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(Message started by: thudpucker on Oct 7th, 2004, 8:29pm)

Title: Mostly whimpering
Post by thudpucker on Oct 7th, 2004, 8:29pm
My third season of ch started with a nighttime trio on September 19, the second of which was a K8 pushing K9 that lasted nearly an hour, and the sum of which left me with shadow pain only slightly less than the spiking that continued all the next day and into the evening.  This was enough to overcome my powers of denial and make me vow to seek medication.  (For the record, the day the ch came back was also the first rain of the season, with a corresponding drop in atmospheric pressure.)

I had an MRI two days ago as part of the routine, and will be going back to the doc next week.

Lesser ha's have come and gone since, and I was feeling crappy enough today to come here looking for some comfort and support--and once again grateful for y'all being here.  Reading through the postings, I see myself everywhere.  Now with a couple of years under my belt, I can see some patterns.

My cycle seems to run from about September until April.  The typical ha pattern is from one to four a night, starting 90 minutes after I go to bed and recurring at 90-minute intervals.  Length of ha's is typically 30 minutes or less, but has varied from maybe five minutes to an hour or so; pain is usually K7 max; shadowing often hangs on.  The real bitch is when my head and the alarm clock go off at the same time.  My ha's feel like someone is trying to drive a nail through my left temple and pry my eyeball out with the point; pain often extends down into my teeth; any kind of light stabs straight into my brain; I may have pain/tightness at the base of my skull on the left side; symptoms may include tearing and the runny nose.  I don't know how some of you can bang your heads--I can't stand to touch my head while it's hurting.

But I've also had headaches during the summer and at all odd times during the day.  Typical is sort of a theoretical construct.

I smoke and am a caffeine junkie; don't drink.

Triggers:  MSG, for sure.  I avoid Chinese restaurants while I'm in cycle.  And I'll come right out and say it, since we're all friends here--Viagra.  Low air pressure is not good, either.  I've had several headaches during long flights, and that was really wretched because the cabin was brilliant with high-altitude sun and there was nowhere I could go to get away.

Things that help:  cold air; in particular, walking in cold winter air.

New discovery:  I had a cold when the ch's came back this year.  On top of that, an ha accompanied by runny nose will often leave me snarky and wheezy when I go back to bed.  One night, I took a shot of Benadryl before going back to bed, and didn't have any more headaches.  Same thing last night.  A little research today reminded me that histamine can trigger ha's, so it makes sense that an antihistamine might help, and I believe I'll experiment with that as an OTC aid.  I'd never have thought about my histamine level being elevated, though.

I feel better for having whimpered now, and I hope some of my experience might be helpful to others.

Thanks again for being here, folks.


Title: Re: Mostly whimpering
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Oct 7th, 2004, 8:46pm

So sorry you're suffering right now.

While it seems logical that antihistamines might be beneficial for CH, the literature suggests that OTC Benedryl (or similar) has little real effect on the headaches.  

Have you tried Melatonin?  It's been a lifesaver for many here in terms of the beast's nightime visits.  I take 6 to 9 mg about 30 min. before bed.  Also sold OTC and is all natural.  Perhaps it could help you also.

Welcome to the board - many PF wishes coming your way!


Title: Re: Mostly whimpering
Post by cschick on Oct 7th, 2004, 8:51pm
I have done a lot of reading lately on these since my CHs have returned as of last Friday night.  It was a whopper too!  I never thought about taking Benadryl but I might try that until I can get into my Dr. next Friday.  I have migraine meds but they don't help with CHs.  I am a head banger, I don't understand why I do that but I can't seem to help it.  My husband held my hands last night so I wouldn't do it anymore.  Hang in there, gotta be tough!

Title: Re: Mostly whimpering
Post by E-Double on Oct 7th, 2004, 9:29pm
I have become a huge advocate for melatonin.  
It seems that many of us have caught a break from the night time hits by taking it prior to attempting sleep.  
I personally take 6-9mg about 1/2 an hour before I'm going to lay down. I've taken back my nights and have pretty much eliminated the night hits. Sleep is a bonus for most of us and rarely occurs. I feel lucky because of this.  

Wish it worked during the day but atleast I'm rested enough to battle if necessary .

Feel good,


Title: Re: Mostly whimpering
Post by K-9 on Oct 7th, 2004, 10:26pm
I hope the Benedryl thing works for you and gives you some PF time.   I tried years ago with the Sudafed and again with Benedryl.  Just like so many other things tried for CH, it worked for a time and then stopped.  Just be careful to take it in cycles and not consistently because I ended up with worse HA than I started with, and then it kept taking more and more Anti histimine to have the same affect.  I felt it was reaching addictive status for me and so I stopped.  I do know you are on to something overall though because when I was at Diamond and they do the IV histimine treatment, they also give an anti histimine at the same time, due to the large quantities of Histimine that they are adding to the mix.  

Bottom line, what makes sense to me for a while, later changes and doesn't make sense anymore.  I wish you luck with it though!!!  :)

Title: Re: Mostly whimpering
Post by toolong on Oct 8th, 2004, 9:04am
Melatonin,02,melatonin,02 works 95% of the time for me.Tried the Benadryl,makes me sleep a little better,but awaken with slight hangover.No CH relief.Good luck [smiley=twocents.gif]David

Title: Re: Mostly whimpering
Post by thudpucker on Oct 8th, 2004, 12:18pm
Following the repeated suggestions that I try melatonin, I did.  No ha.  Slept like a brick.   ;;D ;;D ;;D  When the alarm went off, I couldn't believe that the night had passed so quickly.  It felt so good I wanted more of it.  Gawd, it was hard to get up and go to work today--but for a good reason.

Thanks to all.


Title: Re: Mostly whimpering
Post by E-Double on Oct 8th, 2004, 12:20pm
It gets better!! Sleep is good though ;;D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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