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(Message started by: marlin on Dec 13th, 2004, 12:40pm)

Title: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by marlin on Dec 13th, 2004, 12:40pm
According to the Ananova news service, a Romanian woman has died from an allergy to her husband's ejaculate. The husband told doctors they knew about her allergy to proteins in semen but didn't always use a condom when they had sex. Dr. Corneliu Ciocirlan told a local newspaper: "We did all that we could to save the patient's life but with no success. These allergies to sperm are extremely rare but very serious. I have never seen anything like this before."

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by becky8 on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:01pm
I thought you were like 20  or something? Cause you talk about things to do with sex all the time?? You need more reading material or movies to take care of your needs, so you won't have to talk about sex so much. Your wife must be very tried all the time. Your a peice of work!!!


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Lizzie2 on Dec 13th, 2004, 3:35pm

on 12/13/04 at 15:01:34, becky8 wrote:
I thought you were like 20  or something? Cause you talk about things to do with sex all the time?? You need more reading material or movies to take care of your needs, so you won't have to talk about sex so much. Your wife must be very tried all the time. Your a peice of work!!!


Hmmm...I had an ex-boyfriend who was very much like that.  Always talking, joking, etc about sex.  Turns out...he was a virgin!

Marlin is married, so it doesn't apply exactly...but make of it what you will!


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by marlin on Dec 13th, 2004, 4:37pm
Man, and I thought this would be a useful public service message as most people don't usually read Ananova News Service articles.  Could save your life if you happen to be a Romanian.

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Charlie on Dec 14th, 2004, 12:26am
Thanks Marlin. I appreciate being reminded. I need all the help I can get to remember.


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 1:25pm
Ya know what...

I think Marlin is funny....really...I do....;;D

I think that the ladies around here need to give him another chance and not start in on him every time he opens his mouth....

Why is everyone always picking on him?  I have read the threads....I see no big issues.  

You got a friend,


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by marlin on Dec 14th, 2004, 1:52pm
That's nice.  Guess I haven't pissed everyone off... YET  ;)

Always liked one characteristic typical of Texans -- "No Bootlickers Need Apply".

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:00pm

on 12/14/04 at 13:52:48, marlin wrote:
That's nice.  Guess I haven't pissed everyone off... YET  ;)

Always liked one characteristic typical of Texans -- "No Bootlickers Need Apply".

Takes a lot to piss me off, Marlin...and if ya DO manage to do that...well, it won't take ya long to figure it out... ;;D

Last time I checked you are a CH'er...and EVERY CH'er is a part of THIS family...

So what if we refer to you as the "Perverted" Uncle behind your back  ;)

I kinda LIKE the fact that you can get under some of the folks skin around here...keeps things lively...   8)

Texas Born and Raised,


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by becky8 on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:07pm
Relax Donna,
Marlin knows I am having fun with him, He's a spas and sex nut!!! Poor guy, gotta love him or help him??????

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:17pm

on 12/14/04 at 14:07:22, becky8 wrote:
Relax Donna,
Marlin knows I am having fun with him, He's a spas and sex nut!!! Poor guy, gotta love him or help him??????

There is nothing wrong with being a spaz or a sex nut...I have been accused of being both at some point in time or another...and IMHO, and not to start anything, I have seen the ladies around here put him through the wringer on more than one  occasion and we have had enough "misunderstandings" around here lately to last a lifetime.  While I understand you may have been joking, it didn't come across that way...sorry, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em...but then again, I am a bitch ;;D

I ALWAYS re-read my posts before clcking the post button.  More people around here should do the same.  

...and as far as Relaxing...HELL NO...that is the FIRST thing that happens right before I get hit...

To quote one of my favorite clusterheads...

Stay stressed. Never relax. Never sleep. Ever.~Bob G.

Friend to all,  well except maybe Don, cause he sucks ;)


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by becky8 on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:22pm
Really, I must have missed what the other ladies had said, but Marlin's a big boy (I think) so I just bet he can take care of himself!!!!!!! And we have been playing for a while now so stop wrecking it by getting all serious!! ;;D ;;D ;;D

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:25pm

on 12/14/04 at 13:52:48, marlin wrote:
That's nice.  Guess I haven't pissed everyone off... YET  ;)

Based on this...I don't think I was too far off the mark (Although the YET part DOES sound rather ominous ;)  ).

You do what you want to, Becky...Just like I am going to do what I want to.  

Gotta love freedom of speech!


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by nani on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:27pm

if we refer to you as the "Perverted" Uncle behind your back  

I'm not one to behind a back if I can get in a face. So:
enough, please.

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by becky8 on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:29pm
I vote for peace, love and fun for you and  ;;D ;;Dall!!! He did have a wink after his comment?

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:35pm

on 12/14/04 at 14:17:50, Donna_D. wrote:
I ALWAYS re-read my posts before clcking the post button.  More people around here should do the same.  

If I didn't re-read my posts before clicking the post button, my post cound count would be in the thousands and I still get people pissed some times.

What is funny to one may not be very funny to someone else.


BTW: Have I ever told you the one about... Oh.. Never mind.  ;;D

Edited to add... I should also check my speeling spilling spoiling spelling first.

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by karma on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:40pm
I've got the number of a good vet anyone interested?

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by marlin on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:48pm

on 12/14/04 at 14:40:19, karma wrote:
I've got the number of a good vet anyone interested?

No thanks.  I'm not concerned about a semen allergy as I'm unlikely to come in contact with any but my own. And even that's unlikely as I get try to rid of it as fast as I can. 8)

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:49pm

on 12/14/04 at 14:40:19, karma wrote:
I've got the number of a good vet anyone interested?

Ever try to tame a Texas Wildcat?  LMAO!!!   [smiley=laugh.gif]

Gotta give you credit on that one...I   [smiley=spit.gif]  all over my keyboard!


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by becky8 on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:53pm
Marlin honey,
If I was having fun at your expense I am truly sorrY, Dam the funs over now!!!! ::)

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by marlin on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:58pm

on 12/14/04 at 14:53:34, becky8 wrote:
Marlin honey,
If I was having fun at your expense I am truly sorrY, Dam the funs over now!!!! ::)

No sweat.  I was trying to set you off and I thought it was working pretty good.  Oh well... But I think DD likes me even more than Redd, and that Redd is really hot on me, I can tell.  I had better watch myself if I ever go to one of those meets.  She might try to drag me off into her room or something  ;)

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by becky8 on Dec 14th, 2004, 3:03pm
You got a the ladies chasing you now!! I am jealous! [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 3:04pm

on 12/14/04 at 14:58:27, marlin wrote:
No sweat.  I was trying to set you off and I thought it was working pretty good.  Oh well... But I think DD likes me even more than Redd, and that Redd is really hot on me, I can tell.  I had better watch myself if I ever go to one of those meets.  She might try to drag me off into her room or something  ;)

Now, now Marlin...I can take up for ya with the other wimmins around here, but my troll-poking THAT is a different story.... [smiley=laugh.gif]....and as far as dragging you off into a room....Next years convention is in Dallas...You play nice or I WILL drag you off into a room (full of ladies with sharp poking sticks)....You are a Perv, but I love ya!


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by karma on Dec 14th, 2004, 3:20pm
You play nice or I WILL drag you off into a room (full of ladies with sharp poking sticks)....You are a Perv, but I love ya!
That way you can all take turns getting poked. :o

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Sylvan on Dec 14th, 2004, 3:21pm
Not to totally get back *on* the subject - but if this guy "knowingly injected her" wouldn't that make this murder?   [smiley=confused.gif]

(not tonight dear - i have a lethal allergy to your sperm)

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 3:25pm
What is strange is I actually worked with a lady who had such an allergy....Really.  It was not as severe as what happened to this lady, but it took them a long time to figure out exactly what the problem was...

Wierd Stuff,


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by marlin on Dec 14th, 2004, 3:30pm

on 12/14/04 at 15:21:00, Sylvan wrote:
Not to totally get back *on* the subject - but if this guy "knowingly injected her" wouldn't that make this murder?   [smiley=confused.gif]

(not tonight dear - i have a lethal allergy to your sperm)

I suppose?  He could also be as guilty as the guy driving the Peterbilt that rolls over the suicidal maniac jumping off the freeway overpass.  Depends on whether she tied him up to a bed and forced herself on him.  That's a common problem these days by the way  ;;D

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by LeLimey on Dec 14th, 2004, 5:22pm

on 12/14/04 at 15:30:39, marlin wrote:
Depends on whether she tied him up to a bed and forced herself on him.  That's a common problem these days by the way  ;;D

Nope no way.. if you tie a man to the bed how can he mow the lawn and take out the rubbish? [smiley=huh.gif] Thats just plain stoopid!!

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Lizzie2 on Dec 14th, 2004, 7:52pm

on 12/14/04 at 13:25:35, Donna_D. wrote:
Ya know what...

I think Marlin is funny....really...I do....;;D

I think that the ladies around here need to give him another chance and not start in on him every time he opens his mouth....

Why is everyone always picking on him?  I have read the threads....I see no big issues.  

You got a friend,


Hey big sis,

You know me.  I say, do, think, whatever I want!  If somebody has a problem with it, they let me know.  All good with me :)  I mean no harm to anyone except once in a very great while...and you've known all about the issues with those very few people!  Haven't had any issues with anyone in a very long time and don't plan on starting any now!

"Muah"  :-*

Lil Sis

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by don on Dec 14th, 2004, 8:40pm

Friend to all,  well except maybe Don, cause he sucks

Jeeesh. Even when I don't post to a thread.

I'm deleteing my profile. I'm leaving. I'll show you.



Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by cootie on Dec 14th, 2004, 9:05pm
I've noticed the guys that talk the most do it the least........blahhhhhh-ha-ha-ha-ha.......what a way to go Pam

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 9:44pm

on 12/14/04 at 19:52:30, Lizzie2 wrote:
Hey big sis,

You know me.  I say, do, think, whatever I want!  If somebody has a problem with it, they let me know.  All good with me :)  I mean no harm to anyone except once in a very great while...and you've known all about the issues with those very few people!  Haven't had any issues with anyone in a very long time and don't plan on starting any now!

"Muah"  :-*

Lil Sis

I love your outspoken views, Lil Sis', and I also respect your right to your opinion just as I do everyone elses on this board...

The whole reason for my saying something is because I have seen the "pack mentality" run off people who may really need this place and have nowhere else to go.  Thomas left today and we almost lost Jeep, again.  They are my friends and Marlin I am sure is someones friend (although I can almost BET it is a guy  LOL) and I know how it feels when your friends don't "come to visit anymore"...I just don't want to be a part of running off someone that may genuinely need this place..this is a sanctuary for a lot of folks, I know it is for me.

I am not directing this at you Lil' Sis, you know I love you.  I just wanted people to know WHY I defended Uncle Perv Marlin ;)...gotta admit..he must be doing SOMETHING right if he can get all the women around here fired up...hell he is almost as fun as a troll LOL


And KNOW I love you!

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Lizzie2 on Dec 14th, 2004, 10:23pm

on 12/14/04 at 21:44:38, Donna_D. wrote:
I love your outspoken views, Lil Sis', and I also respect your right to your opinion just as I do everyone elses on this board...

The whole reason for my saying something is because I have seen the "pack mentality" run off people who may really need this place and have nowhere else to go.  Thomas left today and we almost lost Jeep, again.  They are my friends and Marlin I am sure is someones friend (although I can almost BET it is a guy  LOL) and I know how it feels when your friends don't "come to visit anymore"...I just don't want to be a part of running off someone that may genuinely need this place..this is a sanctuary for a lot of folks, I know it is for me.

I am not directing this at you Lil' Sis, you know I love you.  I just wanted people to know WHY I defended Uncle Perv Marlin ;)...gotta admit..he must be doing SOMETHING right if he can get all the women around here fired up...hell he is almost as fun as a troll LOL


And KNOW I love you!

Hiya Big Sis,

Yes I do respect everyone's rights to speaking their mind.  WRT Thomas and Jeep and anyone else we haven't seen around in awhile...well i guess sometimes everyone needs a bit of a break.  I know that I've needed one (and taken it) at times, although I've never deleted myself!  Changed names...yes, but deleted myself...not yet! ;)

One of the things I love about this site as compared to the migraine site I host at is the ability to say whatever in heck we want and to know that even when we "argue fuss and fight" we all still love each other.  Naw mean?  (In the words of Big Dan!)

Nothing but Thanks to DJ for allowing that to happen!!!

I do agree we have to make sure we don't run off people who need support, but I don't think everyone is trying to be mean.  I know I joke around a lot as do many of us, but I never mean to run off someone who is here for a genuine need to get relief and support others with CH.

Luv ya!
Lil Sis :)

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 14th, 2004, 10:39pm
Where is Den when you need him....


A few pearls of wisdom would go a long way right about now!


Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Lizzie2 on Dec 15th, 2004, 12:02am

on 12/14/04 at 22:39:30, Donna_D. wrote:
Where is Den when you need him....


A few pearls of wisdom would go a long way right about now!


I'll never forget what Den said when I was going to leave about a year ago...and what I still see him say repeatedly to people who get worked up:

"Take what you need and leave the rest."  :)

Title: Re: Be glad you're not married to a Romanian
Post by Donna_D. on Dec 15th, 2004, 12:06am

on 12/15/04 at 00:02:42, Lizzie2 wrote:
I'll never forget what Den said when I was going to leave about a year ago...and what I still see him say repeatedly to people who get worked up:

"Take what you need and leave the rest."  :)

I remember that all too well...

I just like reading his posts and getting that sudden feeling of a lightbulb going on over my head when I finally "get" what he means LOL

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