).....her husband just got into a motorcycle accident and about tore his leg off so she has to try to help him and he weighs close to 400 lbs !! Not obese guy......just a big guy !!! She doesn't know what kind of work she is goin to be able to do now. And I guess they have ran credit cards up in the past to keep paying on. Knees hell bent for employment Pam

Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 30th, 2005, 10:29pm
Sorry to hear about your friend Cootie.. :(  It definitely takes a toll.  The knee replacements do last about 10 years now I guess,  but the current word is that they can only do it twice.  So that puts me at age 44 by the time the second one would give out for good-and then what?  Wheelchair for life?  I guess that's why he's not replacing it until it deteriorates to the point where he has to.  The left one is not as dead, so it can take more, and I'll just end up putting as much weight as I can on that side.

Will have to get some kind of crutch or cane, but can't use it at work because of the physical nature of the job, too.

Just can't win sometimes Iguess - and I can't keep shrugging it off....just feel totally hopeless.

Thanks for listening...  

Hope your friend and her hubby catch a break sometime,too... :(

Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 30th, 2005, 10:31pm
Luvya sweetie

Work on getting that oxygen in your place somehow soon.  

Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 30th, 2005, 10:32pm

on 08/30/05 at 22:31:22, Kevin_M wrote:
Luvya sweetie

Work on getting that oxygen in your place somehow soon.  

If the one RT is there tomorrow, I'll see if she can hook me up with something even if it's very temporary.......I don't really know her well enough to ask this, but I'm desparate....

Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by nani on Aug 31st, 2005, 12:08am
:(   [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by Lizzie2 on Aug 31st, 2005, 12:55am
Thanks Nani,

Well as we were just discussing on the meds board today, my ativan kicked in and at the very least, I'm feeling less anxious.  I had to step in and take some pain meds and had taken Amerge earlier today....this seems like a lot but this was some severe pain.  I don't panic very often, and I seriously was just wanting to die all evening long.  Finally have some decrease in the pain of the migraine at least, and the beast has taken a break for the last about hour.  Gotta get up in 3 hours for work, but I'm hoping I'll sleep at least a little!  It'll be a long long 12 hour work day otherwise!

Thanks to everyone who sent me a PM, or chatted with me on MSN/Yahoo/AOL tonight even though many of you are also doing battle with the beast and other issues right now, too!  That was very kind of you and helped to keep me somewhat sane.  I appreciate that - I seriously haven't felt that desparate in a long time.

Love and hugz,
Carrie :)

Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by Frank_W on Aug 31st, 2005, 7:52am
[smiley=hug.gif] I'm so sorry you're having a rough time of it right now, Carrie.  :-/ Chin up... I hope you catch a break pretty soon.

Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by E-Double on Aug 31st, 2005, 11:04am
Luv ya kid!!

Things will find a way to work out and get better!


Title: Re: Prednisone....would've thought twice
Post by Opus on Aug 31st, 2005, 11:59am

   I know it is hard but think positively is the best way to get through this. Being so young with all these problems looks bad, but imagine being like me not having problems until you are older and finding you can no longer work the only type of job you are qualified for while having a family you can no longer take care of either. You have two educations under your belt, so if you do come to the point of not being able to continue nursing then you can probably do something else. I do believe that your job may be too much for someone in your condition ( though you seem to be able to handle it) so remember there are lots of other types of things an RN can do. Pediatricians need nurses, clinics need nurses, public health needs nurses. Any job that stresses your body less than a 12 hour day on your feet would probably help you and your knee.

 Also remember that your knee hasn't collapsed, and many doctors make dire predictions that never come to pass. I have a friend who was told his mangled legs would never walk again, yet he not only walks but was able to serve in the Navy, and no works in construction.

Remember it is OK not to be able to do your present job, even though you love it. I know I couldn't work like that even when I was young and healthy. Take care of yourself, and you will feel better all around. I don't IM you because you seem so busy, so if you want to chat it is OK.

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