Title: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by yikes-another-one on May 2nd, 2005, 10:35pm oh man. I knew it at 4:30pm It was gonna be a lllllllllooooooonnnnnnngggggg nite. got a level 5 at 4:50..that was all well and good over by 5:30. no problem. Got hit at 5:50. Don't need a weather man to tell me it's raining in a state near me...debate over whither to snorth some Zomig or "tough it out." okay so the pain was gone by 6:20. Not a bad sign, short one, I survived. At 6:35, here he came to knock again. I ammm getting very tired, my eyes are having trouble foucusing through the tears...and my head is heavy. okay. survived unt; 7:10 when it ended. I should have listend to Bob. I freaking forgot to stay stressed out... and ooops relaxed. Stuipd, stupid, that 's a rookie mistake. 7:20...and this one, well it decided to up the ante. So I am pacing with a freaking level 7... ugh..... it disappeared though, thank heaven...gone by 7:50. turn around and whammm. 8:10 and I am sore again....this one....he wants to take no prisoners tonight. The monster brings his bat to the party this time. and the bell sounds. Time to dance with the devil again...... This is not a life. This is a stupid game, and I want my money back. My husband, he's pissed that I waited too long to bother with the Zomig. and I am thinking I should have taken it back at 4:30... I knew better than to wait and see.... but it is sooooo expensive...... and I was so hoping it wouldn't escalate to this. okay. So by 9 it's ramping down....but now I am just sore. and a little afraid. I mean I always have somehting happen at 10:30. Now I wonder. Should I waste a Zomig? Will it happen tonight? Will it go higher? AT One am am I gonna get the level 10 that has my husband ready to drive me to the ER? Do I really have any say in the matter? I feel like a hostage. just praying to be set free. I'm doing all I can, I'm takign my Verapamil. I am hording the Zomig...(maybe too much hording???) I wash my face and hands. I am a good girl. So why am I cursed?????? I know. I am lucky. I coulda started a t alevel 10 and gone totally insane by now. why isn't it a death sentence. Why doenst it just kill us instead of playing cat and mouse...and slowly destroying al the joy we try to build up as a defense? I am not a negative person. (well, I am not when I am not suffering. Ask my co-workers. I am so care-free and happy go lucky. but they know the jeckyll and hyde as well. They see the cloud decend...they run and duck from the wrath that wells up from the depth of this &*&*(& pain.) How do we take up our lives and march onward into the night. Where do we find the strength to pick up the sword and battle onward....when every stupid sunrise means another day of clouds and thunder? and what's the point? Why can't we get an escape button...or at least a "RESET" option. ugh |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by Sean_C on May 2nd, 2005, 10:49pm Lifes not easy for us is it. Its something we all face with fear but somehow we find the stength to pull through it. Hoping your night is peaceful The light is always on if you need us Sean.............................. |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by Opus on May 2nd, 2005, 11:01pm ((((Tammy))))) Hold on, you can make it. Can you take Imitrex? If so can you get a script? I know it is expensive but with a valid script you may never know what may show up at your door. Trex would be good for those ones that get away from you before you take your Zomig. Remember, never mix triptans. I know none of this will help you tonight but for the next time. By the way, clear skys over NY tonight, so it must those westerners that are causing your problems ;;D Opus/Paul |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by cootie on May 2nd, 2005, 11:45pm It was snowing here today.....sorry it must be Ohio's fault. I'll try to turn the sunshine on and the pain meter down Pam |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by yikes-another-one on May 3rd, 2005, 12:02am yep, right next store in Indiana... I knew it... thanks cootie. just need a high pressure to sweep upward and remove the clouds from Chicago... then my head withh right itself, right? Thanks for the hug OPUS It is appreciated, more than you know and Thanks SEan. YOu never willlet anyone wallow in self-pity. and That helps, too. Well, 10:30 came, and i got a visit, but only a level 5. That's a piece of cake so I survived. But still, the pain isn't goign anywhere fast....so ugh.... off to pace and whine.... have a good night, and PF wishes to allll of us. |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by Carl_D on May 3rd, 2005, 12:49am Big VIBES going out that you get some sleep tonight. Peace, Carl D |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by Marta on May 3rd, 2005, 6:29am Hey sweetie, How are you doing now? It's raining over here in Surrey and the cloud base is really low - yup, trex time. I've ordered some melatonin so it should be here soon so I might get some sleep soon. My neck is getting crunchy, a sure sign that the beast isn't far away. I hope the blue skies come your way soon. We're all allowed to feel sorry for ourselves at times and you're no exception ok? I would really recommend the trex and take it as soon as you feel the footsteps approaching, you might feel a bit woozy but hopefully pain free. All my very best hopes and wishes to you Marta |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by yikes-another-one on May 3rd, 2005, 2:15pm I think it helps to have a place to gripe and moan at. I don't think i would have survived last night if it weren't for you guys being here to listen and advise. (((Opus)))) ;;D and (((CARL))) knowing you cannot stop the clock well, I just hate the knot of dread that wells up from your guts as you count down to the "normal" attack times. Not knowing if you are gonna sweat a level 7 or just bat away a level 4.... it's driving me cr8zy.... but knowing I am lucky and not facing this alone.... it helps me hang onto the saner thaoughts....you know. SO thanks. and God bless. I hope we get through another week... more Pain free times are ahead. Just gott a keep reaching for it. Hugs to all. TJ |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by Charlie on May 3rd, 2005, 11:50pm Damn I wish I had something other than vibes but they're here nonetheless. Rant on. We're listening. http://www.netsync.net/users/charlies/gifs/rant.gif Charlie |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by sandie99 on May 4th, 2005, 8:45am on 05/02/05 at 22:49:54, Sean_C wrote:
That was a beautiful way to put it... I hope PF days & nights for all of us, Sandie |
Title: Re: I know it's raining - somewhere Post by kimmeesue on May 4th, 2005, 3:52pm Sending you some blue skys and sunshine from Kansas.(while they last ;)) Kim |
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