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(Message started by: toolong on Oct 8th, 2004, 10:40am)

Title: Super Smeller
Post by toolong on Oct 8th, 2004, 10:40am
In the hours befor a CH kicks in really hard,I have the usual symptons(tearing,stuffy nose,droopy eye)What I find really unusual is that I can smell things at all most super human strength.I know it sounds crazy but I can actually smell cigarette smoke from the car next to me,or a deer walking in the woods.Sented candles outside a house...on and on.Once I'm in a cycle of kip 6-8 it subsides.But at that time all loud smells make things worse. Is this unusual for a CH? :PDavid

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by thomas on Oct 8th, 2004, 10:58am
I have heightened senses throughout my cycle.  So people, please shower regularly in Davenport. ;;D

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by floridian on Oct 8th, 2004, 11:31am
Y'all sound like a bunch of migraneurs  ;)  Seriously, my wife becomes very sensitive to smell before she gets a migraine. I haven't noticed any change in my sense of smell before the beast hits, but wouldn't be suprised if some cluster heads do experience that.  

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by nani on Oct 8th, 2004, 11:36am
I often get "sensory overload" during an attack. Not just smells - light, noise, even touch.  :(

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by kimh on Oct 8th, 2004, 11:45am
I've tried to explain this phenominom often.  The best thing i could come up with is that when i am in cycle it's like i'm "allergic" to the world and all it's "stink".  LOL.  I love marinara sauce except when i'm clusterin.  I like popourri except when i'm clusterin.  I like so many things except when i'm clusterin - somehow when in a cycle so many of the things i usually just take with pleasure become an "aggravant".

Go figur.

It is not a meegraine thing.  I really think that sensory overload is associated in one form or another with clusters as well, it just takes a "variant" form from meegraines.  Can't even begin to tell ya the posts from today and yesterday where sensory elements play distinct rolls in the overall dance.

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by don on Oct 8th, 2004, 11:49am

or a deer walking in the woods

Good. Come visit me in November.

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by ArCane on Oct 8th, 2004, 12:57pm

on 10/08/04 at 11:36:56, nani wrote:
I often get "sensory overload" during an attack. Not just smells - light, noise, even touch.  :(

Same with me.  Is it the pain thats doing it or is it the actually disorder?

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by Tom K on Oct 8th, 2004, 2:10pm
The smeller doesn't get any better, but if someone comes close to me, look out.  My vision is kinda funky and if someone is less than a foot near me, it feels like they are right on top of me.  Weird.


Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by BlueMeanie on Oct 8th, 2004, 5:56pm

Maybe you can apply to be on a German Shephard narcotics search team. With a sniffer like yours, you could probably make a lot of good busts.  :o

Just kidding.

I find that smells change for the worse like KimH already said. Smells trigger my CH's when in cycle. I have to stay away from all Aromas, potpourri, hair spray and such. Cigar smoke is a definate trigger with just one whiff. Can't smell a deer a mile away though. lol

Title: Re: Super Smeller
Post by thebbz on Oct 8th, 2004, 9:27pm
Same here, I smoke but when in a cluster I cant stand them. I can smell hear taste alot better in a cluster. Whats up with that. I know somebody here has investigated this. [smiley=huh.gif]
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