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(Message started by: inyoureye on Nov 1st, 2004, 4:55pm)

Title: medical coverage for O2
Post by inyoureye on Nov 1st, 2004, 4:55pm
Hope this isn't repetitive but I had a script for 02 yrs ago but it was $20 to fill the skinny tank(about 2 1/2 ft tall).  That only lasted for about 3 episodes so I stopped getting it(broke regulator in meantime).  I am wondering why, if this is such an effective treatment, is it not covered ?  I am a UPS driver and have great teamster benefits but they don't cover the one lifesaver I need!  I'm sure there's a huge hole in my stomach from all the aspirin I've taken through the yrs, I guess they figure fixing THAT will be cheaper.  
Any explanations why it's not covered?

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by nani on Nov 1st, 2004, 8:32pm
Some ins companies cover it- careful with the aspirin, especially since it probably doesn't help much and can cause rebound headaches.

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by inyoureye on Nov 2nd, 2004, 7:26am
ok, now this may sound really stupid but how do I find out if there is any possible way to get my ins to cover this.  I have healthmate coast to coast blue cross blue shield through teamsters local 251.??  Can I just call them and ask if they cover o2 for CH?  Are there doctors who could prescribe it to me for "other" possibly "related" things?  Hope this sn't too stupid sounding but oh well.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by nani on Nov 2nd, 2004, 9:20am
call your ins co ?customer service? line and ask if it's covered and what uses they cover it for.  I have found many doctors who are willing to work with patients to get around ins. restrictions. Talk to your doc hopefully he/she is one of them. Good luck... :)

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by Woobie on Nov 2nd, 2004, 9:41am
have your doctor write a "letter of medical necessity".  Sometimes that works
we have blue cross blue shield too - and the plan I have covers O2 - 100 % (Praise Wotan!)  ;;D  

good luck...

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by Giovanni on Nov 2nd, 2004, 9:45am
Ditto on Wobbie.  Your neurologist has to request this for you for pain management.  I've paid zero for mine and I used enough to launch the shuttle.


Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by inyoureye on Nov 2nd, 2004, 5:33pm
Awesome,.I'll get on that first thing in the morning.  Thanks folks!!

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by Jonny on Nov 2nd, 2004, 5:38pm
Welding 02 is the same as medical 02.

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by Biker on Nov 2nd, 2004, 6:49pm
Yea,    What Jonny said.

  I have helped build hospitals, and in the finial phases when they hook up all the extras, the oxygen comes in on a truck from a welding supply company.  Those bottles look beaten and battered, yet they hook them right into the hospital oxygen lines.      When visiting my local welding supply shop to get my tanks replaced with full ones, I saw the shop filling medical bottles with the same truck they fill the welding bottles with.  
 Welders oxygen is pretty inexpensive compared to medical oxygen.   I guess ya pay extra for the pretty paint job.  
  Not sure about the teamsters, but the Carpenters union tends to change insurance companies fairly often.  The new companies claim everything is a "pre-existing condition" and pretty much useless for anything seriously medical other than something that happens in an accident.  

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by inyoureye on Nov 3rd, 2004, 6:41am
I called Blue cross, NOT covered.  I gotta find a way around this.  This recent cluster is prob the worst I've had in 15 yrs.  I actually skipped a yr and a half and  was thinking that I may have grown out of them,......till about 3 weeks ago. >:(

Title: Re: medical coverage for O2
Post by eyhavhedaches on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:29am
Actually, there is a way to get your insurance company to cover or partially cover your o2. You need to have your docter write them a letter explaining that you need to have this medicine as a means to treat your ch.  I f a docter claims a med a medical nessecity more times than not your insurance company may be bound by law to cover the costs per program guidelines. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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