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(Message started by: keithr1024 on Oct 4th, 2004, 11:09am)

Title: outside world
Post by keithr1024 on Oct 4th, 2004, 11:09am
I just recived a post from sean c and he seems to question my lack of posting or weither i have chs at all.  . so i started to send him a private message and then decided to post it for all.first there is no doubt that i suffer from eposodic chs been diagnoised by the best neuro in the detroit area, and i've tried numerous drugs and treatments only one that had any affect was imitrex but with sideeffects that i would rather live without (severe chest pains and nose bleeds) but this is not my point, my point is that pepole in the outside world don't understand when you try to explain what you go through cluster what cluster who take a asprin suck it up so i've become apprehensive about putting my self out there so i finally feel comfortable to share with pepole who suffer like me and i get ?ed and hmmmmmed by one of this sites hall of painers thanks for the sympathy and understanding you gave me sean c i wish you no ill will and hope that the beast leaves you alone ...........BE NICE TO THE NEWBIES WERE ALL IN THIS TOGTHER.............

Title: Re: outside world
Post by Prense on Oct 4th, 2004, 11:15am

I just wanted to point out that your posts are very difficult to read.

Other than that, welcome to the land of skeptics!

Chris   ;;D

Title: Re: outside world
Post by BobG on Oct 4th, 2004, 1:56pm
Keith, you signed on a long time ago so I have to take it for granted that you have been reading at least some of that time.
The cluster people here will do anything to help you through. If it sounds like they are doubting you it is only because there have been many "fakes", whiners, wanna-be's and hypochondriacs here. We just want to be sure we are dealing with a true clusterhead.
We understand your reluctance to "put yourself out there" to the public but you can put yourself here.
Welcome to the board.

Title: Re: outside world
Post by don on Oct 4th, 2004, 2:25pm

outside world


You mean there is something other than here?


Title: Re: outside world
Post by 1MajorPain on Oct 4th, 2004, 3:04pm
I would't worry much about what Sean C says or anybody else, everybody has thier own opinion. I read a lot more than I have ever posted...I just don't find it neccessary to post on every comment seen on this board because when I'm usually here I'm fighting with the beast...but the info I've collected here HAS made all the diffence in my life. Good luck!

Pain Free

Title: Re: outside world
Post by BlueMeanie on Oct 4th, 2004, 6:51pm
Welcome Keith,

There are sooo many new people here daily that you have to understand why people get questioned about their Clusters. Many people just don't seem to have the NORM for CH symptoms. (If there is such a thing).

Unless I missed it, I never read a post about all your symptoms & such so if it's not clear, you will get asked bunches of questions. We are a nosy bunch of people when it comes to Clusters so don't be offended.

Once again WELCOME. Hope you find lots of valuable info to assist you in fighting the Beast.

Title: Re: outside world
Post by toolong on Oct 4th, 2004, 8:21pm
Share away,bro,not everybodies CH are the same and I'm sure we here at understand what you mean when you say you can't get people to understand.I've vented all sorts of frustation here,and received a lot of great feedback.Found out about O2,and believe me,it saved my life.So just sort thru all the stuff and absorb what you want.As for any BS,just ignor it!Hope you find a cure for the "BEAST" ;)David

Title: Re: outside world
Post by thebbz on Oct 4th, 2004, 8:33pm
I only post so I can get those little stars by my name.LOL Dont take negative crap to heart. Misunderstandings are common on the teletype. No expression. Hang in there Lots of good with the other stuff. PF vibes!!
BB 8) :o [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: outside world
Post by Sean_C on Oct 4th, 2004, 10:01pm

on 10/04/04 at 11:09:57, keithr1024 wrote:
I just recived a post from sean c and he seems to question my lack of posting or weither i have chs at all.  . so i started to send him a private message and then decided to post it for all.first there is no doubt that i suffer from eposodic chs been diagnoised by the best neuro in the detroit area, and i've tried numerous drugs and treatments only one that had any affect was imitrex but with sideeffects that i would rather live without (severe chest pains and nose bleeds) but this is not my point, my point is that pepole in the outside world don't understand when you try to explain what you go through cluster what cluster who take a asprin suck it up so i've become apprehensive about putting my self out there so i finally feel comfortable to share with pepole who suffer like me and i get ?ed and hmmmmmed by one of this sites hall of painers thanks for the sympathy and understanding you gave me sean c i wish you no ill will and hope that the beast leaves you alone ...........BE NICE TO THE NEWBIES WERE ALL IN THIS TOGTHER.............

on 10/03/04 at 19:57:42, Sean_C wrote:
You've been a member for 2 1/2 years and this is your third post? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


LMMFAO I give up, will the real you please stand up ::)

4th post in 3 days, you haven't said a peep in 2 1/2 years and now you can't keep your mouth shut. I'm not buyin' it  ;;D  

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