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(Message started by: medic1852 on Dec 15th, 2004, 6:25pm)

Title: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by medic1852 on Dec 15th, 2004, 6:25pm
Ok folks, here is something to think about, and give some of you something to write about, (I hope). Tell us about your most memorable Christmas, as a child and as an adult. Like to hear them.

Ok hear is mine as a child, it was 1975, my dad had just gotten out of the military after 20 years of service, it was the first Christmas that I can remember him being home since this is the time of Veitnam, I was 9. My dad after giving his country 20 years of his life could not find a job, he was drawing unemployement and mom was working at a nurseing home as an aid 3rd shift making minimum wage. So needless to say things were kind of tight. All we got for Christmas was a new shirt each me and my sisters. But the most important thing was we were all together and it is the first one that I remember from my child hood, that we were. It was great, even as a child I thought it was great, not just looking back.

I have had a lot of good ones in my adult life, mainly since I have kiddos that are young and they are all special. So give me a couple of more years to work on this one.

But to take a line for the band Everclear "Never know the joy of a welfare Chrsitmas"  In the song I will buy you a new life.

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jonny on Dec 15th, 2004, 6:37pm
Mine starts the same Dad had just got out of jail, had to rely on the church for sucked!!

This thread is going to get mad hits, Rodger.....Watch!!


Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by medic1852 on Dec 15th, 2004, 6:41pm
I knew you would reply Johnny. But I have a question...what do you mean MAD hits???

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jonny on Dec 15th, 2004, 6:43pm
Many replies

Check your spelling also ;;D

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 15th, 2004, 7:49pm
I was a Baltimore Colts freak back in the 60's.  My hero was Johnny Unitis.  I wanted a jersey from Sears but I knew the chances of getting a white one with blue stripes and the number 19 was next to impossible.

My parents must have written these exact needs when they placed the order because that's exactly what I got when I opened the wrapping.  I wore that jersey till the numbers fell away from the fabric.  My passes were were perfect from that moment on.

At nearly 50, I can still throw a tight spiral.

The greatest gift I ever got.  Ever!

Steve G

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by don on Dec 15th, 2004, 8:09pm
Ok, about 20 years ago. Christmas eve, drunk as a skunk. Leaving a bar and going back to the home base bar. It's called the Golden Pheasant Bar.

Get in taxi and pass out.

Taxi driver wakes up don and says we are here. Throw him a twenty. Paying no attention.Still drunk, I get out. He drives away.

I look around and I'm at the Golden Pheasant Restaurant 20 miles away out in the woods at 1 AM Christmas day.

And it's closed.

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Charlie on Dec 15th, 2004, 11:40pm
Sorry kids.

I have confess that all my Christmases have been right out of Reader's Digest or Father Knows Best except for the year dad died in early December. Still, we had a lot glogg and a good time anyway.

Disgusting I know.  I had the greatest parents imaginable. I wish everyone had it so good.


Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jeepgun on Dec 16th, 2004, 9:07am
When I was 16, I spent Christmas weekend in county jail for drunk & disorderly, battery, and resisting arrest. Basically, I'd gotten drunk and met up with another kid who wanted to fight, so we fought. Unfortunately, it happened to be in the middle of the four-way intersection in front of the police station. By the time the police got there, I was beating the other kid into unconsciousness and when the cops tried to pull me off of him, I started punching them, too. (bad mistake) They worked me over pretty good, but later, one of them came to look at me in my cell, and he had a hell of a shiner. Fuckers... I called my dad and he just laughed at me, said, "Merry fuckin' Christmas, kid!" and hung up the phone. He didn't come and get me until the 27th of December.

Ho ho fuckin ho.

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Dec 16th, 2004, 9:39am
What I think is the MOST memorable Christmas would be the very first one. The one that involved 3 wise men, a star in the sky, and a baby named Jesus.

Can't go to far into it though. I don't really want to start a big religious/non-religious thing here.

It's Christmas and we should all try to share some love in spite of our differences and beliefs.



Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by becky8 on Dec 16th, 2004, 9:56am
You're really making me sad. Jonny is that true? Man I shouldn't have read this thread cause I was happy and now I am starting to feel really sad and worried for you guys? But I know with your sense of humor you all are okay, right?

I was going to say something about the Christmas when my daughter first knew Santa. Her eyes about popped out her head when she saw all the gifts and it was so cute cause she was only about 3 years old and little kids are so innocent. So cool!!!!

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jeepgun on Dec 16th, 2004, 10:00am
My dad and I laugh about it, now. The story gets told every Christmas.  ::) When I was on leave from the Army, five years later, I looked up the cop that I punched and apologized to him. He and I went out and had a beer together. I met up with the kid I had been fighting and he didn't want a rematch. We had a beer together too. It's all good.  8)

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Langa on Dec 16th, 2004, 1:33pm

on 12/16/04 at 09:39:17, ExplodingEyeBall wrote:
What I think is the MOST memorable Christmas would be the very first one. The one that involved 3 wise men, a star in the sky, and a baby named Jesus.

Can't go to far into it though. I don't really want to start a big religious/non-religious thing here.

It's Christmas and we should all try to share some love in spite of our differences and beliefs.




As a youngster, I was about 6 when my brother came  home from the army...he bought me my first watch (which i had been begging my mom to get me for months!)- a Mickey Mouse watch.  That was 30 years ago and the watch is still going. I'll never forget it.  He woke me up, gave me my gift and we ate peanut butter sandwiches.  LOL.

As an adult, many, but I have to say the best one was when I first bought my house.  It was nice having my loved ones over at MY house for a change... ;;D

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by BobG on Dec 16th, 2004, 1:38pm
Christmas day 1967 I learned what the word triage meant. Ain't going to tell how though.
Let's just say it had to do with the Buddists taking the day off while the Christians got a beating.

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by jimbo on Dec 16th, 2004, 1:55pm

Dad was laid-off, Mom was expecting #4 so she went to the Salvation Army to try to get some toys for us kids because we had no money. The person at the SA said that my Dad made $1.42 too much that year so we were out of luck. I'll never forget this story because my Mom tells it all the time at Christmas while she tries not to cry.

To this day I have never put in a Fucking nickel into them SA buckets. Bitter I guess. I gotta a bell they can ring!



Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jonny on Dec 16th, 2004, 7:22pm

on 12/16/04 at 09:56:43, becky8 wrote:
. Jonny is that true? Man I shouldn't have read this thread cause I was happy and now I am starting to feel really sad and worried for you guys?

Dont be sad kid, what I went through as a kid made me the man that I am....ask any old timer what I have done for this family and you will see that bad times can make even the biggest ass-hole humble ;;D

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by don on Dec 16th, 2004, 7:24pm



Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jonny on Dec 16th, 2004, 7:28pm

on 12/16/04 at 19:24:59, don wrote:



I didnt shit down your neck when you came here did I?

I dont usually let the homeless into my BBQ's.....I felt sorry for you so that makes me humble ;;D

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Dec 16th, 2004, 7:34pm
Boys!  Boys!  It's Christmas - for goodness sake can't you just get along!

Grandma >:(

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jonny on Dec 16th, 2004, 7:38pm

on 12/16/04 at 19:34:14, Grandma_Sweet_Boy wrote:
Boys!  Boys!  It's Christmas - for goodness sake can't you just get along!

Grandma >:(

STFU Grandma....unless you want some of this!!!!

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Dec 16th, 2004, 7:43pm
Don't you speak to me in that tone of voice, young man.  I can and will beat your butt to smithereens!

I live too far away to be sceered of ya - and besides, you wouldn't hurt a harmless little old lady would you?

Actually, perhaps I've just been accepted into this motley crew - no one has ever told me to STFU before!  As Sally Fields once said "You like me, you really, really like me"! ;;D

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jonny on Dec 16th, 2004, 7:47pm

on 12/16/04 at 19:43:48, Grandma_Sweet_Boy wrote:
no one has ever told me to STFU before!

Well, it has been said that when jonny tells you to STFU.....your in like flyn.

Me thinks you have been in for a long time  :-*

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by don on Dec 16th, 2004, 9:14pm

I dont usually let the homeless into my BBQ's

Spare a rib buddy ?

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Kevin_M on Dec 16th, 2004, 11:06pm
Carol, that's Jonny's way of sending the words of a Christmas card to you, except the picture is missing.

Grandma, oh lets' call her Carol, set out the milk and cookies and has been sitting up in the dark all night waiting for Santa to arrive.  Rocking and rocking with an arm dangling over the side of her chair, still firmly grasping the neck of the fifth nearly empty now.  
 Santa finally arrives but grandma sees him track reindeer poop on her carpet.   Reaching under the lampstand shade she flicks on the light surprising Santa and says, "I leave you milk and cookies and you give me shit!"  Santa reaches in his bag and pulls out a lump of coal to show granny and says:

on 12/16/04 at 19:38:22, Jonny wrote:
STFU Grandma....unless you want some of this!!!!
Carol leans forward and snatches the coal from Santa's extended hand and squeezes it in her bony fist while staring at Santa.  Opening her hand, a sparkling diamond has Santa wide-eyed.  She flips him the diamond, swigs the last of the fifth, swipes her mouth on her wool sleeve and says, "What else you want me to grab in that sack of yours."  Santa cringing, crosses his legs and scoots up the chimney.  As a whip is heard and the scamper of reindeer hooves hurriedly get airborn, grandma tosses the empty bottle into the fireplace.  Getting up to call it a night, she notices a gift certificate Santa left next to the empty glass of milk and cookie crumbs, a gift certificate for   "Clusterbuddy Tattoos"  She rolls up one sleeve then the other, nope the arms are already fulla art.  Then she stops and thinks.  Checking her lower left cheek, yes, there is still room for one more.  But... but... HOW DID HE KNOW?????

Ya gotta believe Carol, ya gotta believe.

Santa's memorable Christmas

Kevin M

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 16th, 2004, 11:32pm

Your wonderful wit never ceases to amaze me!!


Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Jeepgun on Dec 17th, 2004, 9:14am
ROFL, Kev! That was GREAT!!  [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=bow.gif]

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Dec 17th, 2004, 6:43pm
Kev - can't remember the last time I laughed so hard but I have one question for you.  What in the name of all that's Holy were you smokin' when you concocted that tale! ;;D

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by Sean_C on Dec 17th, 2004, 7:52pm
Kev that was great dude,  ;;D


Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by broomhilda on Dec 17th, 2004, 8:45pm
Kevin, you sir are priceless ;)

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by kimh on Dec 17th, 2004, 10:40pm
I was 19 years old and moved from New York to California with my best friend.  We had no money, no family and young enough to be fearless and stupid  :D  Christmas morning in Chatsworth California........we called our family early and then smoked a joint or two ;;D  I was sitting on a rock in Chatsworth Park mulling over how warm it was, how far away i was from "the familiar", and wondering when i was going to be NOT STONED enough to go out to eat ;;D  I DISTINCTLY remember wearing a John Lennon tee-shirt........i felt weird ............all the girls around me were gigglers with make up and fake body parts and i looked like a FREAK (musta been the POT ;;D).....anyhow, it was .........ODD. :D  

Title: Re: Most Memorable Christmas
Post by cynjeep89 on Dec 18th, 2004, 9:10am
Most Memorable as a child.....leaning on my bedroom windowsill on Christmas Eve, nose pressed up against the cold window pane scanning the night time sky looking for Santa.  Then waking up Christmas morning to the smell of breakfast cooking...pancakes, bacon, etc., opening presents with Mom, Dad, Grandmom, Grandpop and my brother.

As an adult.....The precious gift of having my Dad home from the hospital for another Christmas after suffering a brainstem was the best gift the family ever received.  Nothing can top that feeling!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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