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(Message started by: ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 15th, 2004, 8:57am)

Title: ? about Imitrex
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 15th, 2004, 8:57am
I went to see my neuro yesterday.

Since my cycle ended just after I saw him the last time, I didn't really get a chance to try the Maxalt he gave me more than 2 or 3 times.

He told me to try them again when the cycle starts again. He also gave me some samples of Imitrex. He told me that if the Maxalt doesn't work to try to tough it out 24 hours and then try the Imitrex. I guess the 24 hour thing is because of drug interactions.

My question is........

What should I expect when taking Imitrex? These are 100mg tablets he gave me and I have absolutely no idea how I may react to them.

Are there any side effects I might feel? Will they make me turn into a nasty little troll?

I'd really like to know what to expect so I don't get all freaked out if I get a little dizzy or something if it is normal.

What kind of reactions have our family here experienced with Imitrex. I'd like to know because it seems to be one the most used tretaments here besides O2.


Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by Redd715 on Oct 15th, 2004, 9:29am
Usually the pills take too long to kick in hun, and the attack has run it's course by that time.  It's the imitrex injections that work fast.  (5-10 minutes tops) not the ~30minutes (longer sometimes) like the tablets take.   The injections are the ticket.  

My [smiley=twocents.gif]

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by dafreeman on Oct 15th, 2004, 9:46am
Sorry I don't have any experiences to share since I just recieved my first perscription to imitrex myself. I can relate with your concern over potental side effects though. One thing that did ease my mind a little is that my wife (who works in an eye clinic) says that she sees many. many patients who use imitrex. I took that as a sign that it is a fairly common med. I'm still a little apprehensive (and will only use it if someone is around for the first time anyway), but I'm committed to find out if it'll help me during an attack.

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 15th, 2004, 9:56am

on 10/15/04 at 09:29:50, Redd715 wrote:
Usually the pills take too long to kick in hun, and the attack has run it's course by that time.  It's the imitrex injections that work fast.  (5-10 minutes tops) not the ~30minutes (longer sometimes) like the tablets take.   The injections are the ticket.  

My [smiley=twocents.gif]

Thanks Redd...

I only plan on using it if I get a night time hit. These almost always go over 2 hours at Kip 8 or higher so it would still be an incredible help.

Day time hits usually only last about 30 minutes for me at a Kip 4 max unless it's one that wakes me from a nap, then it's a 2+ hour hit at Kip 7 or higher. I don't take naps when I'm in cycle.

Since I am also still in the phase of testing different treaments, I may talk to my doc about the injections if this works good for me.

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by DerbyDemon on Oct 15th, 2004, 10:42am
I used to take Maxalt before I switched Neuros. It was the best relief at the time because it was all I knew. It was also before I knew what the f*ck these aweful headaches were.

Three hour drive, new neuro, a diagnosis, and Imitrex injections. My battle with the beast has been a whole new ballgame. As for side effects, the only one has been complete relief. And mind comes quicker than the five minutes you typically read about.

Injections are better than swallowing. But something is better than nothing. Good luck.  

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 15th, 2004, 10:49am
Thanks Derby...

I did get a chance to try the Maxalt a couple of times before the last cycle ended. I did shorten the duration of the CH but not enough.

I'm a needle wimp so I'll stay with the Imitrex pills for now. I'm probably going back into cycle soon.

The warning signs are here. It's fall, the sinus colds and allergies have started, and the shadows are starting. I know that some time in the next few weeks, I will wake up in the middle of the night with a fire burning in eye.

I'll try the Imitrex when it starts and see how it works for me. If it gets bad, I'll ask the doc about injections or the nasal Imitrex. How good do the nasal Imitrex work???

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by Guido on Oct 15th, 2004, 11:54am
What is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally working well for me is the Imitrex Nasal spray followed by o2. I can ususallly thwart the bastard in about 10-15 minutes if I catch it early, and they never seem to rise above a kip5. Now if it wakes me, and it does, I usuallly wake up with a 3-4 so I top off at about a k8 or so. Thing is that combo seems to work for me 80+ percent of the time.
I am a needle whimp as well but I have ask for the auto injectors. I think the pain is greater then my fear and if I can kill the beast in less time (and use the Imitrex tip, left side bar), I think I am all for it. We'll see.
Good luck,

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by rubberplant on Oct 15th, 2004, 11:58am
Hi Pat,
These Imitrex, are they Sumatriptan Succinate tablets? If so, I hate to say they hardly ever worked for me, 1 in 10 attacks. The attack usually was over before they worked!

Side effects are rarely anything more than dizziness (don't be in a rush to drive) and I had a slight tight chest. No more. I've been given the shots to try next but although I started shadowing the other day nothing has kicked off ( that is, I'm still drinking red wine in the evenings with no ill effect (except the obvious!)

Good luck with the pills, man, they could be great for you!

Best Wishes


Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by Tom K on Oct 15th, 2004, 12:01pm
If you don't like needles, use the stat injector until you get used to it.  Took me a few times before I was ready.  The last few cycles haven't responded to a smaller amount so I'm shootin the full 6.  Once you find that the pain is gone quickly with the stats, you may find yourself shootin the day ones, too.  I don't know about anyone else, but I'm busy as all get out at work, so having a CH during the day is enough to make me whip out the stat and have at it, as soon as I feel it coming on.  Pretty trigger happy but I like being as PF in cycle as possible.


Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 15th, 2004, 12:40pm

on 10/15/04 at 11:58:08, rubberplant wrote:
Hi Pat,
These Imitrex, are they Sumatriptan Succinate tablets?

Yes. They are. I'll give them a try and if they don't work, I'll call the doc again and ask about injections.

He's pretty good about listining to me and I don't think he'll give me a hard time about it unless he thinks that it could cause problems.

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by Bethany1 on Oct 15th, 2004, 1:31pm
HI Pat, you asked what the side effects for imitrex were, and I have to tell you that I get dizzy. If I get up to fast (even when Im not taking it) its like I have vertigo or something. Also, your face feels like it gets really hot and prickly. Not that any of these are that bad, but I don't want you to get nervous if you have these symptoms. Its pretty common or so I have noticed. Anything is better than the pain. Good luck w/the pills, but definitly try out the shots, they are much more effective.


Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by E-Double on Oct 15th, 2004, 1:40pm

on 10/15/04 at 10:49:19, ExplodingEyeBall wrote:
I'm a needle wimp so I'll stay with the Imitrex pills for now. I'm probably going back into cycle soon.

Well you already know I'm not a needle wimp as per my public use at the show last night.

I swear to all that is holy that they are so thin and sharp that if you do it appropriately you will not feel a thing!!!

The only thing I am particulairly wimpy about is tampering with doses as a general rule... The first time I took the trex was with the statdose and it just felt to be way too much and made me feel like my head was on fire... I then tried the "Trex tip" splitting the dose and have found relief at much lower doses than you can get with the autoinjector. The only side effect i ever feel besides relief (and quick relief I might add) is a shaky or fuzzy feeling for a few monmets prior to the pain drain.

It really is not bad at all and if you ever decide to go for it, drop me a line, I'll give you my # and I'll talk you through it. I've done that before too. ;)

Hang in there and here's hoping for avoiding it or atleast a relatively quick cycle!!!



Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by JeffB on Oct 15th, 2004, 1:43pm
The trex works good for me, the injections are better but you may be limited as far as how many your allowed. I've had very little side effects with the pills. My first Dr. told me to take a 50 mg tab evry 2 hours after the onset occurs. HAH! Don't let them do that to you! after 8 hours and 4 tabs you can't have anymore for 16 hours, for me thats at least to visits from the beast!

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by EvertBoer on Oct 15th, 2004, 2:20pm
My experience has been that unless I use imitrex or oxygen before the CH has really gotten going, nothing works to abort. The 100 MG pills work great for regular migraines, though. The side effects I feel are pretty mild.  

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by rubberplant on Oct 15th, 2004, 2:23pm
Hi Pat,

go for the tablets. see what happens.

If not, I've looked at the needles in the trex kit and I tell you if you've ever had blood taken, this is obviously NOTHING like it. they are like a thick hair.

With a bit of luck you wont have to become a 'junkie' like E-double up there!

By the way are you the double espresso from the apple discussion boards (totally sorry to jump on a thread!!!!!!!!)

Best Wishes Pat


Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by E-Double on Oct 15th, 2004, 2:37pm

on 10/15/04 at 14:23:59, rubberplant wrote:
Hi Pat,

go for the tablets. see what happens.

If not, I've looked at the needles in the trex kit and I tell you if you've ever had blood taken, this is obviously NOTHING like it. they are like a thick hair.

With a bit of luck you wont have to become a 'junkie' like E-double up there!

By the way are you the double espresso from the apple discussion boards (totally sorry to jump on a thread!!!!!!!!)

Best Wishes Pat


DO THE NEEDLES!!! It's a better fix lol... J/k

I have no reference in regards to the pills. My only abortives have been Zomig zmt and the Imitrex injections. I have been perscribed the NS of both Zomig and Imitrex but have just remained with the shots because they have worked relatively quickly for me.


and no I'm not the guy from the apple board but I do enjoy a nice granny smith ;;D

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by ExplodingEyeBall on Oct 15th, 2004, 3:04pm

on 10/15/04 at 14:23:59, rubberplant wrote:
By the way are you the double espresso from the apple discussion boards

No. I don't really do much with other discussion boards. This is the only one I really need.

A Double Espresso doesn't sound bad right now though.

I'm also not very fond of Apple computers. No offense to the Apple users but I work in I.T. and deal strictly with 450 PCs and a big Sun/Solaris box.

Thanks to everyone for all of the input here.

If the 100mg Imitrex pills don't work for me, I'll talk to the doc and see if I can get the needles (Yuk).

Eric... You'll definitely be hearing from me if I have to take the needle.



Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by Redd715 on Oct 15th, 2004, 8:47pm

on 10/15/04 at 15:04:24, ExplodingEyeBall wrote:
Eric... You'll definitely be hearing from me if I have to take the needle.



I used the injections about 12 years ago when they first came out.  Still have the old time auto injector too.  If you want tips how to easily break the stat doeses down etc.   Let me know too.  Between Eric and I, you'll be a pro in no time.  I now use insulin syringes.  Easier to carry, and faster and the needles are shorter and even thinner than the stat.  When your in full blow of an attack in the night and your hands are shaking they are much easier then the q-tip trick.  

And the fast relief gives you the ability to get back to sanity faster.  ;)

Title: Re: ? about Imitrex
Post by thebbz on Oct 15th, 2004, 11:12pm
Injectors are the ticket for me. Have had to use the 100 tabs when the insurance gives me crap. Hit it right away at the first sign or no worky. O2 right after ingestion to hold it back until the pill makes it to the bloodstream. Hope that helps
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