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(Message started by: Jeepgun on Dec 13th, 2004, 1:56pm)

Title: Take care, folks
Post by Jeepgun on Dec 13th, 2004, 1:56pm
Keep on fighting the good fight.

Love, peace, strength, and PFDAN's.

My best to you all,

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by thomas on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:00pm
WTF???????  [smiley=huh.gif]  That sounds like a good bye, what's up, man?

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Lizzie2 on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:03pm

Haven't read any bad posts from you lately, but then I haven't been here as much as I used to be for the past several weeks or so.  What's goin on???  Don't abandon the boat....every row counts!!!

Carrie :)

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by nani on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:03pm
What's up, Frank?  [smiley=huh.gif]  Are you OK? Whatever you need, brother... [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by vig on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:17pm
I'm hoping that's just a nice blessing, not an arrivaderci...

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by becky8 on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:33pm
Frank??? Are you okay? please let us know, okay???? :( [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by john_d on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:36pm
I think it is this, check "Hello, my name is..." thread.

Frank,   Obviously, that one person on this board doesn't like you much.  

I would not worry about it.  

I like you, enjoy reading your posts, and by this thread it is evident alot of other people here do also.

My advice is 'ignore'

I would put a link to that thread but I don't know how to do that.  


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by taraann on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:54pm
I try to never get involved with the arguments and "petty" bickering on this MB.  But gawd why do ppl gotta be so damn mean?  I just read the other thread john_d mentioned and it's stuff like that argueing that really bothers me.  We ppl need to be more compassionate towards one another, ESP since we all know about the pain of our fellow sufferers and supporters.  Depression has been discussed alot lately and I worry about the day that someone succombs to that very thing.  There are SOOO many different personalites here, and different ways we deal with pain.  My poor husband KNOWS about the occasional (he might disagree with that word  ;) ) crabbiness that I inflict on him.  But this place I think should be a safe place for ppl.  Criticism and disagreements are expected of course by what happened to tact?

Don't leave cause of this Jeep or anyone that has been insulted on this MB.  That is the attitude or opinion of a few out of Jeesh I don't know how many, ALOT.

I am #1 surprised I'm even gonna post this but aw screw it  I'm gonna anyways and #2 tried to put it in as best words as possible but lately am having a terrible time finding all the vocabulary I'm looking for.

This rant is the result of not just that one thread or arguement, it's the result of the many I have read over quite some time.

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by TomM on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:56pm
Another good poster/supporter/person run out of town....

Come back when you are ready, Frank.

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by thomas on Dec 13th, 2004, 2:58pm
All I can say is, if some one said something like that to me, I wouldn't leave.  I'm here for one reason and that is to learn about our condition and help those who can benefit from my advice, no amount of personal insults is going to make me take leave of those who might just experience a little bit of an easier road, by trying some of the methods that I use to battle ch.  

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by marlin on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:01pm
Maybe he found that his wife is a Romanian, or worse yet, he's one?  LMFAO!!!!  

My guess -- He found he's spending too much time on the board?

Frank, do I win?

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:03pm
If I remember correctly, I think Frank is just now starting a cycle and may not be willing to deal with this kind of crap right now.

Lurk for a while if you have to Frank and let us know how your doing.

Don't go away though. We'd all miss the Jeep pics and poetry (Most of us any way  ;;D).

As far as I'm concerned, any one can put a funny post on any thread in any area of this message board.

I don't know about the rest of you but I think I can speak for the majority here that humor is a pretty good crutch to lean on when shit is going bad.

Don't throw tomatoes at the stage when there is a good comedian going through his routine or the only entertainment you'll get is dancing dogs. (Where the hell did that come from??? [smiley=huh.gif] )

PFDAN to you Frank and everybody else here.....Even you Steve.


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by becky8 on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:07pm
Stop it!!! Its like "Gee lets see who we can fuck with the most or the worst" I say GROW UP boys!!!! Do you see the girls bashing each other for no reason. Kris_S_R pm'd me last week to say she was outta here too. Come on, it wasn't like this when I first came, do you really see a point in seeing who can be the BIGGEST ASS??? WTF??????

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Jonny on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:11pm

on 12/13/04 at 15:07:09, becky8 wrote:
do you really see a point in seeing who can be the BIGGEST ASS???

I am not only King of this joint,I also hold the title of biggest ass-hole ;;D

Frank, get you ass back here!!!

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by thomas on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:13pm

on 12/13/04 at 15:11:37, Jonny wrote:
I also hold the title of biggest ass-hole ;;D

Whatever, shrimpie!  ;;D

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by becky8 on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:20pm
Thanks King Jonny!!!
You hear that are ordered to get your butt  back, please.... i miss you! :'( :'(

Title: FRe: Take care, folks
Post by Filbert on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:31pm
        I like your poems!
        I like your sense of humour!
        I like reading your posts!



Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Lizzie2 on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:33pm
I agree with TaraAnn on this one!  I read that was just nasty what was said.  Frank, don't let that run you out.  That was an ignorant post IMHO, but then "opinions are like not a very nice persons...everyone has one!" ;)

You know you got lots of friends and supporters here.  So don't you bail!  Besides, I haven't even found the jeep pictures of my family's jeeps to show you yet!!!!

Luv ya,
Carrie :)

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Bethany1 on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:43pm
Frank, Just to let you know....

I sign on every morning just to see what you write. I anxiously await your poems and vigs pictures. I never knew a site like this was here and look forward to all of your posts. I love your jeep pictures and your jokes, I don't care that they are not in the joke section. Point is, I look forward to you every morning. That may sound strange, but its true.  I just wanted you to know how you have affected me, in a way you probably will never know. Please don't go.


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Tiannia on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:54pm
Frank, you have been my life line at times when I felt lost.  You know as well as I that you can not change people. All you can be is yourself. That is all you are accountable to be. If there is an issue with someoen else then it is their path to deal with that or not.  You can not be responsible for any path but your own.  But the light and laughs that you have given many people in your time here is worth you rethinking if you are meant to be here for a while. You cant tell me that you have not meet a few people who have effected your life as well.  Everything is for a reason, the Good and the Bad.  Clusters brought you here.  This is a good that came form that.  Please do not walk away from if because of the frustrationand anger of a few people.  I've pissed off more then my fair share here myself.  And even ended up with a really good friend because of one little (who am I kidding that was fucking nasty) tiff. /huggs Wendy the Britt....  [smiley=hug.gif]

Take the time you need.  But know that we will still be here.  

May the God and Goddes guide you on your path.  Remember that there are many people who are there waiting to help you whenever you need.


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by eddie on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:11pm
sometimes i just cant find the words to say,
but jeep you always find kind words to say
if i could find the words that are in my heart.
i would show you i cant. so i post pics & ask a few???
you my family i hope, i would do anything for!!!
i do think i would be no where without all here.
im here to learn as much as i can
so thankyou from my heart to yours

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:27pm

on 12/13/04 at 14:36:04, john_d wrote:
I like you, enjoy reading your posts...

Are you saying that he enjoys reading his own posts?  ;)

on 12/13/04 at 14:36:04, john_d wrote:
...and by this thread it is evident alot of other people here do also.

My guess is they feel the need to kiss yer a$$, kinda like jonny's.  

on 12/13/04 at 14:36:04, john_d wrote:
My advice is 'ignore'

That's easy enough to do --- I never open the "Jeep of the day"threads anymore.    ;;D

on 12/13/04 at 14:54:36, taraann wrote:
Don't leave cause of this Jeep or anyone that has been insulted on this MB.

Stick around and GET EVEN!!!

on 12/13/04 at 15:03:29, ExplodingEyeBall wrote:
Don't go away though. We'd all miss the Jeep pics and poetry (Most of us any way  ;;D).

Speak for yourself!     ;;D

on 12/13/04 at 15:03:29, ExplodingEyeBall wrote:
PFDAN to you Frank and everybody else here.....Even you Steve.

WTF?   Are you crazy?

on 12/13/04 at 15:11:37, Jonny wrote:
I am not only King of this joint,I also hold the title of biggest ass-hole ;;D

Undoubtedly!     ;;D

on 12/13/04 at 15:33:28, Lizzie2 wrote:
You know you got lots of friends and supporters here.

See?   Yet another butt-kisser!     ;)

on 12/13/04 at 15:43:49, Bethany1 wrote:
I sign on every morning just to see what you write. I anxiously await your poems and vigs pictures.... Point is, I look forward to you every morning.

and another one...

on 12/13/04 at 15:54:46, Tiannia wrote:
...I've pissed off more then my fair share here myself...

DAMN - I must have been sleeping that day.     ::)

Ya see?   Even though you have ONE enemy, that's no reason to leave!  Take your time, plan your revenge, and hurry back!


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Jonny on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:36pm

It warms my heart to know that you still love me ;;D

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:39pm

on 12/13/04 at 16:36:15, Jonny wrote:

It warms my heart to know that you still love me ;;D

Nah ---  i'm just a good liar   ;;D

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by john_d on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:39pm

I know you are just joking but you hit a nerve.

Not4Hire said the same shit in a PM to me.  He said I felt the need to kiss Frank's ass thus the 'john_d, yer included'.  I am nice to Frank because I like him.  I am nice to Jonny because I like him.  I like alot people here.

Since when is friendship kissing ass?

....Revenge is for God and little children.

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:41pm
Apparently a little sarcasm was lost on ya!    :-[

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by john_d on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:43pm
Sorry Grant, I am kinda hypersensitive about that, I know you were just kidding.

sarcasm noted  ;;D

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:46pm

on 12/13/04 at 16:27:39, brain_cramps wrote:
Don't go away though. We'd all miss the Jeep pics and poetry (Most of us any way  ;;D ) .

Speak for yourself!     ;;D

(Most of us any way   ;;D) .  I guess I"ll explicitely leave you out next time. ;;D ;;D ;;D

on 12/13/04 at 16:27:39, brain_cramps wrote:
PFDAN to you Frank and everybody else here.....Even you Steve.

WTF?   Are you crazy?

Yes.. As a matter of fact I am. Would you like to try on my tin foil hat some time?

I happen to care about the people here. Even the ones who are not being very nice at the time.

I love you too wheter you like it or not. ;;D

Have a nice day.

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Racer1_NC on Dec 13th, 2004, 5:29pm

on 12/13/04 at 16:39:29, john_d wrote:
Since when is friendship kissing ass?

Depends on how good a friend they are.  ;;D  ;;D

Seriously....friendship isn't about "kissing ass". I personally did not view your post as such.

Even if it was about that, they are your lips....put them where you want to.  ;;D

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by cschick on Dec 13th, 2004, 5:56pm

on 12/13/04 at 17:29:33, Racer1_NC wrote:
Even if it was about that, they are your lips....put them where you want to.  ;;D

bravo, bravo!!!  

someone said it earlier and I'll say it again - opinions are like not a very nice persons, everyone has one.  

modified to say : A$$HOLES - I hate when this site changes my words on me!!!  dang it all anyway!

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by nani on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:05pm

My guess is they feel the need to kiss yer a$$, kinda like jonny's.  

For the record...these lips kiss no one's ass. I happen to like Frank very much and it's a shame you guys are such buttheads to each other. I am also very fond of Jonny, though I never miss an opportunity to give him a little shit.

I'm going to say this one more time before I have to take away your priveleges. YOU BOYS PLAY NICE!

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by don on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:10pm
Hey Frank

Enjoy your time away.

You suck.


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by john_d on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:16pm

on 12/13/04 at 17:29:33, Racer1_NC wrote:
Even if it was about that, they are your lips....put them where you want to.  ;;D

I must admit I have recently kissed my girlfriends ass, but it was the only way to get any fricken peace (or peice if you prefer).  ;)  

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by LeLimey on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:19pm
I enjoy your posts Frank, I look forward to them and I know you will always make me laugh... and even think! Not many people have managed that one y'know!
Don't go

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Tim_Z on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:22pm
Frank, I liked most of your posts. I'm not into poetry though.

Your stories and jokes are great. I laughed so hard I cried on some of them. Thank you for that. I think your sense of humor is pretty normal.

Wishing you nothing but the best. Hang in there bro.
Hurry back.

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Sean_C on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:22pm
Frank WTF, don't make me come down there ;;D


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by nancyc on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:26pm
Ok, Frank, now Nurse Nancy has to come after you! Get your butt back online....I need ya here!  And please dont delete your name like I did, then you are a newcomer and have to start over again. LOL....Love ya bro! Saying a prayer about those chs too! smiles,nancyc :)

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 13th, 2004, 6:49pm
Hey Jeep,

You've made many people smile, and if anything, let them forget about their pain for awhile.

Once a Clusterhead, unfortunately always a Clusterhead. Hurry back will ya.

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Charlie on Dec 14th, 2004, 12:40am
I have zero idea what this is about.

Gotta keep getting Jeep pics though.

In the dark; Charlie

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by RichardN on Dec 14th, 2004, 1:27am
Now dammit, I've been away from this board for almost two years (doctors, surgeries, blah, blah, blah), come back and try to catch up, finally find another Tennessean with a Jeep fetish who's ALSO a clusterhead and here you go leaving.

 Tennessee Volunteers - First to Fight - Don't let the bastard(s) get you down.

 .......and I'm trying to find some rear leaf springs for a 74' J-10   ;;D

 Since I've been scanning the board these last 2-3 months, I noticed many replies from (especially) newbies thanking you for the links and other info.  That's worth sticking arround for.



Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 14th, 2004, 6:12am
Hey where'd the ball go.  ;;D

C'mon dude...everybody's had a little sh*t dished out to em. Ya gotta take it the way it was intended...get back here.


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by john_d on Dec 14th, 2004, 8:16am
I was wrong Grant

on 12/13/04 at 16:39:29, john_d wrote:
....Revenge is for God and little children JeepGun.


Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 14th, 2004, 8:22am
Frank! Holy crap!! I am out of it for just over a week and all hell breaks loose! What the heck is up?? Get yer ass back here where it belongs, OK?



Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Bandette74 on Dec 14th, 2004, 10:06am

on 12/14/04 at 01:27:47, RichardN wrote:

 Since I've been scanning the board these last 2-3 months, I noticed many replies from (especially) newbies thanking you for the links and other info.  That's worth sticking arround for.



i'm a newbie who thought frank was warm, funny and genuine. i hope he comes back. i'm new to this illness, and it's nice to have thoughtful, helpful people here.

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by LeLimey on Dec 14th, 2004, 5:05pm

on 12/14/04 at 08:22:49, Hirvimaki wrote:
Get yer ass back here where it belongs, OK?



Wow Hirv.. you are REALLY in touch with your feminine side!!! Threats and cajoling in the same sentence.. thats advanced femaleology there y'know!
Oh and Jeep... listen to the (wo)MAN!!! Or ELSE!! Thank you!! [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Jonny on Dec 14th, 2004, 5:32pm

on 12/14/04 at 17:05:16, LeLimey wrote:
Wow Hirv.. you are REALLY in touch with your feminine side!!!  

Hee Hee Hee ;;D

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Mac_Muz on Dec 14th, 2004, 6:42pm
Shit! And Johnny is the worst ass hole here next to you Frank and after that there is me and I want ya back too..

Johnny is always almost right too.. Get back in here..

Love ya Johnny.. and maybe one day I will kiss yer ass in person.. I owe ya that much....
With that said what happened ? Like some I can be a Royal prick... I have my days, and mostly no one can indentify with me anyway.. Oddly mostly when some one does they are female?? How that works is well past my ability to think, but it appears true...  Mac

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by cootie on Dec 14th, 2004, 9:45pm
hmmmmmmm I'll have to check that thread out......I am always up to defending who I like.....Jeep is a cool dude......I been asskissin my own foot too long and missed alot goin on here. My own trauma foot escapader Pam

I've left here before but I tried to get 'even' first.......(not that anyone cared)

Title: Re: Take care, folks
Post by Jimmy_B on Dec 14th, 2004, 10:08pm

on 12/14/04 at 21:45:18, cootie wrote:
I've left here before but I tried to get 'even' first.......(not that anyone cared)

I hear ya's Coots. I was gone for a while & not one "Where's Jimmy" thread or nothin :'(  Not even a P.M.


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