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(Message started by: crazy_mj on Oct 1st, 2004, 11:29pm)

Post by crazy_mj on Oct 1st, 2004, 11:29pm
I have noticed that since the clusters started, my anxiety has gotten worse.  Before all of this I was naturally a very anxious person, but it was the normal stuff, like about finances and such.
Now, I am becoming just a tad obsessive-compulsive, and my little fears in life have magnified into major ones.  
Now I have read that there is a link with clusters and anxiety, and found it to be somewhat comforting.  Has anyone else noticed any problems with anxiety within themselves?

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by eddie on Oct 1st, 2004, 11:47pm
yes one word xanax
but dont abuse it
it can make it worse
good luck
PFDAN TO ALL [smiley=mellow.gif]

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by E-Double on Oct 2nd, 2004, 12:01am

on 10/01/04 at 23:47:50, eddie wrote:
yes one word xanax
but dont abuse it
it can make it worse
good luck
PFDAN TO ALL [smiley=mellow.gif]

Ditto that. It is a wonderful thing.

Seriously though there is a lot to be said regarding anxiety and CH. We had a whole thread go on and on for ages about it.

Until one can come to grips with this thing just being there and preparign to do battle with it. Anxiety will be there. Wondering when the next hit will be will it be in public will I have my meds (WHICH YOU SHOuLD ALWAYS HAVE!!)

In my field I have worked with individuals with Anxiety and PAnic disorders. I evr needing to to talk drop me a line.

HAng in there


Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by floridian on Oct 2nd, 2004, 12:02am
Panic disorder started before the clusters; depression started before the panic.  Serotonin gets messed up, bad things happen.  

In my case, changing my diet helped with both mood disorders.  My fructose intolerance lowers the absorption of tryptophan, which is needed for producing serotonin. Too many carbs and too much caffeine cause swings in my blood sugar, which were the usual triggers for my panic attacks.  Not sure if the better diet has helped with clusters - escaped this years dance with the beast, but one year could be luck, and the year before I changed my diet was also pretty calm.

Xanax got me through my worst month, but the doc wasn't likely to write me more.  Skullcap and passionflower are natural benzos and can also help. But benzos don't get to the root of the problem, they only supress the symptoms while you take them and they are habit forming.   Exercise helps some people, cognitive therapy or relaxation exercises help some people.  Nutrition helps others (lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance also lower serotonin).  Magnesium and melatonin cut stress - magnesium takes a while to be effective, while melatonin works quick but can only be used at night (drowsiness).  

Check out TAPIR - the anxiety & panic internet resource

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by unsolved1 on Oct 2nd, 2004, 12:03am
Anxiety can only make clusters worse.  :'(
Some meds can cause anxiety too.  :-/
Better learn to control it.  ;)


Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by toolong on Oct 2nd, 2004, 8:32am
:P I finally see a post that I've been afraid to talk about. Anexiety.Since I've been chronic ,it seems to be much worse.Can't really explain it, but some things set it off.Tried Xanax,but it stoned me out too bad,then tried the phams.,Diazapham..But they seem to trigger my CH.Anybody got any other suggestions?We live in a very stressfull society,work very stressfull jobs,add the CH,and shit all goes to hell. [smiley=huh.gif] David

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by eddie on Oct 2nd, 2004, 8:59am
try breaking the pill in half and then quarter it
take as little as you can that works without
feeling druged and eat a bite of food with it
they have helped me but least you take
of xanax better off you are. i to worked
in stressful jobs. just dont abuse them
im an electrician and i have to have my
head on good. 480 volts hurts 120 to
if it gets you just right.  8)

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by E-Double on Oct 2nd, 2004, 10:35am


try breaking the pill in half and then quarter it
take as little as you can that works without
feeling druged and eat a bite of food with it

If/when needed I will either take 1/2 or less. Just enough to bring you down a notch. You're not using it to get "relief" from pain, just to help you get your bearings so you can cope.
Try deep breathing as well and possible rhythmic motion.

I have found that the best way to deal with this part is being honest. This might depend on your line of work yet it is better than being looked upon as a lunatic. ;)

In my line of work I am constantly in peoples homes providing services for families developmentally disabled children. I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and A Special Education Teacher who predominatly works with newly diagnosed children with Autism. I've always been the guy that helps. That takes care of things...
Well, the first time I got hit in public was directly in front of a family. I was mortified!!!! I couldn't do my job nor could I help myself nor could they help me!!!

It took a lot but eventually I learned that I have to be upfront and educate people as well. Given, there might be more compassion in one way from the people I deal with yet there is a no nonsense attitude as well. It is not their problem! They just want treatment for their children.
I am lucky because I have a fabulous reputation in the field. Thank G-d because I thought in the beginning that it would be completely tainted by these things!

I've managed to cope through educating people as well as not trying to figure them(CH) out! They are what they are and for me can strike at any time. No triggers really nor time patterns anymore. They morphed from everything I was ever used to. Talk about anxiety provoking.

Look man....Stay positive the best you can, be prepared with your arsenal of meds, ice-packs, O2, coffee, etc. and try to live life.

I'm finally learning that.
I wish you and all well.


Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by BobG on Oct 2nd, 2004, 11:16am
quote from E-Double

Seriously though there is a lot to be said regarding anxiety and CH. We had a whole thread go on and on for ages about it.

I remember the thread. I think it was started by Dave_Emond but I can't remember when it was started. Maybe someone can find it in the archives.

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by toolong on Oct 2nd, 2004, 1:20pm
Thanks.I'll try smaller doses of the xanax and see what happens.Did my share of mind altering things in the lost 60's.Don't even want to think about being drugged now. :oDavid

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by crazy_mj on Oct 2nd, 2004, 8:27pm
The anxiety didn't start to get out of control until after I had my daughter(which is when the clusters stared too).  I got post-partum depression real bad, and I stared having panic attacks when I had to leave her, so they put me on Paxil. I was only on it for a short while and it seemed to do the trick.
About a year later, at the same time as before, I requested the Paxil again.(alot of stuff was going on) This time around though, it didn't work like a charm.  I remember at one point I was thirty minutes late to work because I kept having to go back in the house and check the gas on the stove, the dryer, the door locks and so on.  It really began to amp the little quirks I had.  So I discontinued it, and it all stopped.  If I remember correctly, this was right before my cycle began.
Anway, now that I am in full cycle and have been for awhile I noticed that the obsessive-complusive tendencies I had are back again and have gotten way worse. I really want to avoid any medication because of what happened last time, and honestly I am sick of popping pills.
I think it will be interesting to see what happens with this when I get out of cycle again(if that ever happens).

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by yikes_another_one on Oct 3rd, 2004, 11:58am
When things get out of control, we seem to be really talented at ramping up our double-check system.

I never iron, and hardly ever cook... but when my mother-in-law  came down with cancer, I was constantly bothered at work with thoughts of the the stove (or iron) causing a fire in my house.

I don't know why the brain tricks us like that...
and once I faced the grief and loss, I never have worried aobut those type of things since....

Maybe we have to rein in what we can control, to make the world feel safe, and sound again.

I know that having kids changes howyou do everything.
Once my sister had her children, she never went on another rollercoaster...or airplane ride... because she was like, "What will happen to the children if I fall?"

But having a plan, knowing a sister or close friend is going to be there for the children... having it all legal, gave her some measure of comfort... just in case.

No one is given a guarantee about how many sunrises they will see.  God did not giv eus a contract saying we would have 10 billion heart beats and no more.
Each breath we take, every mouthfull of food we eat....

each moment is a precious thing, because it could be the last one.  Don't let the fear of a natural event prevent you from enjoying NOW.... every day.

What is that saying, "The moment we are born, we are starting to die...."  It's horrible, but it is a fact of life.  Everything that lives.... cats,
will journey through this world and into the next one, and maybe a next one.... who knows what life is like after this?  No one has any credible evidence of what happens next.

This pain, is scarey because you feel like you should be dying.  but we are blessed, because there are no tumors, no damage to our brains.  it is not like a seizure, we do not have to fear that death is knocking on the door.

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by EmpressJMB on Oct 3rd, 2004, 12:32pm
Nicely said Yikes.  :) J

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by crazy_mj on Oct 4th, 2004, 9:25pm
Thank you!

Title: Re: ANXIETY
Post by thebbz on Oct 5th, 2004, 12:10am
Stress and anxiety are triggers for me and I have a stressful job to go with it. The neuro tells me well what is worse CH or being hooked on xanax. How fast do you think it took to answer that one. the thread was just a couple of weeks ago. Good thread. all the best to ya.
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