Title: Gravey Ladle...Mothers are smart (not CH) Post by Tiannia on Sep 15th, 2004, 1:13pm John and Amy were roommates and had been living together for some time, when John's mother came over for dinner. When she arrived, she noticed they seemed very comfortable and cozy together and suspected they were more than just roommates. During dinner, John and Amy sensed his mother's suspicions and did everything they could to reassure her that they were not "living together" but were only roommates. A few weeks passed and Amy couldn't find the gravy ladle they had used when John's mother had dinner with them. She looked everywhere then asked John to ask his mother if perhaps she had accidentally taken it. Reluctantly, John called his mother. John said, "Now mother I'm not saying that you did take the gravy ladle or that you didn't take the gravy ladle. I'm just asking if you know where the gravy ladle is at?" John's mother replied, "Now John, I'm not saying that you and Amy are sleeping together and I'm not saying that you are not, but if Amy would sleep in her own bed, she would have found the gravy ladle weeks ago." |
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