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(Message started by: Superpain on Mar 17th, 2004, 4:48pm)

Title: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Superpain on Mar 17th, 2004, 4:48pm
I'm about to take a medical leave of absence from work because I'm so freaking tired and grumpy from constant ch's, and that doesn't work well when you wait tables.

But the weird thing is, I hardly ever get them when I'm at work. [smiley=huh.gif] I'm kind of scared cuz it's like I'm about to give up my safe haven, but I just can't effectively do my job very well right now.

Do any of you NOT have them at work or some other place?
Any idea why?
Kinda makes you look stupid when your trying to tell people about the constant hell your going through but they never see it.

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by thomas on Mar 17th, 2004, 4:53pm
When in cylce, I usually get hit twice a day at work.

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by 9erfan on Mar 17th, 2004, 4:53pm
Hey Super,

Sorry to hear that you have to take leave from work, it sucks I know.

It doesn't have anything to do with WHERE you're at when you get's just the time of day.  Most people with clusters get their h/a's at the same time every single day.  Some people only get daytime ha's and don't get woken at night.  Others only get them at night and tend not to get them during the day.
And still others get them throughout the day & night!

So, bottom line...I would say that even though you won't be at work you probably still won't get the clusters during those hrs of the day.  Of course,  that is subject to change at any time.....that's why we call it the BEAST!  It has a mind of it's own.

Welcome to the board where you will find a ton of helpful information.  I hope you stay around.
Now get some rest...


Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Tiannia on Mar 17th, 2004, 4:59pm
I do get hit at work, but many do not.  Some think it is because of the adreinal system is pumped while you are at work, and when you go home and relax that is when the Beast comes knocking.  I guess my work must not be that stressful (I seriously doubt that   ::))  cause I get them everyday like clockwork for the most part.  With only a few days that I get them at night.  For the past 8 months mine have been like a cycle with my cycle, if that makes any damn sense.   [smiley=nono.gif]
I get about 4-5 days where I only get hit at 10pm and 3am, then gradually I get hit more and more until I am at my 8 a day, then it starts to back off again.   Each time they lighten up, I just keep hoping that they will just stop, but I have not gotten that wish granted.

I wish you luck. Take a look at the letters to your colleges (I probably spelled that wrong) and employers.  They are really helpful in explaining what you are going through.  I hope the break from work helps you to break the cycle.

PF Wishes to you,

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by stuey on Mar 17th, 2004, 5:19pm
When in cycle I get them all the time at work.  Luckily, they know what's happening to me and know to leave me alone in an office away from everyone so I can do the dance and curse.  They also realize I cannot function when having an attack for which I've been grateful.

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by jonny on Mar 17th, 2004, 5:27pm
Everytime I get hit at work I always hear the boss scream "WTF!!!!"

Then I realise that Im the boss ;;D


Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by BarbaraD on Mar 17th, 2004, 7:14pm
Well, I usually get hit about 3 a.m. so I get up get coffee and meds down and go to work... about 3 in the afternoon, my brain is tired so I take a break and guess what - I get hit again.

Maybe Bob G has the right idea on this --- Stay stressed NEVER relax.

Maybe, Johnny, if you get hit at work, you're just not under enough stress --

WELL, it's as good a theory as any.... right? :-[

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by tsayswhy on Mar 17th, 2004, 8:05pm
Hello superpain

Sorry you are getting hit with the beast. When i am in cycle i get them about 8 hours apart so they will come when i am at work. It is hard and you do feel tired. sometime i can work through my cycle's and sometime i take a leave but the main thing is you know your own self and you need to do whats best for you to get through a cycle. Some are really good with me and show all kinds of support and other well i just give them one of these [smiley=bigtiny.gif] ;)

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by stevegeebe on Mar 17th, 2004, 8:40pm
Get hit less during the day.

It"s the night.  It's the no sleep.

Both are a mess.  Both are impacted.

Maybe go part time and see what happens.

Steve G

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Superpain on Mar 17th, 2004, 9:02pm

on 03/17/04 at 17:27:16, jonny wrote:
Everytime I get hit at work I always hear the boss scream "WTF!!!!"

Then I realise that Im the boss ;;D


That's hilarious! Must be nice... Being the boss that is.

I work at night and don't tend to get them at work, but I do get them at the same hours when not at work.
I think the "stress" part or being active is probably the reason.
Oh well, now I'm off for 2 weeks so bring it on!
I couldn't be much more miserable anyway...

I'm on the hunt for a tank of O2 tommorrow, hopefully it helps!

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Prense on Mar 17th, 2004, 9:10pm
I get hit at work about twice a day.  It doesn't change on the weekends (off work).  Then I get hit again in the evening/night.

Oh well...


Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by BlueMeanie on Mar 17th, 2004, 10:06pm
Been getting hit at work for 25 years. Some how, some way, I just continue to work and deal with it. Of course it's alot easier now with more & more meds available. Most times I only have to dissapear around 1/2 hr. at a time instead of the old days dissapearing for 2 or more hrs.

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Superpain on Mar 17th, 2004, 11:26pm
There is no way I could work with a ch...

An office job or something might be OK, but waiting tables is pretty impossible.

Either their waiter dissapears for 30 min, or he's crying while serving the food. Not good...

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by FZfan on Mar 17th, 2004, 11:29pm
Mine mostly come at night, and I have had some daytime ones, but never when I'm at work. I do have shadows at work, though. Usually last all goddamn day.

My pattern has been to fight through the first 2 weeks of a cycle going to work every day with no sleep. Then sometime during the third week I will succumb to the damaged biological clock and have to take several days off to at least try to recover. I've been off work 6 days now and I'm still tired as hell.

I know what you mean about explaining something your co-workers never see. It's tough. I given some thought to having my wife video tape one of my k10 dances to show people.

Even when I'm successfully aborting the h/a's, just the effort to abort still leaves me drained sometimes. And aborting my second h/a during the night, night after night still wears me down. This is a hard thing to explain to people in a way they can understand.

The print-out info at the OUCH site can help with this, but there are still some people who will read it and still not get it. I like to call these people "heartless pricks" . Sometimes also know as "bosses"   ;;D

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by kim on Mar 18th, 2004, 7:17pm
Not weird at all.  Majority of the time attacks occurred at home when in "wind down" mode.  At peak cycle, however, things can go haywire and i did get hit - on the way to work, at work and on the way home from work.  Yes you get exhausted; yes you feel like you can't freakin take anudda SECOND of it. But.  Ya can.  And WILL.  I think that the emotional effects of clusters are often more difficult to grapple with than the actual physical pain.   They whittle away at your confidence.  They make you feel "afraid" of an onset and how you will be able to perform.  All this coupled with the physical exertion and ensuing exhaustion can make you think you are actually debilitated.  I assure you that you are NOT debilitated.  

There is so much information here that you can utilize to assist you in both treating and coping with you illness.  Once upon a time it was NOT available to folks like us - IS. :)  A LOT of people worked (and continue to work) so that this is possible for us.

Well wishes and PFDAN

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Superpain on Mar 18th, 2004, 8:35pm

on 03/18/04 at 19:17:02, kim wrote:

There is so much information here that you can utilize to assist you in both treating and coping with you illness.  Once upon a time it was NOT available to folks like us - IS. :)  A LOT of people worked (and continue to work) so that this is possible for us.

Well wishes and PFDAN

Once upon a time was about 4 days ago for me! ;)

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Prense on Mar 18th, 2004, 9:08pm

on 03/17/04 at 23:26:38, Superpain wrote:
There is no way I could work with a ch...

Me either...thank God for trex!

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by HypnoticFreddy on Mar 18th, 2004, 9:25pm
4th week of CH cycle. I have been so FORTUNATE to not get hit during work (8:00 AM-5:00 PM). This cycle is all about the 7:00-9:00 PM period. Where I get a small one and then a few hrs later (often after falling asleep), I am awakened to the beast. Usually at a higher Kip scale level and requiring the injections.

It is horrible, and right now unpredictable. I went PF yesterday. I have had a few days of PFs in a row during the past 4 weeks. So right now it may be beginning of its rampage or maybe it is a minor cycle. Or so I hope.

This is my 4th and they last 3-4 months.

I can't have a frickin vodka/cran for 3-4 months!!!!!!

Oh well, guess I'll save some money.....for the damn Imitrex injections!!!


Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by sandie99 on Mar 19th, 2004, 5:21am
Oh, I get loads of nasty CH attacks during the time I'm supposed to be working! I'm having one now and my lecture starts soon...

Best wishes & PF days,

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by LadyLuv on Mar 31st, 2004, 11:18am
This is the first year that I've even had a peek during the day. Prior to this last cycle I would only get hit between 3-5am.  Being awaken out of a dead sleep, if I had meds on hand, I would take an injection and return to sleep. Usually feeling too exhausted to get to work by 8, I would call in and advise them that I would be a few hours late. If I have no medication on hand and can't walk and Pray it off in a hour or so, I end up in the ER and missing work that day all together.

You have my Prayers,  if they're hitting you during the day, it must be hard to  plan anything... This past series was just horrible for me.

Peace & Blessings
LadyLuv :'(

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by echo on Mar 31st, 2004, 11:25am
I do get hit at work but they normally are low grade.  Only occassionaly do I absolutely get nailed.  Then it's impossible to do anything, can't type, don't want to talk and nobody who values their lives should get anywhere near me.

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Luke63 on Mar 31st, 2004, 11:26am
No...cuz I dont drink at work!!! [smiley=laugh.gif]   Just kidding...I quit drinkin now..since these fu#&*$s stared....and I dont even know if thats helpin. For the first time in all my years of these..Im starting to get hit 3 to 4 times a night.....This better not be leading somewhere..or I'll freak man..I swear.    Luke

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Gator on Mar 31st, 2004, 12:25pm
Good luck with the medical leave thing.  I am on a kind of "highly recommended a.k.a. forced" medical leave.  I work as a telephone tech support agent for a major computer part manufacturer and unfortunately some of my triggers are televisions and computer screens. (Maybe has something to do with glare and refresh rate?)  I have constant background h/a with flashes of pain ranging from ice pick to butcher knife to battle axe cleaving my skull.  After about 30 minutes, I can get a severe h/a. Unfortunately for me, I am also a computer junkie, so even though it can be painful, I have to risk it every few days to feed my jones and read the messages here.  It helps me cope just knowing there are others out there like me that actually understand what I am going through.  Anyways, after having to transfer several calls (a big company no-no) to keep from screaming in a customer's ear and leaving for the day to take medications that zonked me out for hours, my boss decided that I should take some time and get this thing under control before I come back to work.  I was placed on medical leave and short term disasbility.  Even though my ch/cph was diagnosed by my HMO approved GP and confirmed by an HMO approved neurologist, it took the disability insurance company (which I pay for) 6 weeks of BS to cut me the first check.  I've been out since Feb 3.  Neuro has now passed me onto a "Headache Specialist" (why am I not comforted?) my first appointment is April 15th.  Too much fun.  8)

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Karla on Mar 31st, 2004, 2:17pm
I get hit several times during the day while at work.  I went on disability because I just couldn't handle it any more.

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by bobkip on Mar 31st, 2004, 2:51pm
At work? Yup. Many times and at all hours. Tho the at work hits are comparatively rare, they've happened. Without O2 or meds, I just had to dance them off.

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Superpain on Mar 31st, 2004, 2:55pm
I return to work tommorrow... :P
Fortuantely, i think the pred is working. I've been pf for over 30 hrs!

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Tiannia on Mar 31st, 2004, 3:16pm
That is awesome - May the beast lose your number. I know that you have said you have been in this cylce for over a year right? you deserve a break.  Keep us posted.  And dont forget to stop by and say hi, if you do stay PF.  :)

Congrats again

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Superpain on Mar 31st, 2004, 3:23pm
Yeah, the cycle actually started very slowly over 2 yrs ago. But the last year has been semi steady, the last 6 months heavy, and the last 6 weeks unbearable.

Thanks! I'll stick around... ;)

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by FZfan on Mar 31st, 2004, 7:22pm
Super Super!

(man I've waited a long time to post that!  ;;D )

Title: Re: Do you get ch at work?
Post by Jeepgun on Apr 1st, 2004, 8:36am
I get them at work. In fact, the day before yesterday, I had one so bad, I was dry-sobbing with pain and banging my head on my desk. I called up my neurologist's office, and I could barely speak.

When in cycle, I get one at mid-morning and another at mid-afternoon. It's a wonderful treat... NOT!  >:( Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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