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(Message started by: HypnoticFreddy on Apr 20th, 2004, 2:08pm)

Title: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 20th, 2004, 2:08pm
from michael moore:
Heads Up

April 14, 2004


I have never seen a head so far up a Presidential ass (pardon my Falluja) than the one I saw last night at the "news conference" given by George W. Bush. He's still talking about finding "weapons of mass destruction" -- this time on Saddam's "turkey farm." Turkey indeed. Clearly the White House believes there are enough idiots in the 17 swing states who will buy this. I think they are in for a rude awakening.

I've been holed up for weeks in the editing room finishing my film ("Fahrenheit 911"). That's why you haven't heard from me lately. But after last night's Lyndon Johnson impersonation from the East Room -- essentially promising to send even more troops into the Iraq sinkhole -- I had to write you all a note.

First, can we stop the Orwellian language and start using the proper names for things? Halliburton is not a "company" doing business in Iraq. It is a WAR PROFITEER, bilking millions from the pockets of average Americans. In past wars they would have been arrested -- or worse.

And Mr. Bush? You closed down a friggin' weekly newspaper in Iraq, you great giver of freedom and democracy! Then all hell broke loose. The paper only had 10,000 readers! Why are you smirking?

One year after we wiped the face of the Saddam statue with our American flag before yanking him down, it is now too dangerous for a single media person to go to that square in Baghdad and file a report on the wonderful one-year anniversary celebration. Of course, there is no celebration, and those brave blow-dried "embeds" can't even leave the safety of the fort in downtown Baghdad. They never actually SEE what is taking place across Iraq (most of the pictures we see on TV are shot by Arab media and some Europeans). When you watch a report "from Iraq" what you are getting is the press release handed out by the U.S. occupation force and repeated to you as "news."

I currently have two cameramen/reporters doing work for me in Iraq for my movie (unbeknownst to the Army). They are talking to soldiers and gathering the true sentiment about what is really going on. They Fed Ex the footage back to me each week. That's right, Fed Ex. Who said we haven't brought freedom to Iraq! The funniest story my guys tell me is how when they fly into Baghdad, they don't have to show a passport or go through immigration. Why not? Because they have not traveled from a foreign country -- they're coming from America TO America, a place that is ours, a new American territory called Iraq.

I'll write again soon. Don't despair. Remember, the American people are not that stupid. Sure, we can be frightened into a war, but we always come around sooner or later -- and the one way this is NOT like Vietnam is that it hasn't taken the public four long years to figure out they were lied to.

Now if Bush would just quit speaking in public and giving me more free material for my movie, I can get back to work and get it done. I've got four weeks left 'til completion.


Michael Moore

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by ckelly181 on Apr 20th, 2004, 2:42pm
Oh geez....

Maybe someone should post a Rush or O'Reilly letter now to even it out.

Chris - just ducking slightly...

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by floridian on Apr 20th, 2004, 2:56pm
Double Gee-Whiz, H-Freddy!

next time post something provactive.   ;)

Ckelly's on the nose.  I think Michael Moore is the Rush of the Left - simple, dramatic, occasionally correct,  sometimes funny, usually ridiculous.   I don't care for either of them.  

Well, back to other stuff.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 20th, 2004, 3:21pm
I am having trouble focusing on work because I am tired and cranky and I can't stand the thought of November.

Here are some quotes for your enjoyment.

The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."
- George W. Bush

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
- George W. Bush

"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one  word is 'to be prepared'."
- George W. Bush

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."
- George W. Bush

"The future will be better tomorrow."
- George W. Bush

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."
- George W. Bush

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
- George W. Bush

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
- George W. Bush

"Public speaking is very easy."
- George W. Bush

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 20th, 2004, 4:09pm
Mr. Moore and the rest of you liberals can say all you want about our involvement in Iraq, President Bush's ignorance whatever...

I said this in another thread and I'm repeating it here.

STFU with all this propeganda and politics and let our troops FINISH THIER FUCKIN JOB so they can come home......Geez people! Its Ignorant thinking like this that got 50000 U.S. troops killed or wounded in Vietnam, and the same fuckin thinking and talking out your asses that is screwing up the job in Iraq, and keeping the good that we have done by removing Saddam from power that was really the whole point from being the bright spot in a tragic situation.

Is it our fault that the Iraqi's cant agree on leadership and control their own population?....NO they have been bickering tribally for centuries....who is gonna take it in the ass as usual? Thats right the U.S. all because we wanted a better chance for them. Is it our fault that two religous groups are fighting over a small swatch of land on the east bank and the gaza strip?.....NO that has been going on for millennium.....but who takes the blame for it? right again.....the good ol USA all because we thought maybe we could mediate some sort of peace. It is in fact the very groups that blame us that are the Fuckin cause of it all and its THEIR fault there is no peace cause neither side is willing to compromise in the least......why? Because of fuckin religon. STUPID JUST PLAIN IGNORANT AND STUPID! They are the cause of their own problems........but to imply that our sons and daughters are doing wrong is just as much of a travesty....leave em alone to work so more of em can come home in one F'in piece!!!!!!
 If I were Ree....I would be absolutely livid and disgusted with this type of thinking......hrrrmmmm imagine that, I aint her but I still am! >:( Michael Moore can go to hell.

"Man never does evil so cheerfully as when he does it from religous conviction" - Blaise Pascal


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Bob P on Apr 20th, 2004, 4:19pm

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 20th, 2004, 4:50pm
By the way....what is the job?


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 20th, 2004, 6:01pm
The Job was/is.......remove the A$$hole Saddam from power, set up a model of government structure for them to start with and get the fuck outta there! DUH! (at least the one we want to project to the world)

Allaya who think oil is the cause of all this.....yer really snowed, ya Bush is from an oil barron family, but their oil is in Texas, the oil in Iraq benefits him none unless there is NONE and opec controls the price and flow of that so come off of it.

Those of you who believe that it is just a power play by Jr. to inflict harm on Saddam's regime or (vendetta) I believe are also on the wrong track......Saddam was a muderous, evil man, the world refused to take drastic measures to prevent more of his killing and raping of the Iraqi people and nation for his own benefit GOOD he's done now is that a bad thing?

Those of you who really believe the WMD thing......uh wrong, there were no WMDs, we seriously crippled his ability to produce that in 91....over 70% of his militarty resources were obliterated, and that was a goal that had to be met before our generals would send in ground forces..... Saddam's WMDs please, gimme a break. Iran is a "threat"...guess where Iran is.

Fact is folks (all of this is opinon) but it is logical....after the Regan administration whatever intelligence operatives we had in the middle east were pretty much useless due to the lack of "credible threat" and the rapid decline of Communism (or so we thought).....20+ years later Bin Ladden launches what proved to be a legitimately threatening offensive in the mid 90's we now have no credible intellegence in the middle-east and bin ladden knows it, he is free to move around at will virtually unchecked and do as he pleases....then comes 9-11.
Whats the next logical step folks? an intellegence platform in a closed society, we need it to get to bin ladden and to help us learn more about the culture, lanscape, tactics, and types of terrorist groups....where is the best place for it? LOOK ON THE WORLD MAP! Iraq is right smack in the middle of the middle east, it holds a sizable portion of the worlds refineable oil (good for gassing up military equipment) and it has the largest mixed sampling of muslim is in fact the ideal place to launch a war against terrorism globally. We can get almost anywhere in the world from there. Get in the middle and fan out from a point where your logistics can be easily maintained. There is a port for major shipping, oil for gasoline, and all the resources the U.S. needs in one central location to launch a major military campaign.
 So now you all wanna know is why didn't the gov't just say that, why all the talk about WMDs and Saddam.       Well, if you are trying to create a viable secret intelligence operation...then you have to keep it secret that is the whole point. Why would you announce to the world exactly what you are trying to do? now you need a plausible distraction or reason for getting in there, hence WMDs, Saddam's cruelty, etc. we were never supposed to know the real reason we are there....and the path taken is still the path of least resistance considering its only been a year. Now suddenly Honduras and Spain are pulling out claiming they are opposed now to our activity.....YEAH, we probably told em to leave so they couldn't see what we are really doing.

 I don't claim to know it all, I may be totally waaaay out in left field...but, drawing from past scenarios, tactics etc. Virtually little has changed except the technology....the game is the same the equipment is just better.

 Anyway...the troops are there preserving our way of life, they are under fire, suffering and sacrificing their lives to do it regardless of our Governments intent....And thats what really matters to me....I want our military personnel to come home safely. Thats all I care about....the rest is gonna happen regardless of my opinion.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Bob P on Apr 20th, 2004, 6:11pm
Ah politics.

And now:

Lutheran's are right, Catholics are wrong!

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by ckelly181 on Apr 20th, 2004, 6:47pm
Nah, nah...Catholics are right; UNITARIANS are wrong!  ;;D


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by 5-string on Apr 20th, 2004, 6:55pm
Catholics are right, we just feel real guilty about being right all the time. AHHHH..the burdens we must bear. ::)
...peace be with you....and always be with you...

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Bob P on Apr 20th, 2004, 6:57pm
Unitarians are dopers.
Catholics are anal.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 20th, 2004, 7:03pm


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by ckelly181 on Apr 20th, 2004, 7:09pm
How about this?

Women are inherently more intelligent and kind than men...

heh heh...


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 20th, 2004, 7:19pm

on 04/20/04 at 19:09:38, ckelly181 wrote:
How about this?
Women are inherently more intelligent and kind than men...

Hell!!, I dont care who is smarter.....I just want to get me a catholic chick that loves anal....LMAO ;;D

Dont blame me....Boob brought it up ;;D


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by 5-string on Apr 20th, 2004, 7:25pm
Jonny, you're my hero. You should run for president. I'd vote for ya'

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 20th, 2004, 7:40pm
Well, I didn't vote the current not a very nice person in office and I sure as hell am not doing it this November. Isn't it funny all the killing and violence that is done in the name of religion??!!! >:(
Now that Saddam is out, why do we have to stick around in Iraq? So we can set up a democracy?
I know I wouldn't like it if some one else took over the USA and tried to put in a new system "for our own good".
Let's get our people out of Iraq and let them (the Iraqis) run things. But that will never happen as long as there is money and oil involved!

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by BarbaraD on Apr 20th, 2004, 7:57pm
And women don't have cluster headaches..... :P

Hugs BD

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by john123 on Apr 20th, 2004, 8:37pm

I just want to get me a catholic chick that loves anal

LMAO!  perfect timing and delivery

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 20th, 2004, 8:49pm

This is a very good question:

Now that Saddam is out, why do we have to stick around in Iraq? So we can set up a democracy?

The answer is that the entire reason Saddam came into power in the first place is because he had the balls to call the shots when there was no official government in Iraq that could keep order. He was not born into royalty, he was from a poor family, and a member of the smallest minority group to boot. Although not to our credit Democracy will probably be the style of choice only because we know it better than anything else....the good thing is that there are non-government Americans there now TRYing to set up a system that is not only democratic (which is good in the basics) but allows the Iraqi's to meld it with their culture, Ironically, muslims regard their religon as a way of life and cannot separate church/state as Americans supposedly do. All Business or any other form of work...everything comes to a complete halt during prayer time (about two times a day officially) individuals choose extra time as a personal choice. This means banks, oil refineries, hospitals, litterally all activity comes to a complete stop for about 1-4 hours a day.....not practical for capitalism.
 The other major problem is that with all the centuries old fighting between tribal groups, no one can agree on who should be elected president or lead the government, or how much/little each will have in congress/parliament/council or whatever they are gonna call it.....Muslim tradition is "An Eye for an Eye" and it is usually firmly believed that those who are larger in numbers have the biggest can see the drawbacks. It has been this way for centuries and will not immediately be resolved by us.

Let's get our people out of Iraq and let them (the Iraqis) run things. But that will never happen as long as there is money and oil involved!

I completely agree that we need to get the basics done and get out as soon as possible, and unfortunately the secular tribes are also divided by geographics....not exactly integrated, which means that a large part of the oil fields lie in one particular groups geographic area so they threaten to withhold oil if they don't get their way in government....just another monkey wrench to toss in the works.
 Again.....these problems are the big problem that have kept Saddam in power when he was, and the ability of the Iraqi people from having prevented saddam in the first place. Part of Saddam's original appeal was that he unified Iraq under one government.....the draw back was he knew he could exploit it for his own benefit without much opposition cause of the tribal differences.
 Our troops are there now, trying to keep the vain I'm afraid, and protecting those who are working with tribal officials in setting up a sovereign government.
They are also there to make sure another homicidal fanatic doesn't step in an have another Saddam Hussein and have to do this all over again.
 My personal position? Fuck em. They have their freedom now and the opportunity to make it were to happen that some freak stepped in and became like Saddam was...then its their fault, we got rid of the last one, freed the people, gave em their country back and its now sink or swim time for the Iraqis....if they want it bad enough then theyll figure it out.....

Thing is....if they fail...we will still get blamed for not doing enough.

I will not tolerate anyone not suppoting our troops based on a political opinion.....soldiers have nothing to do with legislation, but we have everything to do with their ultimate success or failure of the soldiers.  The soldiers are only following orders but we need to order our government to make the right decisions.

Here's to the men and women of the U.S. military serving around the world.....they are your sons and daughters folks....put the blame on the source of the problem not them.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 20th, 2004, 8:54pm
sorry people, but subjects like this really chap my ass!

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 20th, 2004, 9:03pm

on 04/20/04 at 20:54:57, Cerberus wrote:
really chap my ass!

You really sure you want to make that statement in a thread where anal is being discussed, Bro? ;;D

If someone dont like what your opinion is.....FUCK'em!!


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by cootie on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:48am
I'm not politically correct but have noticed how often the word anal comes up when discussing political there sum sort of connection.   ::)  Analcrats for prez Pam

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Callico_Kid on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:21am
This thread demonstrates the desperate lack of education in this country.  Michael Moore's ability to twist historical events and interject his own viewpoint instead of what is actually said or done without being brought to light by the public is amazing.  Any open minded individual who will look at his "work" with an open critical mind would reject it immediately.  If you go back to his first movie about Flint MI and check it out thouroughly you will never believe another thing he produces.

He is welcome to his political beliefs as are any of you.  I don't care what they are, whether they are from the left or from the right.  What I care about is whether or not the truth is being told.  People from the right point of view are not always truthful either.  I just wish people in this country of ours that has the best form of government available, in that we have the right of self government, would take the time and effort to find out what the truth of the matter is before swallowing whatever poison is being fed to them by the ones leading their particular choice political leaning.

BTW, ask the Kurds if Sadaam had WMDs.  If you don't know any, I do.  However, they are the only ones remaining of their families, because they were over here in the United States in the university when Sadaam experimented with his gas on their families.

BTW, I'm Libertarian.  I don't fit into either camp.  I look for truth.

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."  Edmund Burke  (I may have inadvertantly paraphrased the quote. )

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Charlie on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:53am

Michael Moore's ability to twist historical events and interject his own viewpoint instead of what is actually said or done without being brought to light by the public is amazing.

We have Michael Moore and the neo-cons have all the Rush Limbaugh clones. It's a toss up. Moore isn't my choice for a liberal spokesman either. He's not at all unique in history though. You worship your Rush's. We don't worship our ranters. Open minds over here.

Oh and I like Unitarians because they read ahead to be srue they agree with their religious texts. My kind of crowd.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by fubar on Apr 21st, 2004, 2:37am
who farted?  :o

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:18am

Callico Kid, I must ask have you read any of Michael Moores books or seen any of his movies? You should! they are entertaining, frightening, and enlightening. I love it expecially at the beginning of Bowling for Columbine where he goes to a bank in North Dakota that offers a free rifle if you open a new checking account (has to do with issue of why there are 11,000+ gun deaths in US/yr). I think if you haven't, you should read or see his books/ or movies.

Go back in the late 80's and ask the 20,000 or so people who were laid off at GM so their jobs could go to Mexico for outsourcing. This didn't happen? This is twisted truth?

Look, I certainly am not in favor of using WMD's on ANY people. I worked in chemical research on ways to dismantle these things. But truth is.....WE SOLD THE WEAPONS TO IRAQ. IF WE FOUND THEM THEY"D SAY. MADE IN THE FUCKING USA. You see...It had to do with this little war called the Iraq-Iran conflict back in the 80's, and we wanted Iraq to win see......Again, I think it is terrible what Saddam did.

Michael Moore is a little nutty. Agreed. But unless you read his books or see his movies, don't make those judgments.

If you READ his books, you will see something called FOOTNOTES in his book. There are actual references to where he gets his resources. Alas!!!! It is not Hannity and Colmes or Rush Limbaugh.

Not FOX and CNN ( Which are bocming more and more like government controlled cable news channels)
Do you people honestly believe when you turn on the news that we are getting to see the "real" news? Or the news that the government WANTS us to see?

I am not paranoid. I am just getting scared about this.

What I do believe is the death. It is so sad. Every fucking day, soilders are needlessly dying.

This has to end, and it doesn't look like it will soon.

So I say, instead of booing Michael Moore because your buddy says he is crazy, go out and rent Bowling for Columbine or Me and Roger or READ (yes read) Dude Where's My Country? It is entertaining, wheter you believe it or not.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by john123 on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:42am
'Bowling For Columbine' was entertaining, but total and complete BS.  He did not make one logical argument, but rather wondered from one unrelated place to another making humorous observations.   It was not a logical argument and it was not a decent investigation.  In the end I was wondering, this guy blackmails a corporation (KMart) and ambushes and attacks an American icon (Charleston Heston) without pulling together one decent hypothesis of blame.

I think Michael Moore is the Rush of the Left - simple, dramatic, occasionally correct,  sometimes funny, usually ridiculous.

Nail on the head!

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:20am
Yeah it was real touching when the NRA and Charleton Heston held their annual NRA meeting in Denver like weeks after the Columbine massacre in 1999.

That was really classy.


Did you know that Michael Moore is a MEMBER of the NRA?

He is!!


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by BobG on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:33am

on 04/21/04 at 08:18:26, HypnoticFreddy wrote:

Not FOX and CNN ( Which are bocming more and more like government controlled cable news channels)
Do you people honestly believe when you turn on the news that we are getting to see the "real" news? Or the news that the government WANTS us to see?


Nope! The news business is not about news, government or any other kind except the $$ kind. It's all about money. Headlines that make you buy a newspaper. The story under the headline will be 2 paragraphs long and continued on page 35. Guess what is between page 1 and page 35? Hundreds of advertisements.
Early in the evening on TV you see and hear the "News at eleven." Then at eleven you sit through 28 minutes of BS until the big news is on. Why don't the broadcaster just give the news at 7 if it is so important? Money. Big Money. They make you think they have something really important to tell you and guess what? You sat through 4 hours of commerical$.
Would Dan Rather report the "news" if he was paid $35 and hour? Hell no!
Rush, Moore......their all the same. Out to promote them$elve$. Any doing a great job of it.
Ain't America great?

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:56am
Yeah agreed. Is there some sort if independent news website that is cool that I don't know of?

I wish there was.

Maybe it doesn't exist.

Personally I like

It is so funny.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by BobG on Apr 21st, 2004, 10:21am
Here ya go Scott.

The Editor and I were in the Army together. He took pictures of dead people for the pathologists during autopsies

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by floridian on Apr 21st, 2004, 10:23am

Is there some sort if independent news website that is cool that I don't know of?

Not sure if there is any one ideal site - everybody has their own perspective(s) which shapes what they think and write.  Eliminating all bias (perspective) shouldn't be a goal . There are good sites from all perspectives that try to understand what is really going on, and bad sites that have already decided what is going on, and cherry-pick truths to support their ideology.

You might check these out:

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by genss on Apr 21st, 2004, 10:31am
Cerberus, I totally agree with everything you said.  

Two things friends should never discuss  if they disagree: Religion and Politics.  But I will brake my own rule.  

Hypnotic Freddy, have you seen or heard about the mass rapes and murders that Sadaam and his son(s)  perpetrated.  What about the mass graves filled with people Sadaam killed just for disagreeing with him.  There are numerous DOCUMENTED cases where Sadaams son raped women, sometimes in front of their husbands.  Have you seen the footage of all the little dead children lying in the streets after the chemical attack?  Even the Iraqi soccer team was brutally tortured on a regular basis.  Women can't even walk the streets alone.  Any feminist has to believe that Sadaam needed to be displaced.  Someone has to stand up for people who have no voice.  If America hadn't come to aid of the Jews, the whole race may have been obliterated.  It's a well known fact that Sadaam wanted to wipe out all the kurds.  What is the difference between Sadaam and Hitler?  They were both intent on genocide.  The difference is Sadaam killed his own people as well.  Who cares about WMD?  I am just glad Sadaam is out of power.  It is wrong to be so apathetic to the plight of the Iraqi people who have suffered under the rule of that psychopath far too long.

Also, with regards to Columbine, if any one of those teachers had been carrying a gun, how many of those childrens lives could have been saved?  Ok so there are 11,000 gun related deaths every year, but there are 280 MILLION people in this country! If the murder rate is to decrease, we have to take the violence off of our TV.  Stop making movies that glorify murder and death.  (Quentin Tarantino) If our guns are taken away, people will still kill people.  If people start using knives instead, would you take the knives away as well and blame the knives?  Say it with me people, "GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE; PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE"

Purpleydog, this war has nothing to do with religion to my knowledge.  Please explain...  If you mean how Sadaam wanted to kill all the kurds because they were of a different religion, I agree, but we are not in Iraq because of any religious reason.  It has to do with the fact that more innocent people would have died under the rule of Sadaam than are dying to free the people.  

Anyways, I don't believe this subject matter is appropriate to this forum.  It just made me so mad I had to have my say.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:05am
Thanks everybody for those websites. When I get my lunch break i will look at them in more detail.


Yes, I do recall Saddam was a bad man. A very bad man. He should definitely have not been a leader and he was evil and killed and murdered and torturted his own people. Agreed.

About Feminism.....Well, that is a Muslim cultural issue, which a lot of Muslim women would argue FOR, so I don't know about that. You are getting into the "we need to go into Iraq and make it the USA.. How about Starbucks, and McDonalds?"

The difference between Saddam and Hitler, well....they were both very bad people. Hitler killed like 9 million people. So he killed more. I am Jewish, so it affects me a lot, especially to see those films and footage.

I am also glad to see Saddam out of power. I am not glad to read the paper or see on the news EVERY day...."FOUR MARINES DEAD", etc.

w/r/t Columbine. "if any of those teachers had been carrying a gun" Arre you kidding me? Are you OK? Are you really serious? You think all teachers should have guns? How about Rocket propelled grenades, and they can drive to school in there Humvees. Jesus H  Christ.
Great a student mouths off to a teacher and the teacher pulls out an AK-47 and blows the student to smithereens. Maybe detention won't be so filled.

The population of Canada is quite high, somewhere in the tens if not 100 of millions. Guns are legal there. They have like 250 gun deaths per year. Japan has millions of people, many millions. They have only 60 gun deaths per year. We can go on and on with different countries. Watch the movie. It is really good. It is funny, entertaining, and scary!!! More scary then any quentin Tarentino flick.

If guns are taken away, will people still kill people? I don't know. Something is definitely wrong in America. We love violence. We don't know where it comes from. But we love it. We breath it, and we BREED it.

This war has nothing to do with religion!?!?!?!

Every FUCKING war ever has always had to do with religion. More death, destruction, and molestation is caused by religion than any other institutiion on this earth. If there is a God, It would be shaking its head and trying to shake all these fleas off the earth, maybe waiting for a comet to hit us, so we can start over again.

Listen to some John Lennon or Bob Marley and stop with all the war and violence dude.

"Do you believe in God?"

"Ok, You Die."

"Do you believe in my God?"

"OK, You Die"

Same story, since day one.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by fubar on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:06am
no, seriously... who farted?  It stinks in here.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by ckelly181 on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:12am

on 04/21/04 at 10:31:59, genss wrote:
if any one of those teachers had been carrying a gun

I don't think teachers need to be bringing guns to school. We aren't the police.  

There are better ways of keeping schools safe - we just need money to fund such safety measures. But, hell, we can't even keep our school libraries open, why would "anyone" care about funding safety measures for kids and teachers?

Chris - a teacher

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:15am
Fu....yer killin me dude...LMMFAO! :)

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:48am
I am not saying that all violence from kids comes from watching tv or a movie, or that a kid goes bad because he/she is from a single parent home, but....what exactly IS the problem? Why are kids so violent? why are they beating each other up? Why are they stealing daddies rifle or pistol and bringing it to school?

I believe that teachers are underpaid, are much-needed, often get placed in inner-city difficult positions (fresh out of college) and do not get the respect they deserve. I have had several young friends desert teaching because they essentially had breakdowns because of the difficulties in the teaching environment.

So yeah, let's give them guns, tanks, and some torpedos so they can control the students. I am sure we will have a better America.

Good lord!

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by cootie on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:05pm
Would anyone like a gas-X......chili and politics don't mix Pam  :P

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by fubar on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:08pm
Look at me... Look at me... I'm staying out of a political discussion!  I impress me.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by brain_cramps on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:41pm

on 04/21/04 at 12:08:36, fubar wrote:
Look at me... Look at me... I'm staying out of a political discussion!  I impress me.

LMAO!!!!    Its been pretty damn tough here too!

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by john123 on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:47pm

Did you know that Michael Moore is a MEMBER of the NRA?

I saw the movie.  Yes, Heston is an American icon, he also marched with MLK for civil rights in the 60's.   I guess you don't realize how big of a star he was. Opinions don't mean shit, I will always judge a person by his character not his opinions.

Man, you go from wanting to stop political discussions to lighting a political bombfire.  You are a trip Scott.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 12:56pm
I did not know Heston marched with MLK in the 60's. Not sure that makes him an icon.

I still don't think highly of Heston.  My opinion. I don't think highly of guns, violence or the NRA.  It's also my opinion. I am a passivist. So shoot me ( pun intended).

Yes, I wanted to not be involved in this political bonfire, but yes, I have gotten involved. My blood started to boil.
Plus work has slowed down a bit.

Yes, I am a trip.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by john123 on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:11pm

George Bush smoked cigars on his ranch with members of the Bin Laden family. Guess that makes him an American icon too.

huh?  I am not sure what you mean by that, but...

Heston is an icon because he starred in many great epic movies including Ten Commandents, Ben Hur, and Soylent Green (well maybe not Soylent Green).  It is subjective I admit, but I believe he is an icon because his characters had a profound impact on the generation of our parents and grandparents.   He marched with MLK and because he was such an icon he was a tremendous asset for the civil right's cause.  

I will let you have the last word, good luck.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by broomhilda on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:13pm
Scott, I am finding it so hard to not call you on much of your misinformation about your posts, but from me and sorry but...

Shut the fuck up :-X

;;D Andrea

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:16pm
I screwed up about the ranch. Sorry. He was blowing smoke with the Saudi princes.

But when all the planes were grounded right after 9/11,
llke 15-20 Bin Ladens that were studying or working in the US were allowed to FLY out of the US to Saudi Arabia, something I don't understand.

Heston......they made fun of him one time on SNL reading Madonnas sex book. With Phil Hartmann. Classic!


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:17pm

What is my misinformation?

Please tell me.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by kimh on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:45pm
Fu, have ya tried Beano?  LOL.  Woiks for me :D

I'm rather proud of meself too by the way.  

Then again...........FARTS RULE ;)

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by fubar on Apr 21st, 2004, 1:58pm

I don't need the Beano, my farts don't stink.  And my shit comes out in little white packages marked 'WASTE"!

But, damn, something died in here.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by thomas on Apr 21st, 2004, 2:05pm

on 04/20/04 at 16:09:34, Cerberus wrote:
STFU with all this propeganda and politics and let our troops FINISH THIER FUCKIN JOB so they can come home......

DITTO, Brother. :)

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by kimh on Apr 21st, 2004, 2:05pm
All farts stink.   As a seasoned farter, i feel confidant assuring you that you farts do indeed stink just as bad as the next.....however, for some reason we are conditoned to curl up and FLIP out at our neighbors farts while sniffing our own with only the bleak comment, "not bad....."   lol.

I think we'll all die from the gas that escapes our own blow holes.

Whale watcher.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by fubar on Apr 21st, 2004, 2:10pm

LOL, My farts only stink ONCE!  One sniff and those olfactory receptors will be burnt to hell, never to smell again.  Can't stop the excessive tearing and bleeding from the eyes, but at least it don't stink more than once.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by kimh on Apr 21st, 2004, 2:14pm
I know :D  Let's ask MICHAEL MOORE :D

OMG i am laughing so hard :)

did i just fart in the parlor [smiley=huh.gif]LOL :D

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 21st, 2004, 2:53pm


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Jeepgun on Apr 21st, 2004, 3:21pm
Good ol' Michael Moron... Hollywood needs a big tall glass of STFU.  >:( Retarded assh*les...

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by renny on Apr 21st, 2004, 3:23pm
Hey it actually opened...on the third try   lmao jonny!  and THANX! [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 21st, 2004, 3:31pm
LMMFAYBO!!!!!  [smiley=crackup.gif]


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 21st, 2004, 3:40pm

on 04/21/04 at 15:21:48, Jeepgun wrote:
Good ol' Michael Moron... Hollywood needs a big tall glass of STFU.  >:( Retarded assh*les...


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Jeepgun on Apr 21st, 2004, 3:46pm
Mmmmmmm...... Cold and tasty!!  ;;D

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by eyes_afire on Apr 21st, 2004, 6:01pm

BTW, I'm Libertarian.  I don't fit into either camp.  I look for truth.

Excellent, another one.  Time to vote Republicans and Democrats out of office.

--- Steve

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:00pm
I am not saying that all violence from kids comes from watching tv or a movie, or that a kid goes bad because he/she is from a single parent home, but....what exactly IS the problem? Why are kids so violent? why are they beating each other up? Why are they stealing daddies rifle or pistol and bringing it to school?

There is way too much violence in our society today.

Parents don't spend enough time with their kids (in my opinion) teaching basic things like respecting others, manners, sharing, getting along with others, setting expectations and obeying their parent(s),showing that there are consequences when kids choose to not listen or don't do what they're told. A lot of parents use the "do as I say, not as I do" rule. If a child  has no consequences enforced by parents, then what motivation  do they have to listen up and fly right?

Television, with all of the violent fare, teaches children to be numb to violence. If you see enough people getting assaulted, maimed, killed, raped and otherwise violated, it doesn't bother you anymore. Keep renting those R rated dvd's. This goes for sports too. Whatever happened to "it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you played the game"?

Has anyone attended a childs soccer game? or baseball? or football? What about the parents blowing up over a call by the umpire or referee? This is an excellent example of bad sportsmanship and teaching your child to ignore authority figures.

Video games are also part of the problem. Just watching the tv ads scares me! Maybe your child is not allowed to play them, but what about their friends?

Teachers should not have to pick up the slack where parents have left off. Parents need to make sure their kids are "ready" for school, ready to listen and learn and respect the teacher. Teachers don't make enough money as it is. We shouldn't try to make them pick up where parents have left off.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:08pm
Alls I know is that my kid beat me at zelda every time and I gave him a beatin every time, you would think the little shit would learn after the first five times  ::)


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:09pm
Forgive me, I was quoting Hypnotic Freddy at the first sentences at the top, but it didn't come out like the rest of you guys...
Sorry, I am still kinda new at using this board.

Purpleydog [smiley=ohjez.gif]

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:14pm

on 04/21/04 at 20:09:43, purpleydog wrote:
Forgive me, I was quoting Hypnotic Freddy at the first sentences at the top, but it didn't come out like the rest of you guys...
Sorry, I am still kinda new at using this board.

Purpleydog [smiley=ohjez.gif]

Dont just playing wth ya, I dont beat kids ;;D


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:24pm

on 04/21/04 at 20:14:40, jonny wrote:
Dont just playing wth ya, I dont beat kids ;;D


Let's see, did I do it right this time?? :)

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:26pm
I did! I did do it right :D
By the way, jonny, nice tat.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Kevin_M on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:33pm

on 04/21/04 at 20:00:09, purpleydog wrote:
what exactly IS the problem?  



bad sportsmanship and teaching your child to ignore authority figures.

Video games

Purpley,  something is missing here as far as "what exactly IS the problem"
Not sure they explain the 100 homicides in the first 100 days of this year here in Detroit.  The reasons you've mentioned haven't yet been implicated on our nightly news and I don't think the police are checking into any of those leads. [smiley=confused.gif]

Kevin M

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:46pm
Well, none  of the examples I used are  illegal. Except the killing part...

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Apr 21st, 2004, 8:53pm
I am stopping posting for the evening...I promise!!!

I am reflecting on the posts....

I know people get such a kick out of bashing people. I like to bash Bill O'Reily. I mean he is not a political commentator. He is an entertainer.  Actually, he is funny. Especially the letters.

The thing is I read two of Michale Moore's books. "Stupid White People" and "Dude Where's My Country?"

People would laugh if they realized that Michael Moore BASHES LIBERALS!!!!!! You have to read the books. If you hate the guy, and think you're gonna hate the the book. It is funny. Even if you think he is full of shit. Even if you think that when he footnotes all his statistics and all his references, that they are false. Hard to believe when the references are the NY Times, The Washington Post,  The LA Times, the BBC, The National Security Archive, etc. I mean if he quotes something, and you can find the article or quote? Then, believe it or not?

Michael Moore is a bit out there. I agree. But he speaks of things that most people DON'T WANT TO HEAR or CAN"T BELIEVE HAPPEN.

Just read the book before you totally bash him. Watch Bowling for Columbine. You will laugh a few times. Even if you swing to the right. When he tries to interview Dick Clark, that's a riot.

I am done.

I expect to see some very entertaining STFU-type postings tomorrow.

Have a good night people.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Kevin_M on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:01pm

on 04/21/04 at 20:46:47, purpleydog wrote:
Well, none  of the examples I used are  illegal. Except the killing part...

Just saying something big other than influence is missing .

Kevin M

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:06pm

on 04/21/04 at 20:53:16, HypnoticFreddy wrote:
I am stopping posting forever...I promise!!


...............................................jonny ;;D

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Ree on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:12pm
Scott I got as far as that you are JEWISH and I said Bull shit...........Im responding to this....

How can you in good conscience... feel the way you do after losing ancestors in the HOLOCAUST?  This( Iraq )again is a people that were being extinguished... just as they were in that horror that happened on Hitlers watch...
Hitler set out to enialate a whole race of people... Sadam was doing the same damn thing........ as well as adding to the terrorism here and all over the world.  

This Military....   The United States of America's Military are here to say.......... "we volunteer for this... we are here to be sure that it never happens again..." end of story. I am proud to have children that care about another race of people as well as themselves and their own nation... They are obedient to the call whatever it may be.  
People like you Scott are never happy... Dambed if ya do, dambed if ya don't...  

My kid is there... what have you been doin.....what are you doing for mankind... bitchin moanin and groanin... thats what you've been doin.......

Well my kid is there and God Bless him... God Protect Him because he may not live through another day... and God bless the people that are fighting to free a people that are so scared that they dont know that its wrong to put a gun in their 8 year olds hands and say kill people that are here to help you............ God save us all.   ree

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:12pm
I just posted a joke on the joke board, this is it for tonite for me too. [smiley=sleep.gif]


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 21st, 2004, 9:22pm
The problem with kids....hrrrrmmmm.

I seem to remember a coupla instances during my childhood that would not fly in the face of today's law. My dad was not a bad man, and I really didn't get spanked often, but I DO remember that I did and WHY.
Today's kids are numbed by all the violence and sexuality in the media..sure. It is also true that they do not fear the consequences of their actions.
The kid lies, you ground him, a week later he/she is at it again, the kid thinks "so what"
 The kid does something else you consider unacceptable, you take away their video-game privilages and ground them....a week later they are back at it....the kid thinks "so what?"
 finally you get fed up and take away every privilege they have in your household....the kid is already thinkin "so what, its only temporary" and a week, two or a month later they are right bach at it.

Now, if you give a kid a sound ass whoopin, tell em why you did it and that it will happen each consecutive time they do whatever it was they did....
 NOW THEY GOT FOOD FOR THOUGHT! especially if you point out to em that they do and WILL get caught every single time.

I don't "Beat" my kids but I ain't afraid to redden and tenderize a couple of ass cheeks in prevention of bad behavior.

 But now you can't look at a kid wrong without someone screamin abuse. most of these kids would be better off with a good ol fashioned spankin.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 21st, 2004, 10:03pm
OK I really mean it this time. Last one tonite ;;D

My dad got carried away spankin our asses, how far isn't important now (is this why I get ch? who knows) I agree with you Ramon. A few good swats (not alot) can really get a childs attention. Things are really different now.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Kevin_M on Apr 21st, 2004, 10:15pm

on 04/21/04 at 22:03:52, purpleydog wrote:
A few good swats (not alot) can really get a childs attention     purpleydog

To some parents though, that is like saying to them to drink moderately.  Some don't, having a negative affect.

Kevin M

When you hit a dog, all it learns to fear is your hand.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Charlie on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:00pm
Michael Moore's GM/Flint, Michigan movies are great stuff. His later stuff less so. I agree with a lot of his premises but his style hurts his cause sometimes. Still, the idea of a Michael Moore as a balance to the countless lunatics on right-wing radio is good.

Don't try to tell me that the current crowd in charge gives a shit about the Iraqis. They screwed up is all. I'm glad the slimeball is gone too. Too bad he didn't take a simpler way out. What a zoo that's going to be.  At least senior knew better. He stopped because he had no exit strategy. Things aren't as easy as Dubya hoped. Still, we are now there. It will be hard to extricate ourselves. The world is messy. We don't deal with that well.  Here's hoping we can turn this mess over to something that passes for Iraqi government. Setting up a democracy there looks pretty unlikely. Get real.

Have to be careful of American isolationism though. In the long run it's better that we stay engaged in some form. The Iraqis are damn lucky it's us there rather than some other Islamic crowd. Our military is to be admired for how they conduct themselves. It's quite amazing really.

Columbine has poisoned the atmosphere. (school violence is way down since 1970 though. They don't like that stat. Not good for cable news) It's okay for Heston to be pro-gun. Most of the country is. Having NRA meetings around these events is obscene though. The NRA has become politics only and not a rational gun organization. The NRA hates too many people. I have mixed feelings about guns. I own the things but I leave them alone.  Epileptics and guns--probably a bad mix.

280 million people with 11,000 gun deaths means that 11,000 people were killed by guns. This is sad. I don't understand this but the way we depict gun violence on TV and in movies has to have an effect. Kids get the idea that it's simple, clean and efficient. It isn't and damn hard to do.  Teachers with guns? Glad my 6th grade teacher didn't carry one. Wonder if died in prison?

Bob is right about news. It's there to sell SUVs and boner pills. Anything they can find to scare the bejeezus out of us will be repeated 700 times a day, no matter how silly or sad.

"Shut the fuck up" as a debating tool displays ignorance of the subject matter or carelessness.



Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by fubar on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:27pm
* Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year -- or about 6,850 times a day.(reference 1 This means that each year, firearms are used more than 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. 2

* Locking up firearms can cost lives during a life-threatening situation. In California last year, two children died -- they were pitchforked to death by a crazed drug addict -- because a resident in the home could not access the household firearms in time. The guns were locked up in deference to California state law.3

* Guns are the Great Equalizer for women. As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.4

* Law-abiding gun owners are a good form of crime control. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606).5

* Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns. That's right. Despite what media coverage might seem to indicate, there are more deaths related to high school football than guns. In a recent three year period, twice as many football players died from hits to the head, heat stroke, etc. (45), as compared with students who were murdered by firearms (22) during that same time period.6

*    In 2001, firearm suicide accounted for nearly 17,000 deaths in this country — almost 60 percent of all firearm deaths in this country — more than any other cause of firearm injury deaths.7

* Although most gun owners reportedly keep a firearm in their home for “protection” or “self-defense,” only 2 percent of gun-related deaths in the home are the result of a homeowner shooting an intruder; while 3 percent are accidental child shootings, 12 percent are the result of adult partners shooting one another, and 83 percent are the result of a suicide, often by someone other than the gun owner. 7


1 Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense With a Gun," 86 The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Northwestern University School of Law, 1 (Fall 1995):164. The 2.5 million figure is consistent with a mountain of other independent surveys showing similar figures. The sponsors of these studies -- nearly a dozen -- are quite varied, and include anti-gun organizations, news media organizations, governments and commercial polling firms. For example, even anti-gun researchers who were commissioned by the Clinton Justice Department found there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with a firearm every year. [Source: Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig, "Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms," NIJ Research in Brief (May 1997).]

2 According to the National Safety Council, the total number of gun deaths (by accidents, suicides and homicides) account for less than 35,000 deaths per year. This means that fewer Americans die by guns than by other common items such as cars (40,000 plus yearly) or doctors (about 98,000 per year). See Injury Facts, published yearly by the National Safety Council, Itasca, Illinois. For statistics on deaths due to medical mistakes, see the Institute of Medicine, which is a division of the National Academy of Sciences.

3 Kimi Yoshino, "Gun advocates say fear of liability keeps parents from teaching survival skills," The Fresno Bee (August 26, 2000). Removing a trigger lock can be somewhat tricky -- even in a non-emergency. Maryland Governor Parris Glendening struggled for at least two whole minutes to remove a trigger lock at a training session in March 2000. [See Gerald Mizejewski, "Device wins police praise but fails to move skeptics," The Washington Times (March 23, 2000).]

4 Kleck and Gertz, "Armed Resistance to Crime," at 185.

5 Kleck, Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America, (1991):111-116, 148.

6 The University of North Carolina conducts yearly surveys to determine the number of high school football fatalities. See David Williamson, "New study finds 18 football players died in 1999 season, eight paralyzed," University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (August 14, 2000) at For school firearms deaths, see Dr. Ronald D. Stephens, "School Associated Violent Deaths," The National School Safety Center Report (September 22, 2000) at

7. Figures from the National Center for Health Statistics for the year 2001

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Jimi on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:28pm
  And all God's people said, AMEN...........
  Say goodnight Dick.............."Goodnight Dick"

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Charlie on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:40pm

Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns.

I'm not anti-gun. It's a waste of time too. The only time I think twice is when this silly logic is employed. It works at gun shows but not with those not crazy about the 2nd Amendment.  


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by fubar on Apr 21st, 2004, 11:53pm
I'm not exactly anti-gun or gung-ho pro gun either.  As you probably noticed, not all of those factoids lean in one direction.  I'd be really pissed if I couldn't own one without being a criminal.  It's not like criminals are ever going to let the law stop them from owning one.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by PittsburghJoe on Apr 22nd, 2004, 1:34am
OK, time to throw my hat into the ring here, as far as the Iraq situation goes:

Ree, I am sending vibes to your son over there, as well as all the service men and women over there. My nephew is currently in Afghanistan (remember that one? It's still going on!).

That being said, I have a few points to make regarding WWII and Iraq. We got involved in WWII after it had been going on for THREE YEARS! We sat idly by and let the other countries kill each other, let Hitler invade numerous nations, killing millions as he went. It wasn't until the Japanese attacked at Pearl Harbor that we even got involved at all. Had that not occurred, we may be in a cold war with Nazi Europe today, and the world would have lost an entire generation of great European thinkers and artists.

With the Iraq situation, hell, we ARMED Saddam, coddled him and his regime as they became ever more bloodthirsty, sold him the chemical weapons he used against Iranians and his fellow Iraqis, and let his regime go on for over TWENTY YEARS! We attacked once to get Saddam out of Kuwait (can't have someone of his ilk controlling an America-friendly oil-rich seaport). That was fine, he DID invade another country allied with the US.

However, this time, Saddam did NOTHING to provoke an attack by the US. Iraq was not involved with Al-Qaeda or 9/11. Iraq did not have the WMD's our administration was so certain they had. The rationale for this operation has changed no less than twice in the year since it began. The doublespeak and denial of the past is reaching almost Orwellian proportions.

Saddam was a brutal dictator, this is a fact. However, there are many other brutal dictators being even more cruel to their own citizens, particularly in Central African nations. I don't see any call for a preemptive strike on any of these countries. Perhaps it's because there is no oil to profit from. Prehaps it is because it is Africa and the skin color of the sufferes in those nations isn't light enough for most Americans to care. Perhaps it is because the native word for "god" is not "Allah." I'm not part of the political inner circle, so I don't know why the brutal Iraqi regime was more deserving of a pre-emptive war than any other oppressed people.

All I can say for sure is that the doctrine of a preemptive strike over what MIGHT be, what Could be or what may one day come to be, is NOT the doctrine of the country I served in the Navy for seven years, or at least it wasn't when I was in uniform.

I support our troops wholeheartedly, and wish daily for their safe return home. I also hope for the survival of the Iraqi people, many of whom are caught up in a power struggle that has nothing to do with their day to day lives. I don't believe American blood is redder than any others. We are all human, and deserving of respect.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by BobG on Apr 22nd, 2004, 7:35am

most of these kids parents would be better off with a good ol fashioned spankin.

There's to many parents out there that refuse to believe their child would ever do anything wrong.

Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns.

Stop the mayhem! Outlaw football! When football is outlawed only criminals will have footballs (or use their gun to steal your's).

And, football is only a gimmick to make people sit through a 1 hour game for 4 hours and stuff commercials down their throats.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by purpleydog on Apr 22nd, 2004, 9:24am

on 04/22/04 at 07:35:51, BobG wrote:
Stop the mayhem! Outlaw football! When football is outlawed only criminals will have footballs (or use their gun to steal your's).

And, football is only a gimmick to make people sit through a 1 hour game for 4 hours and stuff commercials down their throats.

AMEN!! ;)

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Cerberus on Apr 22nd, 2004, 10:21am

Stop the mayhem! Outlaw football! When football is outlawed only criminals will have footballs (or use their gun to steal your's).

And, football is only a gimmick to make people sit through a 1 hour game for 4 hours and stuff commercials down their throats.


NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Football is natural selection that weeds out the weak and stupid....LMMFAO! [smiley=crackup.gif]


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by BobG on Apr 22nd, 2004, 10:31am

on 04/22/04 at 10:21:12, Cerberus wrote:
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Football is natural selection that weeds out the weak and stupid....LMMFAO! [smiley=crackup.gif]


Yeah. It keeps the weak and stupid glued to the TV where they can't hurt themselves.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Big Dan on Apr 26th, 2004, 2:35am
Normally, I try to be more reserved when voicing my opinions...

... but honestly, Mr. Moore... go eat a dick.

-Big F-you.

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Charlie on Apr 26th, 2004, 7:07am
Not crazy about Moore either but it would be no contest who I'd rather have for a neighbor if the other choice were one of the countless nut cases on right wing talk radio. Life is too short for that.


Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Slammy on Apr 26th, 2004, 2:09pm
Someone bitch-slap Freddy for starting this thread.  Moore's a radical, so is Rush, but they are on each end of the spectrum.   Don't we notice that as people converge to the middle that there is much more tolerance?  I don't have a problem with the basic doctrine of the Democrats... I just have a problem with who they have representing it.  Doesn't it get old blaming Bush for allowing snails to eat my basil from my garden?  The root of all evil.  The economy, foreign standing, acid rain, earthquakes, tornadoes, Osama, Saddam, Al-Queda..... ALL HIS FAULT!   ::)

Call it like it is!  Moore and his Hollywood buddies need to get rid of Bush and the conservative  White House because they (they being  Moore and his buddies) are all gay!  The right has far less tolerance for gay rights than the left..... sooooo.... there ya go!   ;;D

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Big Dan on Apr 26th, 2004, 2:38pm
I, Big Dan, do hereby give authority to Slammy to interpret any post I make that include the following words:


That is all.

-Big Dan

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Ree on Apr 26th, 2004, 5:40pm
Pitsburg Joe said:
Saddam was a brutal dictator, this is a fact.
Pitsburg JOE....................

this is why I believe we are there JOE  and nice to meet you ~~~i(((n your pic you look like Michael Douglas but I don't have my glasses on)))................. thanks for the warm wishes for the troops~~ thats all I ask for at this time...  ya cant argue politics or religion...........not with family............... Everyone else   Support the troops...please............ and pray pray pray
love to you Ree

Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by jonny on Apr 26th, 2004, 5:55pm

on 04/26/04 at 14:09:50, Slammy wrote:
Someone bitch-slap Freddy for starting this thread.
Slammy   8)



Title: Re: MichealMoore
Post by Ree on Apr 26th, 2004, 6:06pm
Breezy is doing a report on Abraham Lincoln and a direct quote is  
"I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal."

a great man a great president and someone that knew what freedom ree

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