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(Message started by: cschick on Oct 9th, 2004, 8:35am)

Title: had 2 last night
Post by cschick on Oct 9th, 2004, 8:35am
Ok.  My cycle last 6 weeks last year and I didn't start having more than 1 a night until about 4 weeks in.  I had 2 of the mofo's last night and I am only a week in.  The only thing I am thankful for is they were only K4-K5's and there was no crying and banging with them.  I can't stand this.  The worst part besides the throbbing in my eye is the ear pain.  I have a severe hearing impairment in my right ear, which is the side my CH's are on, and it just kills me.  When they are ending they slide down and "out" my ear which is horrendous.  I feel like my eardrum is about to rupture.  God help me, I really hope I don't end up in the ER a gazillion time like I did last year.  I know they won't help me, but I don't know what else to do.  I was reading some info about CH's and it said something about possible relation to head injury.  I had an auto accident 8 yrs ago in December and had a skull fracture in exact spot my CH's start - anyone else have a head injury then start with the CH's?  Just wondering if there is a connection.  I feel like I am grasping at straws here.  You all have some great feedback - hope I am not annoying anyone with these silly questions.

Thanks again for all the responses!  Karen  

Title: Re: had 2 last night
Post by clarence on Oct 9th, 2004, 8:46am

Sorry about the roug ride you're on.  Your description of the ha sliding out your ear turned my stomach a bit, but then I realized that it is a pretty good description for what I feel sometimes too.  

No annoyance here by the way.  About the head injuries, there was a thread a few weeks ago about this very thing.  Someone asked about all our experiences in the past with head injuries.  From what I remember it was a pretty mixed bag, some having injuries, others never having anything touch their head.  Do a search, or look back through the posts.

I find it more frustrating than comforting to dwell on why my head hurts, especially while in cycle.  But that's just me.  I just know that there is this thing in my head called hypothalamus, and it hates me.  Why it hates me, I have no idea.  I just know that I must control it with Oxygen, Imitrex, and Pred, and not feed it with alcohol or tobacco (my particular triggers).

I really hope it gets better for you, and that your cycle stops as quickly as it started.


Title: Re: had 2 last night
Post by Ruth on Oct 9th, 2004, 10:32am
I do the ear thing too, it's lousy. I too feel the head injury thing is a mixed bag, right along with several other things that go along with this aliment. We are all just individuals and have to try to find out what works best for us. The good thing about this site is that there are so many different people and so many things that have been tried that are working, lots of information and that is your key to success. Educate yourself and any loved ones that share this ailment with you.
Good luck
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